I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 197

Not only because he is his own brother-in-law, but more because this man lives well, you don’t have to tell him a lot of things.

Then you understand.

In the gaze of Akai Hideichi, he shook his glass: "Shirley is a traitor to the organization. It's normal for Sister Bei to deal with her. I will protect Shirley. You don't need to mix this up."

"You'd better remind your colleagues, don't play Sister Bei's idea, or don't blame me for not giving you face."

He grinned: "So far, the person I'm serious about to kill has not missed. You can ask your colleagues to try and see if they will be the first?"

Hideichi Akai felt complicated.

As a person who used to be an undercover organization, he knew Ryazan's abilities more clearly.

Don't look at this guy's usual harmless appearance of humans and animals, he really started to be ruthless, definitely not better than gin.If possible, he does not want to provoke people like Ryazan

But there is no balance between right and evil. Sometimes, many things are not what you want to do

Just do it.

Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart.

Picking up the wine glass, he took a sip, then leaned forward, lowering his voice.

"Mescal, do you know where my mother is now?"

Ryazan raised his eyebrows:

Your question is amazing how would I know

Where is your mother?"

The first and third chapters of the main body of the letter from the Moon Shadow Island (part 2)

"At the time, I was thinking about Mingmei and didn't understand what you said.,,

"Later I recalled, you should have mentioned my mother!,,

"Also, before my mother disappeared, she was in Lúntown!"

"Mescal, you don't want to tell me, does this matter have nothing to do with you?"

In the gaze of Shuichi Akai, Ryazan smiled.

"Your mother's disappearance is indeed related to me, but I don't know where she is now."

Upon hearing this, Hideichi Akai said solemnly: "What the hell is going on?

Ryazan shrugged and said: "I can't tell you the specifics. After all, it is an organizational secret. I can only tell you that your mother was still alive before I returned to Japan. As for the others, I don't know anymore^" This is not a lie to Akai Hideichi.

After he rescued Akai Marie, he directly used the god of thunder to send it back to Japan. As for whether Akai Marie was alive or dead, he had never studied it.

Saving Akai Marie's life in the first place was also for the sake of morality. He estimated that in the future there will be no jiāo with Marie Akai.

Akai Hideichi frowned.

Ryazan's words screamed too much, even if it was him, it would be difficult for him to figure out what it meant for a while.

Seeing that Ryazan didn’t plan to say anything, he had to give up asking

If as Ryazan said, his mother is still alive, then it should be deliberately not contacting him.

He knows his mother very well. If he does not contact him on purpose, then there must be a reason, and he doesn’t need to force to figure it out.

After separating from Akai Hideichi, Ryazan returned directly to the hotel.

Belmode was tired from filming during the day, and was already asleep by now.

When he was about to go to bed, he suddenly received a text message from Kidd the thief.

[The water is much deeper than expected, it will take some time to investigate^]

Ryazan praised the corner of his mouth.

The water depth is right...

What he asked Kaito Kidd to investigate was the property left behind by Karasuma Renye in the Twilight Pavilion.

He has to figure out whether Karasuma Renye still has any reservations about this annex.

Judging from the plot of the original work, Karasuma Renye should have never figured out the true value of the twilight pavilion, otherwise it would not be sold.

After Conan and his team solved the secrets of the twilight annex, the wall of the annex peeled off, revealing a large amount of gold inside. If nothing else, the gold should have filled the Japanese treasury in the end.

Such a large amount of gold, instead of being taken by the Japanese government, or taken away by some unknown person, it is better to take it personally...

For this reason, Ryazan must confirm whether Karasuma Lenya is still paying attention to this annex.

Only by confirming this can he start with peace of mind.

While thinking about it, he gave Kidd back a U

As the Golden Week draws to a close, there is basically nothing wrong with Ryazan on the crew's side.Farewell to Belmode, and the reluctant crew members, Ryazan sits flying

The plane returned to Japan.

As soon as he got off the plane, his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, Conan brought it.

Ryazan picked it up.

Brother Ryazan, someone sent a letter of entrustment to brother Xinyi, but Xinyi

Brother is not here, can you work hard? In the name of a new brother’s friend, take the responsibility

Please take a look?" Conan said in a pitiful voice.

Hearing this, Ryazan raised his eyebrows:

"A trust for Shinichi Kudo? Who is the trustee?

Conan looked at the letter in his hand: '

"The client is called Keiji Aso,

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