I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 411

Although it was strange, for the sake of professionalism, she overcame the inquiries and obediently took out the room key.

Entering the room, Ryazan put Xiao Yuan down first, and then closed the door.

He happily said, "It seems that the girl at the front desk treats us as father and daughter."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai raised her mouth: "Why, do you like this setting? I don't mind playing a situational role with you."

Ryazan subconsciously filled his mind, feeling a little warm in his lower abdomen.

He swallowed: "Really?"

Seeing Ryazan's appearance, Xiao Ai's breathing also accelerated a bit. However, on the surface, she still maintained a very indifferent appearance.

She nodded gently.

Then, under Ryazan's gaze, she took a deep breath, brewed for a few seconds, and whispered: "Dad, Dad?" Hiss!!!! X

Ryazan felt that his sanity value was instantly emptied.

With the curtains closed, the two of them were in the room, doing everything they could except for the home base they couldn't complete.

In the bathroom, Xiao Ai was soaked weakly in the hot water and exhaled.In her body, there were a lot of strange feelings at the same time.

Weakness, weakness, satisfaction, and all kinds of residual touch

Looking at Ryazan, who was sitting on a small bench washing her hair with her back to her, she touched her body secretly, and then smiled.

It seems that even if he gets smaller, Ryazan still has various ideas about himself.

I seldom do it on weekdays, I should be concerned about my body,

Feeling Ryazan's thoughtfulness, Xiao Ai felt her body warm from inside to outside.

After cleaning, she didn't bother to put on clothes, so she spread out the bed and slept all afternoon.

Ryazan wanted to sleep for a while, but Conan called again.He walked out of the room and answered the phone by the window at the end of the corridor.Conan's voice sounded.

"Brother Ryazan, I just tried to investigate."

"The Menrisaori who sent me the letter of commission is gone!"

"According to the household registration management personnel on the island, Monle Saori has disappeared since three days ago."

"However, because she often ran away from home, it seemed that everyone didn't care much about it."

Hearing Conan's words, Liang praise raised his eyebrows.

"I see, it must have been taken away by your death power."

"Don't curse others to death casually" Conan said silently.

"I found out that the last time she left the island, she should have been with the shrine maiden on the island, so she is now preparing to visit the shrine-a little bit."

"I am a little kid who asks about such a sensitive topic, and I will probably be rejected. So Brother Ryazan, will you come with me?


Hearing this, Ryazan nodded: "Okay, although I'm quite tired, but for the sake of your travel expenses, let me accompany you... Conan rolled his eyes.

After investigating for so long and visiting everywhere, my tired legs became weak and dizzy, and I didn't say it was tired.

You ran to the hotel and rested until now, yelling a fart. So, after a while, the two came to the American Shrine together.

Looking at the name of the shrine, Ryazan showed a very subtle expression.

When he noticed Ryazan's appearance, Conan was a little strange: "Brother Ryazan, what's wrong with you?"

Ryazan smiled: "Did you know? In the big country, the word America refers to the United States in Japan."

Hearing this, Conan was slightly taken aback.

If you think about it this way, this American Shrine is a bit funny.Led by Ryazan, the two walked into the shrine.A woman in a witch costume,

The horse was cleaned quietly in the yard.

Pretending to be Hui (27)

Shajiang 0 young daughter

American Shrine

Seeing this girl, Ryazan's eyes lit up.

So cute.He said.

Because it was so cool just now, he can now fully use the angle of artistic appreciation

Come and see what this witch looks like.

Seeing Ryazan and Conan, the shrine girl was taken aback for a moment, then stopped her work, and confronted them.

The man smiled.

Excuse me, are you two tourists here? Welcome to American Island."

My name is Shimabukuro June, and I am the witch here."

Chapter Three and Three of the main text, should you ask about the corpse?

Looking at the witch in front of him, Ryazan stroked his chin.Relying on the information given by Xiao Ai before, he almost remembered the plot.

Many years ago, Shimabukuro's grandmother declared that she could live forever after eating a mermaid ròu, and she created a mermaid festival, injecting vitality into this ordinary small fishing village.After the death of grandma, Shimabukuro's mother used the transfiguration technique to make up as a longevity woman, maintaining the myth of "immortality" for the longevity woman, and continued to preside over the festival.Of course, one night three years ago, three young girls, in order to verify whether the longevity woman was really "immortal", actually took advantage of Shimabukuro's mother to find something in the warehouse and set the warehouse on fire.In the fire, Shimabukuro's mother could not escape and was burned alive. Before she died, she called Shimabukuro for the last time, hoping that she could continue to play the role of the longevity woman and let the fish festival continue. vD> After the truth of this incident, Shimabukuro Kimie raised the blade of revenge.

The door where Conan asked for help before] Le Saori was one of the three people who set fire to him. At this time, it was already a corpse.

Ryazan felt nothing wrong with Shimabukuro's behavior.

In real life, the reason why the law is completely ruthless is because no one is sure that the "truth" that the murderer said must be the truth.If the law is sentimental, what criminals have to learn is not anti-reconnaissance methods, but acting skills.

Before everyone kills, they compose a story that touches the earth and moves the audience like something, and they advocate innocence.Over time, the society is afraid that it will not be over.

However, Shimabukuro is different.Whether her story is true or false, Ryazan, as a traverser, cannot be clearer.

From the standpoint of the Metropolitan Police Department, Junhui Shimabukuro’s behavior must have violated the law and must be liquidated.

However, if he stood from the perspective of the extrajudicial fanatic and organizational killer Mescal, he would applaud Shimabukuro Junhui.It would be a pity to let this girl be arrested by Conan Lu if left alone.Otherwise, give her a chance and put it to the test

Ryazan made up his mind in silence.

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