I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 144

Seeing the staff moving water to the actors next to her, she hurried over

He took a bottle of water and came to Ryazan.

Liang, Ryazan Police Officer, please drink some water!" Because she was too nervous, her face

Can not help but a little red.Seeing this scene, Okino Yoko's eyes brightened.

Chapter 95 of the main text I support you!(on)

After the staff was busy for a while, the location officially started.

When the actors were about to shoot, Ryazan flipped through the book.

The name of this TV series is called "The Intimidation of Smiling in the Dark


Ryazan showed a subtle expression.

This name always feels a bit weird...

But considering that this is a play in a play, the strange name is understandable.

Ryazan sat on the sidelines, drinking a drink while watching the actors filming.

Before coming to Japan, he followed Belmode many times to the Haolaiwu filming scene.

The supporting roles in the films with Belmode are basically not bad. After being accustomed to the acting skills of those actors, Ryazan is now watching these young filming scenes, and he really can’t enter.

After Xiao Xian Ruo's Zhizheng Wu was cut twice, Ryazan finally couldn't hold on, and ran to the side to fight.

Seeing this, Shui Wu Rina hurried to ask for a parasol from the crew and set it next to Ryazan^

Ryazan narrowed his eyes and thanked him. Shui Wureina hurriedly smiled and waved his hand: "This is what I should do!"

After setting up the umbrella, Mizuno Reina was relieved and returned to Yoko Okino as if he had completed a major task.

As soon as she sat down, she saw Yoko Okino approaching.

She raised her hand, closed her own voice, and whispered to Shui Wu Renai's ear: "Hey, Reina, even if a girl takes the initiative, she can't go too far, otherwise the boy won't cherish it!"

Shui Wu Ren Nai: "???"

She looked at Yoko Okino suspiciously, and didn't realize what she meant for a while.

Seeing Mizuno Reina's appearance, Yoko Okino said: "What else are we covering? You like Mr. Ryazan, I have already seen it!"

"Don't worry, I support you! Teacher Ryazan is so good, what's wrong with girls wanting to pursue him?"

"With my strongest girlfriend, don't worry, I will definitely help you take down Teacher Ryazan!"

With that, Yoko Okino fisted at Mizuno Reina.

Hearing that, Shui Wu Lian could not laugh or cry for a while.

This Yoko Okino is fearless for those who don't know.

Like Mescal...Which woman in this world dares to like Mescal?

I am afraid that nine lives are not enough to die!

I am afraid that only a witch like Belmode can get along with Mescal's killer star.

Thinking of the way he and Mescal are in love, Shui Wushou feels like falling into an ice cave...

Just as she wanted to explain to Yoko Okino, Yoko Okino was called over by the crew and started filming her part.

Before leaving, Yoko Okino blinked at her before turning around and ran over.

Shui Wu Renai shook his head funny.

What Yoko Okino wants to shoot is a series of murder shots.

She and Xiaoxian Ròu Najijingo play a pair of lovers. In this set of shots, they have to fight first, and then Yoko Okino loses her mind because of anger. She stabs Najijingou to death and finally regrets crying.

Following the director's order, Yoko Okino started arguing loudly with Namochi.

As a representative of the new generation of powerful Japanese, Yoko Okino's acting skills are very good, if not for so many long qiāng and short pào next to him, it really looks like a girl who quarreled with her boyfriend and became demented.As a powerful representative of the new generation of Japan, Yoko Okino's acting skills are very good

If it’s not for so many long guns and short cannons next to it, it really looks like a male and female

Friends quarrel with demented girl.

Hearing Yoko Okino's shout, Ryazan opened his eyes and looked over.

After watching Yoko Okino's performance for a while, he nodded slightly.

Although this girl is young, her acting skills are really good, plus her nice face

Egg, no wonder she is so hot.

Under Ryazan’s gaze, Yoko Okino quarreled with Nachizhengo, and finally rushed

Yoko Ye took out a fruit knife, and thrust it into the chest of Zhizhengwu.

Chapter 95 of the main text I support you!(under)

Zhizhenwu showed a painful look, stepped back and fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing that Zhizhenwu who fell on the ground, Yoko Okino was stunned for a while, followed by kneeling on the ground, crying bitterly.

"I didn't want to kill him... I didn't want to!!!"

Following her painful cry, the director nodded: "cut!"

Looking at the face displayed on the camera, the director touched his chin: "Basically there is no problem!"

Hearing this, Yoko Okino and the Chi Zhen Gou who just stood up breathed a sigh of relief.

The director was in a good mood and turned his head to look at Ryazan: "Joe...cough cough, teacher Ryazan, what do you think of this paragraph?"

Hearing that, Ryazan lazily said: "As you said, there is basically no problem^"

The director just wanted to nod, but Yoko Okino keenly noticed the key points in Ryazan's words.

She hurriedly said: "Basically there is no problem... In other words, is there still a problem?"

Liang praised the corner of his mouth, leaning on the tree, and said: "If this is just an ordinary emotional drama, it is actually fine."

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