I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 402

Text Chapter 295 You can't play like this anymore

With the money "searched" from his teammates, Ryazan found a local newspaper overnight.After a period of "friendly" jiāo, he insisted on urging these people and added a message to the morning paper the day after tomorrow.

[Go clean 37th Street in Whitechapel District——M to J]

Seeing Ryazan's posting information, Conan blinked in confusion.

He looked at Ryazan: "Brother Ryazan, what does this mean?"

"This is a spell." Ryazan said.Conan: ""The three little ghosts from the Junior Detectives approached him: "Conan, what kind of spell is this?" Conan rolled his eyes, and you asked me who should I ask? However, he did have some guesses.As several people watched, he slowly said: "In the Victorian era, newspapers were a very convenient way of communication. Many secret industries liked to publish their secret codes on broken paper, which could effectively convey what they wanted to express. Don’t worry about being seen by others.”

"This message from Ryazan's brother Xingdeng is like some kind of secret signal."

"The last sentence, M to J. Although I can't guess who M is referring to," it probably refers to Jack the Ripper!"

"This code might be for Jack the Ripper?" When Conan said, everyone looked at Ryazan in surprise.Xiaolan blinked: "Brother Ryazan, is what Conan said true?"

"Almost." Ryazan nodded.

After receiving Ryazan's confirmation, everyone showed happy expressions.Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning of the game, Ryazan already knows the contact information of Jack the Ripper! As an adult, he is amazing!

Conan still couldn't help being curious: "But brother Ryazan, who is the M in the secret code?" Ryazan gave him a white glance: "Which so many questions, why are you 100,000."

Conan felt a little angry.Xiao Ai walked over slowly: "I am also curious, of course, if it is not convenient to announce it now, I am not in a hurry." Just after Xiao Ai asked, Ryazan said: "It's Moriarty, in this game Here, Jack the Ripper was bred by him, so as long as the information is published in his name, Jack the Ripper will definitely be obedient."

"At that time, as long as we ambush a group of people here, when Jack the Ripper arrives, wait for work and suddenly come out, what should we do?" Hearing Ryazan's words, Conan wanted to vomit blood a little.If you ask the same question yourself, you will be sprayed. Huiyuan asks, answering so hard.This differential treatment is really excessive! Then, he suddenly reacted and said in surprise: "Wait. Brother Ryazan, what did you just say? Really? Holmes' old enemy, Professor Moriarty?" Ryazan nodded. Head: "Well, this game combines the two worldviews of Jack the Ripper and Detective Sherlock Holmes, so the characters in both works have appeared."

Conan's eyes lit up: "If you say that, isn't it over Baker Street"

"Yes, Holmes lives there." Ryazan nodded.However, before Conan got up, he added: "However, if I guess correctly, Holmes is probably no longer in Lúndon now. The cunning, dangerous, unscrupulous, and brazen character of Enochah’s Ark, It is very possible that Sherlock Holmes has been forcibly transferred from Lún Dun now. "When Ryazan said, everyone was a little startled.Xiaolan couldn't help saying: "That Ryazan brother, why do you know so clearly?" Hearing this, Ryazan smiled: "Because I went to the United States to play this game in advance."

"Although I didn't play the game Jack the Ripper at the time, I only played a few other games, but Jack the Ripper's general plot and settings, I have seen the spoilers in the Yang Jing."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.The fat kid before, widened his eyes and said: "How could it be possible that I also wanted to go to the U.S. to experience it in advance. I specifically asked my dad to talk to Schindler's company, but the opposite directly refused, saying Avoid leaking secrets and refuse anyone to try it out in advance!" Hearing this, everyone showed a little surprised expression.

This kid's dad can be regarded as an industry insider in the gaming circle, and his status is not low, he can't even get a place to try in advance.

Thinking of this, Sharen's eyes on Ryazan immediately changed.This policeman is probably not easy! Although these little ghosts are young, they are basically the descendants of politicians, financiers, and other top people in the industry. They are very sensitive to this kind of identity information.Many people who were still thinking about making troubles before, are now at ease.At this moment, a kid in a red suit suddenly ran over to pull Ryazan's sleeve: "Ryazan, come with me!" As everyone watched with some surprise, he pulled Ryazan and ran to nowhere. In a small alley in the distance.

A little girl wondered: "Who is that?" Another whispered: "That's the grandson of the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department. According to the position, it's Ryazan's boss above her head!" Red The kid in the suit pulled Ryazan and ran all the way to a place where no one else could see, before stopping. Under Ryazan's gaze, his body slowly changed into a Hiroshi Hiroshi with a burst of data disturbance. Tree. That's what Noah looks like.

He looked at Ryazan with an unbelievable expression.

"Ryazan, how do you know this? Did you really read the script?"

"It's impossible. The only person who has the script is Yusaku Kudo. He signed the contract and must not leak the script!"

Upon hearing this, Ryazan showed a cheerful expression.

"It's true that I have a supernatural power, and I may predict the future."

"Do you think I would believe this?" Noah couldn't help rolling his eyes.After thinking about it, he was a little skeptical: "Could it be that you are actually a genius hacker who secretly hacked into Schindler's database?" Ryazan: "Is it really artificial intelligence? I think the question is always the first- Time to think about technology.Under Ryazan's gaze, Noah sighed."No, you can't play like this anymore. If you continue to play like this, the game won’t

Having to play for a while, he seemed to have made up his mind.Seeing Noah’s face,

Ryazan suddenly had a bad feeling.

I said, you can’t play Lai, this is a game, you can’t do whatever you want

"-Thank you for your support. I slept again at night

Yes, I wake up and see the encouragement posted in the last chapter, which is very heartwarming.Yesterday's day may be due to

The brain's self-protection mechanism-all kinds of sleepy, too miserable.

Text Chapter 296 Noah:???

Under Ryazan's gaze, Noah imitated his usual way, showing a somewhat triumphant smile.

"Games are not just what you want to do."

As soon as his voice fell, he heard shouts from a distance——

"Found it! It's an associate of Holmes!"

"Catch them! Don't let them run!"

Hearing this voice, Ryazan was a bit speechless.

It seems that I, a pure and innocent player, met the dog KP today.

He gave Noah a middle finger and hurried back.

Not far from Conan's group, several people with revolver qiāng can be seen.

Combined with the plot of the undead on Baker Street, he guessed the identity of these people at once.

These people are undoubtedly the subordinates of Colonel Meng Lang!

He originally wanted to learn from Captain America and play a drama like Long Live Hydra, but Noah didn't intend to give him a chance to do sāocāo, so he just let the other side brainless.

Although Ryazan doesn't care about winning or losing the game, he still needs face.

He gets off the court himself, if he can’t even keep this person, then kill

Hand...Ah, yeah, then this policeman would be for nothing.

After despising Noah again in his heart, he took Conan and his party and embarked on an escape journey from Lún Dun.

After a day and a half, all the players in the team wanted to die

a feeling of.

Naturally, the world in the game cannot be exactly the same as in reality, otherwise it would have been messed up outside.

But... a day and a half in the game, there are also several hours.

In the past few hours, Noah arranged six chases for Ryazan and his party for various reasons.

Ryazan feels that the game is now renamed Road to Survival, and there is no sense of disobedience.

On this day, his small advertisement in the newspaper finally went online.And with the launch of the small advertisement, the pursuit of soldiers also began to have more tricks

At the beginning, the people Noah sent were basically local ruffians and hooligans, and they basically didn't have qiāng in their hands.

Occasionally there are a few people who take qiāng, they are also the kind of shè qiāng that is short in length and depends on the blindness.

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