I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 168

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill: Master Swordsmanship!

[Master Swordsmanship: After you step into this step, your swordsmanship is already perfect, you are the sword, the sword is you, wherever the blade reaches, the stone is unstoppable!

With the system prompt, a lot of knowledge flooded Ryazan's mind like a tide.

Although Ryazan had never practiced swordsmanship before, the only cold weapon he had practiced was the dagger, but with the system rewards, his understanding of swordsmanship reached an incredible level within ten seconds. !

Even if he doesn't compete with others, Ryazan is sure that his swordsmanship is definitely not comparable to the so-called X-segments of Kendo.

In a sense, his swordsmanship has surpassed the realm of normal people, and one foot has stepped into the realm of metaphysics!

After sorting out the knowledge in his mind, Ryazan couldn't help but smile.

Starting today, he also has the same metaphysics level ability.

Although it is a little different from Conan's football that spans several kilometers, at least it will not be too much... With this idea, his consciousness returns to reality.

While looking at, he subconsciously saw the samurai sword on the deceased.

Ryazan stroked his chin-did he draw a sword skill himself, is it related to this case?

After thinking about it, he thought this should be just a coincidence...

Because of Ryazan's superb speed in solving the case, although the scene of this case was terrifying, the impact was not significant.

As the forensic class collected the on-site evidence and the forensic doctor took the corpse, the case came to an end.

Some serious policemen, such as Shiratori and Chiba, all cast admiration at Ryazan.

Shiratori sighed with emotion: "I always thought I was an elite...Unfortunately, in front of you, my so-called elite is still too far behind."

Ryazan shrugged: "This can't be helped, after all, I opened the hook."

Shiratori was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

Ryazan’s way of comforting people is really strange.

Other police officers who were not so serious also gave Ryazan grateful glances. The reason is very simple-in such a big case, they can go home from get off work, and they are indeed Ryazan police officers!

After returning to the Metropolitan Police Department to answer the case, Ryazan walked to the parking lot, got into his car, and made a phone call.After a while, the phone was picked up and Bourbon gritted his teeth.

Mescal, you are so embarrassed to call me

Ryazan praised his eyebrows:

What's so embarrassing about this? We are not the same

Are you a good colleague in the department?"

Upon hearing this, Bourbon was slightly surprised.

He subconsciously felt that Ryazanxian did not find something.

But shortly afterwards, he dismissed the idea.

In Mescal’s style, if you really expose yourself, it’s not a call

Come, but the team is waiting.

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes:

"You know a man who has dislocated his hands,

What kind of posture do I need to make if I want to make a public phone call?"

The first one and two chapters of the main text bourbon: Is there any reason?(under

Ryazan grinned: "Don't tell me, I'm really curious."

Bourbon can only answer one, hehe, after all, he dare not say anything else

"Don't talk about that... why did you contact me suddenly?"

Ryazan leaned back in his chair and said lazily: "Aren't you all right now, help me get a good knife... You want a really good knife, don't fool me with those mass-produced rags."

"The time you have been operating in Japan is not too short. Don't tell me you don't even have this energy."

Hearing that, Bourbon was a little strange: "Good sword? Katana? What do you want this thing for?"

"Collection." Ryazan casually made up a reason: "I am driving home now. Before I finish dinner, remember to fix this, otherwise you may not be able to survive next time."

Bourbon: "..."

Damn, a foreign assassin threatened him as a local official ape!.Full-net.

So angry!

Although I wanted to refuse, when I thought of Mescal’s special identity, he would be considered a vast tour in the organization, and a good relationship with Mescal would benefit a lot in the future. Bourbon would still linger on the sidelines and work at the same time. received.

When he was about to hang up the phone, Ryazan said again: "Oh, yes, I have used bullets a little bit fast recently. When you come, you can bring me a few boxes... you need 9mm standard ammunition, don't bring it wrong."

The corner of Bourbon's eyes twitched.

This Mescal, really uses him for errands!

I am also a Japanese public security officer anyway, and he wants to run errands to send bullets to a killer... Is there any reason?

Bourbon felt that he couldn't laugh, and tears flowed into his stomach.

After hanging up the phone, he hurriedly called his subordinate, Feng Jian Yuya, and asked Kazama to prepare the knife and bullets immediately.

Hearing Kazami Yu's respectful and obedient voice on the phone, Bourbon finally found a little happiness in life.

Driving a black Baling car, Ryazan returned home.

Because Bourbon would come in a while, he did not turn on the light at the gate of the courtyard.

After taking off his casual suit and changing to a set of home clothes, Ryazan walked slowly to the table and turned on the laptop.

When Pisk's mission is over, he will go to the United States.

Before that, he decided to make the most classic song in "Kill Bill" first.

Before he traveled into this world, he had studied music for a period of time.

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