I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 166

He cleared his throat: "There is no murder... Brother Ryazan, I want to ask about the bàozhà case yesterday^"

"I just saw the news and said that the president of Jumu Group

Is the family zhà dead?Do you have any clues here?"

Not only did I kill it.

Ryazan said lazily, "The prisoner is very cunning and left nothing." He looked up at the time and was about to get off work.


Just when he was about to pack his things, Conan’s new text message suddenly came again


[A murder happened!!]

Chapter!" Ryazan scolded subconsciously.

At the same time, the phone on Officer Mumu's desk rang.

Mumu answered the phone and stood up: "What?! Murder!

Ryazan looked at the wall watch on the wall about to go to get off work hours, feeling a little broken.


He began to seriously consider whether he should find a chance to count Conan out

Now, maybe it can directly rewrite the crime rate in Tokyo!

"So..." Conan frowned slightly.

The bàozhà incident occurred in the Tokyo area. The impact was so great that he had no intention of attending classes at all, so he just wanted to hurry up and see the scene.

Just as Ryazan was about to hang up, Conan seemed to remember something suddenly, and quickly said: "Ah, Ryazan brother, wait a minute!"

He looked around, and whispered: "Brother Ryazan, I heard Dr. A Li say that you were saved by classmate Hui Yuan and recognized her as a brother and sister?"

Ryazan praised the corner of his mouth: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Conan couldn't help frowning: "This... how do you say..."

He wanted to persuade Ryazan that Hui Yuan was a dangerous person and it was best not to get too close.

But when it comes to my lips, I can't say it.

Who is it, you told him that a little girl is dangerous, it is best not to contact, no one will believe it...

After thinking for a while, he sighed: "Forget it, it's nothing, you can ask for more blessings."

Before confirming the true identity of Ryazan, Conan can only say

This is it.

After hanging up, less than two hours later, Conan sent a text message to Ryazan——

[Uncle Xiaogolang received a commission, which may be related to the bàozhà case, I followed it]

Ryazan took a look at the text message and was too lazy to reply, so he put it aside.Not long after, Conan sent a text message again.

[What... It turned out to be investigating an affair, which is really boring.Ryazan thinks Conan’s life is really boring

The first chapter of the main text Conan's entanglement (on)

With the sound of the police sirens, Ryazan and his party crossed the courtyard gate and entered a large Japanese garden.

Looking at Maori Kogoro who was waiting at the door, he twitched his mouth helplessly: "Brother Maori, you really have a relationship with the murder."

Maori Kogoro scratched his head and laughed, "Coincidence, it's all coincidence!"

Ryazan glanced at Conan with a speechless look.

Kogoro Mori is just a shadow warrior, the real god of death is here...

Seeing Ryazan's gaze, Conan wiped away his cold sweat, turned his head silently, pretending to look at the scenery.

Under the leadership of Kogoro Mouri, a group of people walked into the scene of the crime.

This is a building similar to a small warehouse on the edge of the garden.The moment he walked into the room, Mumu widened his eyes and exclaimed.

The other policemen reacted similarly. They were timid and sat on the ground!

Even Ryazan was taken aback.

At the bottom of the small warehouse, a man who looked forty or fifty years old was nailed to the wall by a 4E samurai sword.

The wall behind him was full of blood, and blood was splattered everywhere in the room.

The deceased also held a samurai sword in his hands, his eyes widened and his mouth wide open, as if he was about to roar.

It seems that he had fought fiercely with the murderer before his death.

The most amazing thing is that the entire house is full of traces of being chopped off by knives-tatami mats, walls, pillars, furniture... all kinds of places are full of deep and shallow knife marks!

Coupled with the dim lighting of the small warehouse, the whole house looks like a horror movie scene.

When Mumu and others were shocked, Conan took a peek at Ryazan.

Sure enough, as he thought, facing such a horrible scene, Ryazan had basically no reaction, just like watching a wild cat crushed to death by the roadside.

This kind of reaction is definitely not what a normal person should have!

Not to mention normal people, even Mouri Kogoro and Mumu who are used to seeing corpses, faced such a terrifying corpse, were frightened...

Just thinking about it, Conan found that Ryazan's eyes became very deep.

It was as if he was not looking at the room in front of him, but through the phenomenon, looking at something deeper?

A few seconds later, he found that Ryazan was showing a dazed expression, and then he lost his interest.

While Maori Kogoro and Mumu were discussing the case, he hurried to Ryazan's feet and pulled Ryazan's sleeves.

Ryazan knelt down, Conan leaned in his ear and whispered, "Brother Ryazan, have you found something?"

Ryazan said, "Yes, the identity of the murderer has been found."

Conan blinked and a question mark appeared.www.loveyuedu.com

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