I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 193

There was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

This mysterious woman is really incomprehensible.

The gin is sure, if necessary, this woman will sell it without hesitation

Drop yourself.

Text Chapter One and Two Nine Scorpion Cards (Part 2)

However, considering the relationship between Ryazan and Belmod, he is too lazy to black Belmod.

He walked slowly to the window, opened the window, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and spit the smoke out of the window.

"What's next?" he asked.

Ryazan thought for a while: "I don't have any plans for the time being, so I will go to work first. The people above have contacted me and said that they would arrange me a promotion test for the police department in advance. I should be promoted to the police department soon."

Gin nodded.

Rimu is one of the areas where activities are most frequently organized. If it can be seen in the police system, it is indeed profitable and harmless.

With Ryazan's ability, it is completely fine to get into a high position in the Metropolitan Police Department.

After confirming the situation on Ryazan's side, Gin left.

Although he didn't say what to do when returning to Tokyo this time, Ryazan estimated that 80% of it was related to the House of Representatives election.

After the gin was gone, he took a picture of the Scorpion playing card he had just received and sent it to Kaito Kidd.

Then add another sentence.

[Call back after reading the text message.

After a while, the phone call from Kai Pi Kidd came back.

As soon as the call was made, Kidd was surprised: "How did you get this card?"

"I got it after solving a killer." Ryazan said warmly, "Do you know the origin of this card?"

Kidd couldn't help being surprised.

Although he knew that Ryazan was unusual, he didn't expect this guy to be stronger than he thought... He pondered for a few seconds, then slowly said: "No accident, this should be a card representing identity in a mysterious organization. brand."

"When I took gems, a man code-named'dú snake' often interfered with me. He wanted to take away the gems I got. He had a similar card on him!"

"It seems that the people in that organization all use animal cards?"

Ryazan thought for a while: "From the perspective of dú snakes and scorpions, it is also possible that this organization does not use animals as its code name, but dú objects as its code name."

Kidd was stunned: "That's also possible... But if you only use things, the organization size feels a lot smaller."

Ryazan said, “It’s not easy. You just need to control the issuance and use of the title. Newcomers can’t get the title. Only seniors, or those with outstanding talents and abilities, are eligible to get the title. If the organization is large and the total number of code names is small, it is reasonable ^ ”

Kaito Kidd: "..."

How does this Ryazan police officer say about the organizational structure?Although it’s a bit strange, he doesn’t think it’s much


He suddenly thought of his most anxious question: "By the way, you let me go.

Isn't there something for me to do? What the hell is it

"It's very simple, I want you to investigate a house." Ryazan said cheerfully.

"I have to know everything about that house for a while, and I will take that house

The information is sent to you.

"A friendly reminder, during the investigation of the house, life may be in danger at any time,

It is best to always prepare the means for Jin Chan to escape."

Listening to Ryazan’s smiling words, Kidd’s instinctive feeling, this time, I’m afraid

Got in big trouble

The first and third chapters of the main text, how do you wear Shirley's clothes (part one)

United States, New York, Kennedy International Airport.

With the roar of the motors of an airplane, Ryazan walked out of the airport with the crowd.

He called a taxi casually, put his luggage in the trunk and sat in the back seat.

The driver was a middle-aged white man wearing a red plaid shirt with hair on his arms. Seeing Ryazan’s Asian appearance, he subconsciously wanted to think more carefully.

As a result, he chatted a few words casually. Hearing Ryazan’s New York accent, he simply gave up the detour plan.

Ryazan sat in the back seat and took a nap. When the driver woke him up again, he had already reached the villa area on Fifth Avenue.

Ryazan pulled the suitcase and looked at the familiar scenery around him, with a smile on his lips.

He has lived here for a long time.Except for the organized training ground, this should be the place where he has lived for the longest time.

With a feeling of nostalgia, he took out his cell phone and dialed Belmode.

After a few seconds, the call was connected.

"Sister Bei, I'm here, you can drive to pick me up." He said with a smile.

Belmode smiled slightly: "I am a little busy here. I parked a car in the parking lot of the mall next to me. Someone is waiting to give you the key. You can just drive in that car directly^ "

Hearing that, Ryazan is a bit strange, but he nodded and agreed.

Walking to the parking lot of the nearby shopping mall, a member of the outside organization had already been waiting here, and respectfully gave him the car key.

Driving Belmode's car, directly into the villa area.

This car has already been filed here, and no guard will come over to find out who drove the car...

Ryazan knew the route in the villa area a long time ago, so he stopped in the garden yard of Belmode, took out the key to open the door, and walked into the house.

Opening the door of the house, he showed an unexpected expression.

He thought that Belmode would greet him at home, but unexpectedly, the living room on the first floor was empty.

Ryazan loosened his suitcase and subconsciously opened a real eye, and found Belmode sitting in the bedroom on the second floor, seeming to be putting on makeup.

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