I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 196

At this time, Joyce had almost lost the ability to think, and said directly: "I have only shown it to a Japanese photographer friend! Because he is a fan of Joseph..."

Speaking of this, he was suddenly taken aback.

"You, you are Joe..."

Halfway through the conversation, Ryazan directly slammed his head to the side again. This time, Joyce directly lost consciousness.

When he confessed just now, Ryazan had already confirmed with True Eye that Joyce's brain activity was normal and there was no sign of lying.

He dragged Joyce by the collar and threw him directly into the bathroom.

Then, he threw all the albums, cameras, and computers in Joyce’s home. 0♂chasing♂book♂help♂first♂post♂


Finally, he took out a sealed bag from his pocket, took out a large piece of gray clay-like thing from it, put it on the ground, and threw a detonator.

After doing this, he put on his gloves again, opened the door, and left the apartment building.

After driving a certain distance away in the car, he took out a remote control and snapped it down.

In the apartment building in the distance, with a bang, billowing flames came out of the windows!

Ryazan praised the corner of his mouth, stepped on the accelerator, and the red Ferrari rushed directly into the night.

After solving the photo problem, Ryazan accompanied Belmode and flew to Los Angeles.

According to Belmod’s original request, Ryazan should participate in the opening plot of "Kill Bill" Q

That is, the newlywed husband who plays the heroine at the murder wedding.

At first, the film crew heard that Belmode would appoint someone who had never made a movie to participate in the filming, and they all showed resistance, but after hearing that Ryazan was actually Joseph who wrote a lot of well-known songs, The attitude suddenly changed.

In addition, the script for this time was also written by Ryazan, and what he was going to act was just a tale that died at the beginning, and the film crew had no opinion.

Originally, the film crew thought that Ryazan was just coming in to play tickets. Unexpectedly, in subsequent shootings, Ryazan’s advice on lens usage from time to time all played a miraculous effect!

The director of the crew suggested to Ryazan several times that he would take Ryazan into the film and television circle, but they were all fooled by Ryazan's playing haha.And when Ryazan took out the music he made before on the fourth day, the photo was taken

The production team was completely shocked.

After listening to the music written by Ryazan, the music supervisor became excited.

If it is said that this movie was originally worth eight points, add Mr. Joseph’s

The soundtrack is a classic that surpasses very much!""

Seeing the excited look of the music supervisor, Ryazan gave a dry smile.

Quentin would be very pleased to hear you

That night, he was walking on the street alone and suddenly noticed

To a figure.

It was a man with a black knitted hat standing in the crowd,

, With both hands in

In his pants pocket, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, looking at him from a distance.

The first and third chapters of the main text: Letters from Moonshade Island (Part 1)

Seeing Ryazan noticed him, Akai turned around and walked away slowly.

Ryazan raised his eyebrows and followed.

After a while, the two walked into a bar.

In the middle of the dance floor, a few young people dressed like ghosts were shouting vigorously. Around them, large groups of men and women danced wildly.

The two found a deck to sit down, and the waiter walked over.

Ryazan raised his hand: "Here are two glasses of rye whiskey with ice."

The waiter nodded and went to the bar to prepare.

Ryazan put his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands: "That's right, Char, I know I'm in Los Angeles."

Hearing this, Akai chuckled at the corner of his mouth: "You must be looking for Sharon Wynyard when you come to the U.S. And it's no secret that Sharon Wynyard was filming in Los Angeles. What's weird about finding you."

Ryazan shook his head: "You can't say that. Although normal people can think of this logic, your FBI may not have the IQ of normal people."

Akai Hideichi: "..."

While talking, the waiter brought two glasses of rye whiskey.

Ryazan looked at Akai Shuichi: "Char, give me the money."

Hideo Akai was speechless, this person, should he care about such a small amount of money?

He took out his wallet and took out a twenty-dollar jiāo to the waiter: "No need to look for it."

Ryazan looked at the wine in the glass with real eyes, then picked it up and took a sip.

Seeing the wine in the glass, Akai Hideichi was a little emotional.

He stayed in the organization for two years, from 28 to 20 years old.

As an agent, so much time can be burned in a lifetime, two years, what an extravagant number.

He picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

The unique heavy taste of rye whiskey refreshes people.

Putting down the wine glass, he looked at Ryazan: "Does Belmode do anything?"

Ryazan was happy: "How can I listen to you?

Like streaming information?I said Comrade Xia, don’t make a mistake, I can

Not the FBI."

Xiu Akai smiled and said, "Really? I think you should like this jiāo flow, after all, you are a person who is afraid of trouble.

Ryazan praised the corner of his mouth.

He really admired Akai Hideichi.

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