I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 194

"Is this getting up late? Why do you put on makeup at this time?"

With doubts, Ryazan went upstairs and walked to the door of Belmode's bedroom.

He reached out and knocked on the door: "Sister Bei, am I here?"

Belmode didn't answer, which made Ryazan even more strange.

He reached out and opened the door.

The door was unlocked and opened with a light push.

Ryazan was shocked when he saw the scene in the house.Belmode is not sitting in Belmode's bedroom.

On the edge of the luxurious bed, sat a young girl.

She has short brown hair, delicate features and a white coat.It is Shirley!

Ryazan opened his mouth wide and froze for a while.

A few seconds later, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Sister Bei, how do you wear Shirley's clothes?"

"Shirley" smiled slightly: "Is this reward for you very exciting?" As he said, "Shirley" stretched out her hand and gently took off her white coat.

Ryazan's breathing suddenly increased.

Although I know that I am excited at this time, I must pay a price afterwards, but

He couldn't help but rushed forward

I don’t know how long it took, Belmode squinted and lay on the bed.

I'm too lazy to talk.

She has now returned to her original appearance, with her long golden hair spreading out like

Elf from the forest.

Yi Rongcheng Shirley’s mask fell on the side, not being pulled off by the hand, but

Just now, during the fierce fighting, Ryazan was torn off with his teeth.

After ten minutes, she finally recovered some strength.Division

The first and third chapters of the text, how do you wear Shirley's clothes (part 2)

Looking at Ryazan who was lying next to her, she sneered.

"Mescal, it seems that you spent more effort today than usual..."

Hearing that, Ryazan, who was pretending to sleep, was subconsciously taut.

Seeing that it's useless to pretend to sleep, he turned his face and smiled: "Sister Bei, are you tired, or should I give you a massage?"

Seeing Ryazan's lame change of the subject, Belmode grunted funny.

"Help me to take a bath first, my body is so slimy and uncomfortable."

"Really!" Ryazan hurriedly got up, and respectfully helped Belmode to walk to the bathroom, like a slave.

Both of them were so tired that they didn't start a second round of war in the bathroom this time, and they cleaned each other gently before returning to the bedroom.

Belmode wrapped in a bath towel, lying on the big bed comfortably, Ryazancu sat on her and helped her do a full body massage.

Enjoying Ryazan’s massage, Belmode squinted comfortably

While massaging, Ryazan picked out a few recent events and told Belmode.

Hearing that Ryazan accepted a very powerful hacker into the organization, Belmode raised his eyebrows.

She turned her head and looked at Ryazan who was sitting on her back, showing a thoughtful look.

"Boy, what else do you know you shouldn't know?" she asked, squinting.

Ryazan tilted his head and looked confused.

"Know what...? I don't know anything, I just saw that sister Bei, you care about software programmers, and you happened to meet a good hacker, so you took him into the organization."

Belmode grunted, turned his head, and lay down on the pillow again.

Regardless of whether Ryazan really knew something, or just a coincidence, she didn't really care.

For her, there is no secret that Ryazan really cannot know. Even if there is, there is just no need to tell him.

Ryazan went on to briefly talk about Pisk.

After listening to his narration, Belmode rarely showed a serious expression.

After thinking for a while, she turned over and faced Ryazan.

Because Ryazan was sitting on her back waist imaginary, the position of the two of them was a little subtle when Belmode turned around.

Belmode looked at Ryazan quietly: "Mescal, who knows about your rescue of Pisk?"

"Gin, and vodka^"

Belmode thought for a while and nodded: "Fortunately, although the gin is cold like an inorganic substance, he is on your side."

"As for vodka, there is no order for gin. Even that adult can't know anything from his mouth. It's someone who doesn't need to worry too much."

"Remember, don't tell anyone about this in the future."

"That old fellow Pisk, although he is just a dead camel, one day you will find that if you save him, there will be an unexpected return."

Seeing Belmode being serious, Ryazan was a little surprised

He rescued Pisk, partly because of Ireland’s request, partly because of Pi

Sk is really good.

Unexpectedly, there seems to be other intentions?

In Belmode's gaze, he nodded: '

"Okay, I understand.


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