I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 183

The word police is ruined in your hands.,

She took the floppy disk: "This floppy disk came at the right time.

Human bottleneck, with the information here, the progress can be advanced again!

With that said, he wanted to go back.

Ryazan reached out and tapped on her forehead: "Stupid girl, if you go back


Don't even want to see it^

Shirley stretched out her hand to hold her head, and after a moment of surprise, she said in surprise: "You mean, soft

Is there a virus on the disk?"

The first two chapters of the text What day is this?(under)

Liang Zan said: "All the floppy disks used in the organization come with the disease "Baron Night". If you don't use the computer in the organization to read it, all data will be automatically erased."

After hearing this, Shirley couldn't help taking a deep breath.www.loveyuedu.com

If Ryazan does not remind, this information will be over!

She frowned slightly: "But now, I can't use the computer in the organization..."

Ryazan knocked her funny again: "Idiot, my computer belongs to the computer in the organization. If my computer does not have an identification code, the organization wants to send me information, what should I think?"

Shirley gave a dazed expression.Then, feeling the pain in her forehead, she reached out angrily to knock Ryazan on the head.

Ryazan squatted on the ground, shaking his head from side to side, making Shirley unable to hit herself at all.

Taking advantage of Shirley's "attack" gap, he still stretched out his hand cheerfully, wanting to knock Shirley's head again.

Seeing Ryazan reaching out, Shirley took a step back subconsciously.

This retreat accidentally lost his balance.

Shirley was afraid to stretch out her hand to keep it flat because she was holding a floppy disk in one hand

Heng, instead guarding the floppy disk in front of him, the whole person does not have to fall back on his own.

Just when she was about to fall, a big hand firmly supported her back.

Ryazan lifted Shirley's small body with a light effort.

Because he was in a squatting posture, he would lean forward when he wanted to hold Shirley, and Xiao Ai would come together, just squatting into Ryazan's arms.

Feeling Ryazan's body temperature close at hand, Shirley blushed.

Although it is not the first time that the two have been in close contact, when he was in the small hotel before, he had even been seen and touched all over, but...every time in such close contact, she still made her blush, heartbeat and nervous.

Ryazan smiled and put his face lightly on Shirley's small shoulder.Although she became smaller, Shirley still had a warm fragrance on her body.

This scent is not the smell of toiletries, but a reassuring and comfortable soft scent.

Ryazan couldn't help but think of a famous saying by the teacher.

Presumably, girls are made of sugar, spices and some beautiful things...

He closed his eyes and said softly: "Shirley, you don't need to worry, even if you are like this in the future, I will always love you."

"I won't stop your research, but you also have to take care of yourself. You must rest when you are tired."

Listening to Ryazan's whisper in his ear, Shirley's breathing was also a little quickened when he felt the heat of his breathing.

She just wanted to nod her head, she heard Ryazan whispered: "Could it be that you are so anxious to develop the solution yào, so that you really become a damn child?"

Shirley rolled her eyes, and the touch she had just got disappeared instantly.He stretched out his feet, kicked Ryazan's leg lightly, then patted Ryazan and hugged him.

His hand, blushing, went to the notebook.

Looking at Shirley's back and red ears, Ryazan smiled.

Shirley was sitting in front of the computer, pressing the password that Ryazan told him last time to hit the computer


When starting the machine, she suddenly thought of a question.

"Ryazan, your power-on password should be a date? But it's not you either

'S birthday, what time is it?"

Hearing this, Ryazan was slightly taken aback.

He showed a look of nostalgia: "Sister Zubei checked me back on the street

Days to go."

Shirley's little hand on the keyboard paused.

The unimagined road in chapters one, two and three of the main text

Seeing Ryazan's expression, Shirley pursed her mouth.

In her impression, Ryazan, this guy, has never been going right. She was afraid that he was facing a life-threatening danger. This guy also looked like the sky was falling and tall.

But... Ryazan always shows a very real expression every time he talks about topics related to Belmode.

Although she does not fully understand the story of Ryazan and Belmode, she also knows the outline.

For Ryazan, Belmode is probably the most trusted person in the world...

She understands Ryazan, but...every time she thinks about it, she can't help but feel a little complicated.

Especially considering Belmode's figure, her mood is even more complicated.

Originally, her figure was far inferior to Belmode, but now she has become like this, even without the qualifications for comparison.www.loveyuedu.com, no matter how abnormal Ryazan is, it is impossible to be right.Girls in the first grade have hopes.

Thinking of this, she sighed silently.

Immediately afterwards, she was a little angry with herself.

I am entangled with these things, as if I care about Ryazan!

This kind of stupid who only cares about his body, likes whoever he likes... It's his own business.

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