I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 401

However, as soon as Ryazan's voice fell, the fat kid showed anger.

"You fellow, despise me?!"

While talking, he walked up to Ryazan in two steps, lifting his leg and wanted to kick Ryazan's calf.X

However, before he was kicked out, the scene in front of him began to spin fast!

In Conan's stunned gaze, Ryazan flipped the little demon standing on one leg with a slight move.The kid fell back on his back, before he had time to exclaim, Ryazan stretched out his hand and held his head.

Ryazan smiled, held his head, and raised him in front of him.

"Boy juice, if this is in a free country, you are already dead."

The kid who was holding his head struggled desperately: "It hurts! It hurts! Let go, let go, you bastard!"

Looking at him, Ryazan was a little bit happy.

Yin's kind of like Wc

The map of the undead on Baker Street, in order to prevent players from being reckless, has made great restrictions in combat.In this picture, if someone is caught or injured, they will be out of the game.

Correspondingly, the pain value is also limited.

In the movie, the little ghosts made a big noise in the bar and received various fatal injuries, but they didn't react much because of this.

He just wanted to tease a few more words when suddenly he heard Noah's voice ringing in his ears.

[I just turned on his pain value system. He is not performing but it is really painful.]

Hearing this, Ryazan was stunned.No wonder this kid looks like he's going to die.

He shook his head a little funny, then let go of his hand, making the little devil fall back to the ground with a snap.

The kid clutched his head, looked at him for a while without daring to speak, and finally returned to the team silently.

Conan walked to him and laughed dryly: "Hey, how much effort did you use just now, I think he seems to be crying." Hearing this, Ryazan stretched out his hand and slapped Conan's forehead.

Conan subconsciously covered his forehead, but found that it didn't hurt at all

Under Conan’s somewhat puzzled gaze, Ryazan lazily said: “Don’t worry, the pain value of this game is limited, and it won’t hurt at all.” After that, he looked at others: “If you don’t believe it, you too. Try it?" Conan was surprised.He looked at the little devil who was holding his head and accepting a grievance, showing a speechless expression.

After hearing this, the other little ghosts tried all of them, and found that as expected, when the female Ryazan said, all the little ghosts holding their heads showed the same expression.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the little devil was first taken aback, and then angrily said: "It really hurts when he squeezed my head just now! It's the same as in reality!"

However, this is purely quibble to others.

The vast majority of children like to choose one or two people from the group to isolate them, and the rest of them unite to bully the isolated.

The performance of the fat kid perfectly meets the needs of being isolated. If it weren't for his father's identity, maybe other people would have to keep a distance from him. At this moment, a harsh scream suddenly sounded!

At the moment Conan was stunned, Ryazan had already rushed towards the sound of the sound! X

Although he is not good at solving crimes, he would be worthwhile if the criminals showed up.He is professional in arresting people!

In less than half a minute, he came to the scene of the crime.In an alley without street lights, a woman was pushed to the ground. Next to her, a man in a cloak was raising a knife to stab it down.X seemed to hear Ryazan's footsteps, the man in the cloak looked back, then dropped the woman, got up and ran!

Seeing this scene, Ryazan grinned.Back then, Bourbon used a Mazda to ride a train. Today, it is not a problem for Ryazan to catch up with a little assassin!

When he moved his feet, he chased him directly!

"Cocoon" is very powerful in computing, basically it can completely restore the player's real physical fitness.

Ryazan had already undergone rigorous organizational training, coupled with the strengthening of the system, bào is very strong!

However, just as he was about to catch up with Jack the Ripper, he suddenly realized that fog began to form around him.

The fog appeared extremely fast, and within a few seconds, it filled the entire block! Jack the Ripper rushed into the fog and no one was seen.

Ryazan slowly stopped, showing a painful expression.

"As for? In order to win me once, pay such a big bet?"

What he said, most people sounded like he said to Jack the Ripper.

In fact, he said to Noah.

Noah did not answer, but Ryazan knew that he would definitely hear this.

Seeing that Noah didn't answer, he smacked his lips, and then chuckled.

Since Noah is playing tricks first, don’t blame him for this spoiler party. Wc

At this time, Conan also chased him.

"Brother Ryazan!" Conan yelled as he ran over: "Where is Jack the Ripper?"

"Running." Ryazan said concisely.Hearing that, Conan was a bit regretful, but not surprising.

Jack is an NPC in the game, and he must be far more familiar with the map than players like them.

Moreover, as a game, if you start to catch up directly to win, it is not reasonable.

The time the two talked, others also ran over.

Hearing that Jack the Ripper ran away, everyone was a little regretful and felt relieved.

If Jack the Ripper didn't run away, they would have to face the boss directly, thinking about it, it was a little scary.

Conan just wanted to suggest that everyone find a place to rest for a night, Ryazan suddenly said: "Don't worry, I have already thought of a way to deal with Jack." Hearing this, everyone was taken aback and looked at him.As everyone watched, Ryazan grinned.

"First of all, everyone, hand over the money they have!"

Explain this.

This morning the website issued the statistics for the semi-annual award. I found that I had one day last month

One chapter is missing, and no leave form is applied.

So, three months and a half year award, and one month full attendance, a total of 29,000 yuan,

Directly gone.

I feel very depressed. I slept for a long time. I still feel depressed when I get up and I breathe.

Not smooth.

I remember the two shifts I owe, adjust my mentality these days, and then make up for everyone.

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