I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 167

He just thought about what important clues Ryazan might have discovered, but when Ryazan spoke, he told him directly who the murderer was?

Ryazan said slowly: "In the murderer's name, there is the sound of'siwa'...I don't know how to write the specific Chinese characters, but after a while when the suspects are gathered, I will know it naturally." (Note 1) Conan was confused:

Siwa in the name? Why?"

Ryazan happily stretched out his hand and knocked Conan on the head with his index finger joint:

You should be familiar with the allusion of hiding leaves in the forest, right?"

Hidden leaves in the forest?"

Conan was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the scene in the room.

To say that the most thing in the room must be the traces of swords all over the room.

Wait, sword marks?

Conan's pupils shrank.

It turns out that the murderer is to cover up the real traces of the sword

There are so many knife marks in the house"

The first chapter of the main text Conan's entanglement (below)

After communicating this, he turned his head and looked at the wooden cabinet next to the deceased, and understood why Ryazan knew the murderer's name.

The wooden cabinet is just like the cabinet with yào materials in the yào store, and each grid can be extracted separately.

The cabinet now looks nothing strange.

The reason is that the murderer has messed up the position of the grid, and at first glance there is no problem at all.But if you change the position of the grid... it's easy to see that the scratches on the top have carved the two sounds of "siwa"!

After sorting out the entire line, Conan couldn't help but look at Ryazan.

The latter squatted beside him, yawning lazily like a roadside gangster.

Conan took a deep breath.

This guy's observation power is simply a monster!

As a detective, he has been training his observation skills since childhood.

There are many details that are not unusual in the eyes of ordinary people, and he can see the key points at a glance.

But compared with Ryazan, he felt that his observation power was simply feeding the dog!

After a while, according to the deceased's schedule, Mumu found all the people who had met with the deceased today.

Including Moori Kogoro, there are four people in total.

The other three are the sculptor Makoto Akutsu, Yuji Suwa, the master of the Kendokan, and Kitano Hatano, a doctor at the Mihua Hospital.

Hearing the name of the last person, Ryazan suddenly looked up in surprise.

Upon seeing this, Conan immediately became nervous: "What's the matter?"

Ryazan looked at Hatano for a few seconds, then sighed.

"Nothing... It's just this person's last name, which reminds me of a great teacher."

"Very great teacher?" Conan tilted his head, thinking for a few seconds, but he didn't expect any famous teacher with the surname Hatano...

However, compared to this, he has already determined the identity of the murderer.

It's the master of the Kendo Hall, Suwa Yuji!

His last name, Suwa, is pronounced "siwa"!

Coupled with his status as the master of the kendo hall, it is easy to kill with a katana

Conan curled his lips and looked at Ryazan who stood up next to him.

I accidentally lost another time

While Conan was watching, Ryazan coughed, interrupted the chat of the suspects, directly showed evidence, and identified Suwa Yuji.

Suwa Yuji wanted to quibble at first, but as Ryazan took out the evidence that the cabinet was cut, he finally conceded.

As everyone watched, he fell to his knees with a thump, and said angrily: "Yes, I killed him... The reason is simple, because this guy sold the treasure that he mortgaged when I borrowed money from him. Up!""

That knife is my family heirloom, and he dared to sell it. "And he said,

That's the interest on borrowing money from him!"

In Suwa Yuji’s roar, Conan’s gaze kept looking

With Ryazan.

Although this man has many doubts, as a policeman, he can really say

It is due diligence and excellent performance.

Does such a person really hide their identity?

As for Ryazan, a familiar system reminder suddenly sounded in his ears-one

[Successfully improve the current world relevance, reward the big turntable once!]

The first one and two chapters of the main text bourbon: Is there any reason?(on)

[Successfully enhance the current world relevance, reward the big turntable once


Hearing the system prompt, Ryazan did not hesitate to enter the NPC turntable space.

With a rapid rotation, the big turntable slowly stopped--

The pointer points to a pattern resembling a samurai sword^

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