I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 192

Long black trench coat, black top hat, long silver hair, exactly


Hearing the sound of Ryazan knocking on the window, he turned his head and saw Ryazan making faces at him.

Gin put down the glass, his expression did not change, but his eyes flashed

A bit helpless.

Ryazan's vigilance and anti-reconnaissance ability made him very satisfied.

Before entering the house, he had already covered up all the traces that could be covered up. He planned to wait for Ryazan to open the door and call him in a qiāng, and then said coldly, "The easy life makes you slack in your vigilance?

Unexpectedly, Ryazan found someone in the house.On this alone, he was relieved a lot.

The only pity is that no matter how strong this kid is, his unhealthy attitude

There is no change.

If this can be changed, this guy will become more terrifying than himself.

The killer.

On Ryazan's side, seeing that the gin was not scared by himself, he smacked his lips with a pity.

He returned to the door, opened the door and entered.

Then he took out the police officer's ID: "Mr. Gin, in view of your behavior of breaking into the house,

I am arresting you in Western style.'"

Gin sneered: "Unfortunately, the name of the head of this house is not you.

It is an ordinary outside member of the organization."

"It's you, Mescal."

Ryazan was shocked.Genius remembers this site address in one second:


Text Chapter 129 Scorpion Solitaire (Part 1

Seeing Ryazan’s surprised expression, Gin snorted and drank the wine in his glass.

Ryazan sat across the table, picked up the wine bottle and poured himself a glass.

Looking at the amber wine in the glass, he smiled strangely:

"Why drank bourbon suddenly? Is it because you want bourbon?"

Gin took off his hat, put it on the table casually, then leaned back, leaning against the back of the chair.

Ryazan couldn't help being a little curious looking at the scattered white hairs of the gin.

With so much hair, how tired every time I wash...

Jinjiu ignored Ryazan's chāke babble. After such a long time, he has long been used to Ryazan's nonsense.

He faintly said: "You have been in contact with Bourbon a lot, have you found anything?" Ryazan thought for a while, "It's okay, although this guy has a suspicious smell all over his body, but it hasn't happened yet. Found something wrong".

Gin said: "Indeed, from an action point of view, Bourbon has no flaws."

"However, instinct tells me that he has a big problem."

"Your power of observation is above me, and you will pay more attention to him afterwards. Bourbon is a very scheming guy. Even you, if you are negligent, you may fall into his calculations."

Ryazan nodded.

Seeing the thoughtful look of gin, he was a little emotional.

In terms of information mastery, he should have told Jinjiu these words.

Gin really bears the burden he shouldn't have in his position

He drank a sip: "Why do you suddenly have time to come over? Are you busy with things at hand?"

Gin nodded: "I was busy two days ago. On the way back to Tokyo, I met a strange killer. It took a little time to prepare him."

Hearing this, Ryazan was slightly taken aback.

The killer who can make gin "spend some time" is absolutely world-class.

When will a killer of this level appear again in Tokyo?

Gin said lightly: "After killing him, I searched his body, only to find a card with a scorpion printed on it, it should represent his identity."

With that, he took out a card from the pocket of the windbreaker and threw it to Ryazan.

Ryazan reached out to catch it and looked at the card.

On the card, there is a scorpion with a little abstract style. Below is the English "scorpion" of scorpion.

Seeing this card, Liang praised his eyebrows.

After thinking for a few seconds, he was taken aback for a moment, and then put the cards away.

Seeing his reaction, Gin said, "Do you know the identity of that person?"

Ryazan shook his head: "It's just a guess for the time being, I will tell you after I investigate it."

Hearing that, Gin no longer asked.

He slowly said: "I heard Vodka talk about the matter tonight."

"I will not judge what you do right or wrong. What I teach you is only the method of killing people. Under the premise of not violating the interests of the organization, how to use this ability is your own business." "I only Just to remind you, Pisk is an old bad horse, you use him

It's no problem to build momentum, but Wu Jian moments, using this old guy will only hurt himself.

"That's all I have to say, what are your plans next

Ryazan said: "Sister Bei asked me to go to the United States. I may be leaving soon."

Hearing this, the gin was slightly taken aback.


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