I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 184

She snorted, and the movement of unlocking the floppy disk in her hand sped up a bit.

Seeing her appearance, Ryazan was a little strange: "What's the matter, Shirley?"

"Nothing." Shirley replied coldly with half a month's eyes.

After entering the password, the data in the floppy disk is finally unlocked.

She read the information on the floppy disk as quickly as possible.

After reading it, Shirley's expression was subtle: "Not the part I need most, but it's better than nothing."

The floppy disk can hold 3M files at most, so it is impossible to install the complete information of APTX4869.

From the beginning, Shirley did not expect a floppy disk to solve all problems.

She is quite satisfied with the current results.

She transferred all the data in the floppy disk to Ryazan's computer, and then used a new floppy disk to copy the data over.

In this way, her computer can also read this information.After putting away the floppy disk, Shirley returned to the desktop and just saw the desktop

Above, the script file saved by Ryazan.

She blinked and turned to look at Ryazan.

"When are you going to America?"

Ryazan was stretching not far away. Hearing what Shirley said, he thought about it and said, "It should be fast, it's coming to Japan's Golden Week soon. It's time to go to the United States."

Upon hearing this, Shirley nodded.

Ryazan smiled and said, "Why, do you feel lonely now?

Shirley raised her eyebrows, smiled and said, "No, I'm just grateful that I can finally be clean for a while."

"If there is nothing wrong, I will go back and continue my research."

With that, she gently jumped off the office chair and walked to the door.Ryazan nodded nonchalantly: "Well, slow down." Shirley stopped slightly when she heard Ryazan's words.She took a deep breath, her steps quickened a little.

Just when she was about to walk to the door, the whole person subconsciously exclaimed.

He turned his head and looked back. I don’t know when, Ryazan has come to her back.

Later, he smacked her under the armpit with both hands and picked her up.


Mescal! What are you doing!

Shirley hung in the air, panicked, and subconsciously shouted Xi's name.

Ryazan cheerfully said:

Yes, the expression now looks very much in line with your present

In the image too.,"

"That look of bitter and deep hatred just now doesn't match elementary school students.,

The unimagined road in chapters one, two and three of the main text (below)

After hearing that, Shirley's kicking stopped.

She raised the corner of her mouth: "I'm so sorry, I can neither become an exquisite mature girl nor a cute elementary school girl... I am just a monster with a smaller body and a bad personality."

"If you feel uncomfortable seeing me like this, you can tell me directly, I will obediently avoid your sight and not cause you trouble.,,

Having said that, she chuckled: "Well, if I were you, I would be sent to a country in a foreign country, where I could spend my life there. As for myself, there is such a beautiful woman as Belmode. What else do I need to stay with me..."

"Sorry." Before Shirley's words fell, Ryazan spoke suddenly.

"Sorry, I'm the one who makes you upset."

Shirley fell silent and looked at Ryazan quietly.

Ryazan squatted down, put Shirley on the ground, face to face with himself

"I can't argue with Sister Bei. No matter what level, I am not a good man."

"But... I'm pretty sure about one thing, that is, no matter whether you are sister Bei or you, in my heart, there is no substitute."

"I like you, Shirley. I like you very much. Whether you are a schoolboy with a bad personality or an adult with a bad personality and a weak body, I like you."

"No matter how angry or dissatisfied you are, I will do everything I can to make up for it, so please don't say anything about leaving me... For me, this is the most fearful thing in this world."

"If you really leave me, then I will use all my resources to find you, even if I want to find the day of old age, I will never

Will give up."

"After I find you, I will use all means to keep you. Even if you hate me and want to leave me, I will cling to you and will never let you go."

"I do what I say."

He stared into Shirley's eyes tightly and said seriously.

Under Ryazan’s gaze, Shirley was silent for a while, and couldn’t help but say: “Why are you talking about such a serious topic?

"To be able to speak so arrogantly about what the scumbag said, in a sense, you are indeed beyond my expectations..."

"Moreover, if you really want to make me happy, don't admit that I have a terrible character and a weak body!"

"Even when I hate you, when I want to avoid you, you actually have to chase after you? Where are you perverted?!"

After a series of complaints, Shirley felt a little bit weak.

Ryazan saw her state at a glance and hurried to her back and sat on the ground.

Shirley gave him a white look, sat on his lap, and let out a breath.

Since childhood, her mood has never been so complicated.

As a scientist who has been specially trained by the black organization since she was a child, she has almost never imagined that she will have a love affair.In her opinion, all she can do is complete the various tasks assigned by the organization.

Save yourself and sister's life, nothing more.

Until one day, this man suddenly appeared in his life

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