I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 412

Seeing that Ryazan was silent, Conan looked up at him.Seeing Ryazan staring at Shimabukuro Junhui as if he was wandering away from the sky, Conan was a bit speechless.This guy, like Uncle Kogoro, gets distracted when he sees a beautiful girl? In desperation, he can only go by himself, and under the name of Kudo Shinichi's assistant, he starts to inquire about information with Shimabukuro.

Junhui Shimabukuro is very gentle, even if Conan seems to be just a child, she still says everything she can say.Finally, she and Conan agreed that after the mermaid festival in the evening was over, she would take Conan and Ryazan to the house of Le Saori and meet Men Le Saori's father.

After asking all the questions, Conan politely said goodbye to her, and then, together with Ryazan, prepared to leave the shrine.At this moment, Shimabukuro suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, by the way, two, I have two more number plates here, which can be used to draw the arrows of dugong at the Mermaid Festival tonight. If you are interested, please try your luck. She smiled and passed the two signs.

Conan's mind is entirely on the case, and he has no interest in the brand.Ryazan thought for a while and took both signs.

Although both he and Xiao Ai knew that the story of the mermaid was false, there was nothing to do at night anyway, so it was better to join in the fun at the festival.In dating things, the man is always more proactive and finds something interesting to do.Unless, it is the main character of Yasasi in the love comics.He put away two signs: "How much is it?"

Shimabukuro smiled: "No, this brand originally only sold for five yen. The previous holders of these two brands have already paid for it, so you can just take it directly." Ryazan nodded.

For ten yen, it's only a few cents, so there is really no need to entangle.After stepping out of the shrine, Conan looked at Ryazan humbly.

"Hey, brother Ryazan, is it possible that you are fascinated by that witch sister?" Ryazan glanced at him after hearing this.Then nodded: "The same can be said."

At present, in the entire organization, only himself and Belmode can be perfect.If Shimabukuro's disguise skill level is high enough, then he is really interested in Shimabukuro.

Hearing Ryazan's words, Conan was slightly taken aback.,

He blinked.This guy really fell in love with that witch? However, after a little thought, he gave up the idea.Ryazan, who often drives trains with his mouth full, would be a fool if he believed in everything.> Before long, the two returned to the town.After a day of tossing, Conan was already hungry. When he saw a ramen shop in the village, his eyes lit up and he was about to ask Ryazan to eat together.

I turned my head and realized that Ryazan didn’t know when he was gone.

In the yc shrine room, Shimabukuro Kimie closed the door slowly and walked to a big box.She stretched out her hand, ready to open the box.

"This is your disguise equipment?" Just when she touched the box, a voice suddenly sounded! Shimabukuro Junhui exclaimed, and hurriedly turned to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw that in the shadow of the room in the corner of the room, Ryazan was standing against the wall with his hands in his pockets, looking towards this side with a smile-

Seeing Ryazan, Shimabukuro Junhui was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, showing a somewhat nervous smile."You are the gentleman with Conan-kun just now, right? I don't know what you are talking about. Did you make a mistake?"

Hearing this, Ryazan smiled.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the warehouse.

"Or, you go to the warehouse and ask the corpse to see if I have made a mistake."

Upon hearing this, Shimabukuro's face turned pale.

"You, what are you"

Ryazan waved his hand to stop Junhui Shimabukuro's question.

"At any rate, I have seen blood. Calm down when things happen, don't panic at every turn.")

"With your abilities, you shouldn't be like a little girl. You will be hysterical when you encounter something?" Upon hearing Ryazan's words, Shimabukuro Junhui's expression was a little complicated.

Ten seconds later, she held back her nervousness and slowly knelt down in front of Ryazan.

Upon seeing this, Ryazan nodded in satisfaction.

That's great."He bent down, put his elbows on his knees, and cupped his face.

"Come and tell me, your motive for killing, and a plan." Want to be one

A killer, most of the time, clear thinking is more important than physical ability.3

The reason why he asks this is to see if Junhui Shima can

Can have a clear idea.

After all, if you are optimistic, you are optimistic. If you really want to recruit people, you still have to look at the comprehensive


Text Chapter Three and Four I'm just an ordinary policeman

Seeing Ryazan's relaxed face, Shimabukuro felt confused.What's the matter with this man? Obviously, he found out about killing himself, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he seemed to have a chat with himself.Moreover, the content of the chat, or his own motive for killing, and the murder plan, is it the kind of perverted murderer in the movie? Seeing myself as a "newbie", I can't help but be curious and want to come to experience it? Shimabukuro swallowed.

Although she couldn't understand Ryazan's approach, Liang Zi's slow attitude made her relax a lot.In Ryazan's gaze, she killed herself, the reasons for the murder, and the plan for the murder.After listening, Ryazan narrowed his eyes and showed a thoughtful expression.Seeing Ryazan's appearance, Shimabukuro-kun Hui pursed his mouth.Next, the man's reaction will determine her fate.

What would he do? Call the police directly? Or use what he did to threaten him? She is not a rich man, and the shrine has no valuables.

