I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 165

"Betraying my information to the Suzuki Foundation, you really think your life is too long?

As he said, he pressed his knees down!

Bourbon grunted again.

Text Chapter 110 Conan’s SMS (Part 1)

Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"Because of the pain, Bourbon couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

"I found out that the Suzuki family was investigating you, and I was afraid that they would find important information, so I gave them some insignificant information and confused their sight!"

Hearing this, Ryazan smiled happily.

With a click, he removed Bourbon's other arm.

With the help of the real eye, his technique and speed of dismantling joints are absolutely world-class...

Bourbon lay on the ground and ran past 10,000 horses.

Last time, he approached Mescal carelessly, and he got a mess.

Why don't you remember me this time?

He made up his mind that there will be no special circumstances in the future, and he will never get close to Mescal within five meters easily!

When he was distracted, Ryazan happily said: "The two joints are removed, what should I do next... Or else the cervical spine will be removed, it will feel very interesting."

With that, he reached out and pinched the base of Bourbon's neck.

Bourbon’s scalp was numb, and he hurriedly said, "I admit it! I took it

Rum’s order is to investigate Shirley’s affairs, in order to give you some trouble.

I'm annoying, so I disclosed some irrelevant information to the Suzuki family."

"Now that the task of investigating Shirley is over, there is no need for me to do similar things anymore, I'm serious!"

He couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

Mescal, this guy, is a gin. The crazy degree of the master and apprentice, but the whole organization is famous!

If I don't admit it, the ghost knows if this grandson will really kill him!

In the deathly silence, Bourbon waited for Ryazan's response every second.

Just when he couldn’t hold on and was about to break the net, Liang

Zan sneered and stood up.

Bourbon breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly stood up on both legs.

Both his arms were hanging weakly, and he looked particularly happy.

"You got your life, Bourbon^" Ryazan walked back to the motorcycle and put on his helmet: "A second later, your life is gone^"

Bourbon lost a smile and sprayed ten thousand words in his heart at the same time.

Seeing Ryazan riding a motorcycle to go, he quickly stopped: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, Mescal, take my arm first?"

Ryazan glanced at him and said, "What task did Rum give you recently?"

Upon hearing this, Bourbon hesitated.

In the organization, it has always been a big taboo to inquire about Rum and the boss.

If you change to gin to ask this question, I'm afraid that it won't be another set. As long as he dares to speak, gin will call it directly!

But... The neurosis of Mescal is different from the others in the organization.

Faced with this guy, sometimes there is no need to bring it in completely with the ideas in the organization.After thinking for a while, he said, "Rum told me to stop investigating Shirley’s affairs.

Waiting for new commands.'"

Ryazan nodded, which was almost what he thought.

Seeing that Ryazan had no particular reaction, Bourbon was relieved:

So my hand


Halfway through, Ryazan interrupted: "Your arm, of course, is yourself

Solve, what's wrong with Mescal?"

After that, in the gaze of Bourbon’s dog, he slammed the accelerator, and he didn’t stop for a few seconds.

See the shadow!"


He may not be a good person, but Mescal is a real devil!

Seeing a public telephone booth not far away, he rolled his eyes and slowly nudged it.

Text Chapter 110 Conan’s Text Message (below

Because of the temporary dispatch of police the night before, the Metropolitan Police Department deliberately allowed the police officers who dispatched to be three hours late.

As a good policeman who loves to be obedient, Ryazan naturally obeyed the instructions completely. He slept well at home and arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department at noon.

After paddling the water for a while, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Take out the phone and see Conan’s number displayed on the screen.Ryazan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Elementary schools in Japan are over at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is obviously not yet time to end school.

It is indeed a little bourgeois country. Elementary school students just call so blatantly during school hours...

He answered the phone: "What's the matter, if there is a life case, please call the landline of the police department directly. This is not the phone number for reporting the crime."

Conan: "..."

He rolled his eyes and said hehe.

This Ryazan is really malicious and always associates himself with the murder.

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