I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 195

Belmode smiled satisfied.

Then he lowered his head and looked at a certain position."It looks like it's another



The first and third chapters of the main text turn to Los Angeles muscle (on)

As night fell, Ryazan put on a black trench coat, drove Belmode's red Ferrari, and left the villa area.

He holds the steering wheel in one hand and the phone in the other.

On the screen, is a photo.

The picture shows a white male named Andrew Joyce, a freelance photographer who currently lives in an apartment in Brooklyn.

This person is the friend mentioned by the dead photographer Anxi in the previous "TV Station Murder Incident".

This person, photographed Belmode taking off his gloves when he was backstage!

You know, Belmod's identity at the time was "Sharon Wynyard" with an aging disguise mask on his face.

Although the photo was a bit fuzzy at the time, if you look closely, you can see that Belmode's arms are smooth and delicate, and they definitely do not belong to a middle-aged woman!

This photo must disappear!

Ryazan's face was calm, without the slightest disturbance.

Manhattan and Brooklyn are not far away. Ryazan drove the car and arrived at his destination in a short while.

The apartment that Joyce lives in is of the kind that is neither bad nor good. There are basically no cameras around. Ryazan doesn't even need to open the real eye to be able to hide perfectly.

In the apartment, Joyce is fiddling with his camera, humming a small song while watching the photos inside.

At this moment, the doorbell was suddenly rang.

Joyce was taken aback: "Who?!"

A somewhat cautious male voice rang outside the door: "Sorry, sir, I found a letter at your door. I don’t know if you dropped it.

Upon hearing this, Joyce was taken aback.

He carefully put down the digital camera in his hand. This is a world-class product with 810,000 pixels. He never dared to bump it when using it.

Then he walked quickly to the door and glanced outside.

At the door, stood a young Asian man, really holding

With a letter.

He looked around, and found that the other party was well-dressed, all well-known brands.

As a photographer, although Joyce is not a rich man, he has met many rich men.

People who wear this kind of clothes must be from a good family background and cannot commit fraud.

Moreover, this young Asian looks very cautious, with the words "good bully" written all over his face, it is impossible to be a bad person.

Thinking of this, he opened the door: "Thank you, give the letter to..."

Before he finished his words, in his astonished gaze, the restraint and gentleness of the man in front of him disappeared instantly.

Ryazan lifted his foot and kicked Joyce directly into the room, and at the same time stepped into the room, closing the door.

Joyce clutched his stomach and exhaled in pain: "Damn it! Damn it! You dare to break into the house without permission, I want to call the police to catch you..."

He ran: got up and went to the phone.

Ryazan took off his gloves and walked behind Joyce expressionlessly. He kicked Joyce on his knees and kicked Joyce to his knees!Then, he reached out and grabbed Joyce's hair, and slammed into the cabinet next to him. Joyce only felt that his eyes were dark, one Buddha was born, two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and he wanted to scream, but even screamed. Does not come out.Ryazan pulled Qi Yisi's hair and asked him to face him.

Andrew Joyce, right?"

After being eaten by Ryazan, Joyce had long since lost the heart to resist, and quickly nodded:

Yes, yes! It's me, all my money is given to you, please spare my life"

Ryazan ignored his words and said directly:

"You used to sneak up to the stage

Taiwan, have you ever taken a picture of Sharon Wynyard?"

Joyce was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn’t expect that he would be found for this kind of thing.


He paled:


He just wanted to explain, Ryazan pulled his hair directly and hit the cabinet next to him.


For a moment.

The first three chapters of the main text turn to Los Angeles muscle (below)

The intense pain and dizziness made Joyce's nose and tears come out.

He cried and said with a sad face: "Yes, yes! I took a sneak shot! Sorry! I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Ryazan said solemnly: "Where is the photo?"

"I have a copy in my computer, a copy in the album on the cabinet over there, a copy in the camera, that's all!"

"Not uploaded to the Internet?" Ryazan asked.

Joyce hurriedly shook his head: "Don't worry, absolutely not!"

Ryazan nodded: "Who have you shown the photos?"

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