If you insist, the most coveted thing about this shrine is she herself. Is it true that she will be treated by this man?

Thinking of this, Shimabukuro's breathing accelerated a little.At this moment, Ryazan suddenly said: "No way."

"Huh?" Junhui Shimabukuro was taken aback.In her gaze, Ryazan had a regretful expression and shook his head slightly: "I have to say, your performance is really terrible. He lazily said: "First of all, I just found the body, not necessarily. It proves that you killed it. You can shirk the bill, and it’s not too late to talk about anything else when I show you the evidence."When I heard this, Shimabukuro's pupils shrank. Yes, why didn't I think of this just now? Ryazan continued: "Compared to this, the next point is your flaw."

"You are too immersed in your own world. Observation of your surroundings is obviously not enough." In Shimabukuro Junhui's somewhat puzzled gaze, Ryazan grinned: "You have never noticed that most people on this island Know your true identity. As soon as this remark came out, Shimabukuro Junhui almost stood up.

"How come? Everyone has never mentioned this. If everyone really knows, why do you want to participate in the festival? Wouldn't it be better to expose the true identity of the longevity woman!" Ryazan laughed and said, "Exposure? Why? Want to expose? This island was originally just a poor fishing village, and that's why; because of the longevity, there are endless tourists, and the whole village has made money. If you expose you, the legend of Mermaid Island will disappear completely. Up?"

"If you don't believe me, you are on the island. Just ask someone older on the island?" Shimabukuro Junhui's eyes widened, and he couldn't speak for a long time.If what Ryazan said is true, then the murder plan she had prepared before, and thought that it was seamless, was simply a child's farce!

She had planned to kill the three, and then faked the illusion that she was also dead.After that, I disguised myself as my longevity, looking for a chance to leave here secretly. From now on, Gao Renniaofei. If the villagers know that the longevity is pretending to be by himself, then this plan is simply the same as Luǒben? This is nothing.If you kill someone yourself, even if you are caught and locked up for your life, you deserve it, and there is nothing to say.The most terrifying thing is that I was caught midway, and I couldn't kill all the three scumbags. If it ended up like that, it would really be worse than death!

Seeing the appearance of Shimabukuro Junhui, Ryazan knew that this girl had realized the problem.Originally, he planned to leave directly.But, thinking that Shimabukuro Junhui killed, the reason for people was to avenge his mother, he sighed again.Give another chance

He pointed his chin to the box next to him: "Go and show me a disguise."

Upon hearing this, Shimabukuro Junhui was slightly taken aback.She is now full of planning mistakes, where can she have the mind to make changes?

But, don't know why, when she saw Ryazan's eyes, she nodded subconsciously.Under Ryazan's gaze, she opened the box and started the disguise work just in front of Ryazan.After touching for more than half an hour, the originally young and beautiful Shimabukuro Junhui disappeared without a trace.

Instead, an old lady with a short stature and an ugly face stood quietly in the house, looking at Ryazan.Looking at the little old lady in front of him, Ryazan rarely showed an expression of interest.

He leaned closer and looked around Shimabukuro Junhui from left to right.After a while, he smacked his lips: "Not bad." In this world, there is only one strongest Master of Disguise, and that is the Black Feather Thief One.Under Black Feather Pirate One, there are three Masters of Disguise, second only to him.Kuroba Kaito, Belmode, and Kudo Yukiko.Further down, it is Ryazan's level.Everyone is more or less related to the black feather thief! And Shimabukuro Junhui, who has never learned the black feather disguise technique, is completely from a "wild road" background, and his disguise effect is actually related to Ryazan. almost.This makes people have to admire.After looking around, Ryazan's expression became tangled again.This thing of Yi Rong seems to be quite simple, but it is actually very difficult.There are not many people all over the world who can really change the sky and the sky.It was really not easy for Shimabukuro to get this far.With a little training, you may even become a master of disguise at the same level as Belmode and Yukiko Kudo!

Thinking of this, Ryazan smacked his lips.

"Remove your makeup, it looks disgusting," he said.Shimabukuro: "Although Ryazan's words are not good, she dare not refute it now, so she obediently removes her makeup.After she finished removing her makeup, Ryazan said slowly: "Although your plan is full of loopholes, basically the prison is set, but it is not without a turnaround."

"I happen to be short of a transgender master. If you can pass my test, I can help you cross the sea and get away without guilt."

"But, the price is that your life will not be your life from now on."

"How do you choose?" Shimabukuro's expression was extremely solemn.As said before, she is not afraid to bear the blame.However, she was afraid that she could not kill all the three scumbags. Wc, while Ryazan watched, she took a deep breath."Before I make a choice, can you ask, who are you on earth?"

Hearing this, Ryazan grinned.

"Me? An ordinary policeman." Shimabukuro Junhui: "???"

Ah, that, weakly ask, is any of my friends who read books a painter?

If yes, can you send me a contact information, I want to buy a copy of Lao Liang and Xiao Ai

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