I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 145

"But... I've seen Taiwanese books before. This should be a hard-core crime drama. If that's the case, your actions just now will be very problematic. If it is shown, people will be sprayed."

As everyone watched, he slowly stood up and walked to Yoko Okino.

"You just... when killing that kid, the blade was pierced directly from this position in the abdomen, from bottom to top."

He stretched out his hand, separated a little distance, and gestured at Yoko Okino's belly.

Yoko Okino flushed slightly and nodded.

Ryazan said in a flat tone: "Stabbing in from this position, with the size of your knife, at most hurting the intestines, it will not be fatal in an instant. Otherwise, when the abdomen is cut, there is no need to refer to the wrong person."

He held a virtual palm in his hand and made the same posture as holding the handle of the knife: "If you really want a fatal blow, you can stab the liver directly from the underside of the ribs. From this angle, you can pierce the liver with a single knife to ensure that the disease will be cured^ "

With that, his hand gestured under Yoko Okino's ribs.

"In addition, you can do this by turning the blade of the knife sideways, running the chuō into the xiōng cavity along the gap between the second to fourth ribs, piercing the heart, and then pulling the knife out."

He made another gesture at Yoko Okino

Although there was no actual contact, Yoko Okino's face grew redder.

After teaching a few one-strike moves, Ryazan said, "You just choose one of the postures that I taught you just now. You can use any of them. It's hard to find faults even if it's a research party." Yoko Okino said in red. Face nodded: "Okay, I understand!"

Not far away, Taeko Dougaki, who is in charge of the script, has been watching carefully

Ryazan's teaching showed a thoughtful expression.

After a while, the last lens restarted.

According to Ryazan’s instructions, Yoko Okino directly aimed the blade at the liver and hit

Solved the intellect.

As the director called out CUT, Zhizhenwu wiped his cold sweat and stood up.

Just now, he really thought he was going to be killed

The 96th chapter of the main text is not dead!(on)

Chapter Ninety-Six is ​​not a death!

After watching the face in the video recorder, the director nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, after Yoko learned the correct way to kill, his expression is much more vivid than before!"

Yoko Okino stood by with an awkward smile.

Listening to this, why does it always feel weird...

The director looked at Ryazan: "Teacher Ryazan, thank you very much. You may not know that the Internet is too developed recently. When viewers watch TV, they like to scold them on the Internet for any dissatisfaction. Once public opinion is formed, even the story itself No problem, new viewers will instinctively feel that there is something wrong with the film, and we will lose a lot by then!"

Ryazan smiled.

There is no need for the director to tell him about this.

The network construction in the United States is earlier than that in Japan, and similar situations have already existed there.

Today, Japan is still in the dark in terms of network control and evaluation. There have been professional control and evaluation companies in the United States for a long time... His mobile phone address book does this.

Thinking of this, he twitched his mouth.

But don’t worry.

It won’t be long before Japanese technology in this world will ride on a rocket, sniff and sniff for 20 years, and directly enter the era of smart phones...

He said to the director: "You're polite, I just can't help but remind me when I have a problem with my professional counterpart."

People in the location group nodded.

As a professional policeman, he is a professional policeman. He remembers the killing technique by heart. The phrase "professional counterpart" is really reassuring!

Water without mercy: "..."

She bet that Ryazan’s "professional" is definitely not


However, dare not say.

The director looked at his watch and smiled at Ryazan: "Teacher Ryazan, you have had a hard day today, and it happens to be off work. Why don't you give me a treat, I will go to a hot spring for a treat?

Ryazan thought for a while: "Wait for me, I will ask^"

With that, he took out his cell phone, walked not far away, and made a call.

After a while, the phone was connected and Shirley's faint voice rang: "What's the matter?"

Ryazan coughed: "Well, I have a mission today to help a location crew as a security consultant. Now that the filming is over, their director wants me to go to a hot spring."

After listening, Shirley wanted to laugh a little: "If you want to go, go and report to me


Ryazan smiled: "I'm not afraid you are worried."

Shirley rolled her eyes: "I won't worry if you lose it... I won't tell you more, there are so many things on my side."

Rya Zan gave a hum, just about to hang up, Shirley suddenly said again:

"I remember, in Japanese culture, you have to drink in hot springs. You drink less."

After speaking, she explained: "I am not worried about you, I just remind you that you are a killer, and a killer cannot get drunk... Ryazan Le:


You are right."

Shirley was a little helpless, she knew she couldn't clean up this wave again.

She put down her schoolbag, suddenly thought of something, and raised her mouth.

By the way, I was at school today and told Shinichi Kudo about my identity.

His expression is wonderful, I took a picture and will pass it to you in a while."

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