I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 185

Whether it’s the happy time when studying in the United States, or escaping from the group by yourself

Zhizhi, when she learned that Zucu was still alive, the indescribable joy made her deeply

Understand that he and this man have already had an indelible bond.

She couldn't help sighing.

Mescal, you said, if we were two ordinary people"

How good it would be to never experience these dark pasts.

The first two four chapters of the main text comes from the envy of Ryazan (part one)

Hearing this, Ryazan touched his chin and thought for a few seconds.

Then shook his head: "Don't let it go."

Shirley raised her head back and looked at him strangely: "Why

"If we were all ordinary people, a goddess-like existence like you would definitely look down on me." Ryazan smiled.

Shirley rolled her eyes: "I don't know who said that I have a bad personality and a bad figure."

Ryazan was furious: "I was shocked, which bastard would dare to say that to my wife, wait for me to fight Sanlily with him!"

Shirley chuckled.

She wanted to stand up, but found that Ryazan was holding her and couldn't stand up at all.

She raised her head and said, "Have you enough?"

"No." Ryazan shook his head earnestly, watching Shirley with his eyes, "Even if I hold him for a lifetime, he won't be enough."

Shirley looked away silently.

This idiot, who always looks stupid and stupid, suddenly becomes very frank when this happens...

It must have been trained from Belmode!

Shirley rolled her eyes at the thought of this.

She stretched out her hand, slapped Ryazan holding her hand, and stood up.

Turning around, she looked at Ryazan who was sitting on the ground and raised her mouth: "For your good performance, I will stay with you for a while."

"However, if I am in a bad mood one day..."

She wanted to say that if one day is in a bad mood, she will really disappear and see how you want to find it.

But... halfway through, she changed her mouth again when she saw the worried look in Ryazan's eyes.

"If I am in a bad mood one day, I will develop a new dúyào and give it to you while you are not paying attention."

After speaking, she suddenly became a little tangled, wishing to go back a few seconds ago and choke herself to death.

Why should I take care of Ryazan’s feelings!!

Ryazan smiled: "Well, if there is such a day, I will drink it happily."

Seeing Ryazan’s smile from her heart, Shirley snorted, turned her head, went to the door, changed her shoes, hummed back at him, opened the door and left.

Ryazan sat there, smiling and watching Shirley leave.When Shirley closed the door, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and she exhaled and wiped her sweat with her hand.

"It's too dangerous, it's too dangerous... I almost got a hatchet."

Ryazan stood up and drew bitter tears in his heart.

Sometimes he really envied the heroes of the harem in Dongfang, such as a middle school student with internet addiction who played double knives. It really means that the harem will go wherever people go, and they never catch fire.

In comparison, I'm just a waste, just two wives, they may be hatched at any time...

In particular, these two wives are both from the underworld, and I am afraid they will not have any psychological burden when they kill.Thinking of this, Ryazan wanted to cry again.

Took a bath, drank a cup of warm milk, brushed his teeth, and did a simple set of soft exercises, he

Sleep until dawn the next day.

Until the evening, Suzuki Jiroki called and said that he would come and pick him up.

After hanging up the phone, Ryazan returned to the bedroom and opened the bedside table.

Several guns of various models are neatly placed in the cabinet.

He looked back and forth for a while, and finally took out the Boletta 92F.

This was the first gun Gin taught him to use, and it was the most comfortable to use.

Taking the gun, he took out a black trench coat from the closet.

After all, it’s a memorial service, it’s unlucky to wear other colors

The first two four chapters of the main text comes from the envy of Ryazan (below)

Chapters One, Two and Four, The Envy from Ryazan (Part 2) is covered by the windbreaker. Even if you bring a larger qiāng, no one will notice.

In addition, he usually dresses up in a windbreaker, so it's not surprising that he is dressed like this.

After making preparations, the car sent by Suzuki Jiroki to pick him up also arrived.

Ryazan couldn't help being speechless when he saw the car parked at the entrance of the courtyard.

It turned out to be an extended Rolls Royce...

There are also several escorts before and after the extended Rolls-Royce.This pomp... really deserves to be the top super consortium in the world of Conan.

Under Ryazan's gaze, the driver got out of the car and respectfully opened the door to invite him to go up.

Ryazan squinted his eyes, swept the car door with real eyes, and sat on it after he was sure that there was no metal detector.

Suzuki Jiroki was already sitting in the car. Opposite him, there was a table between the two of them, with an ice bucket on it, and two bottles of wine in it.

Suzuki Sonoko was wearing a long dress and sitting next to Suzuki Jiroki. Seeing Ryazan, she smiled and said hello: "Brother Ryazan, good evening!"

Ryazan nodded: "Good evening, Yuanzi, you are very beautiful."

Suzuki Sonoko said, "What's the use of looking good, how uncomfortable it is to dress..."

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