I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 413

Originally I wanted to find a Taobao painter, but when I thought of describing the image requirements, I felt

So ashamed, I can't speak, I can only try to see if there are any bigwigs among the readers.

The third chapter of the text, the moonlight is so beautiful

Originally, Ryazan planned to paddle the entire water and serve as an examiner for Junhui Shimabukuro.However, since the Fukui prefectural police can't get through, he can only be forced to do business for a while.As everyone watched, he took out the police manual and began to symbolize maintaining order and protecting the scene.

And Conan was not idle, he began to look for clues quickly, ready to solve the case as quickly as possible to help Ryazan solve this matter.Of course, based on his understanding of Ryazan, to find work for Ryazan out of thin air, he must be vengeful thinking about this, Conan suddenly burst into tears.Since when did I have to beg others to solve the case? Before the change, the Metropolitan Police Department followed behind and begged for myself!>It’s too hard, the life of a tool person is really too hard. , He suddenly heard Ryazan said: "This should be an accident."

Hearing this, Conan was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked back at Ryazan.As everyone watched, Ryazan slowly said: "The rope that binds the deceased’s neck is the waterfall. The upstream blocking rope prevents tourists from staggering and falling. According to the scene, it is likely that the deceased was on the waterfall and wanted to cross. Through the small river, but fell accidentally." Hearing this, everyone nodded.Judging from the current clues, this is indeed the case.Conan was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly raised his feet: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "She must be looking for the mermaid's grave!" Her pupils tightened a little: "It is said that after the warehouse was on fire, the mermaid's tomb was located on this mountain. She must have been looking for the mermaid's grave!" Conan frowned slightly.With this testimony, it became reasonable for the deceased to go up the mountain in the middle of the night.

Could it be that the deceased really stumbled and fell? When he first rescued, he had already checked all the rivers along the road and found no problems at all.He couldn't help but feel a little distressed.Seeing Conan's depressed look, Xiao Ai shook his head funny.This guy Edogawa, of course, couldn't find any clues. When he came to Mermaid Falls before, Ryazan had cleared up two important clues.

At this time, she was completely sure that Ryazan and Shimabukuro Junhui must have reached some kind of jiāo.The woman who was hanged on the waterfall was a part of the two people.Because there is no evidence that the deceased was homicide, in the end, the body can only be collected first and stored in the clinic on the island, waiting for the Fukui County police to send people over, and then the autopsy will be done.On the way back, Conan looked at Ryazan with a complicated expression.

"Brother Ryazan, do you really think that the deceased died by accident?" Ryazan gave him a strange look: "Otherwise, you killed him?"

Conan opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end.He always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was.The next night, after dinner, Conan looked at Ryazan.X

"Brother Ryazan, tonight is Miss Eilao Yuan's guard, let's go and take a look?

"Eilao Yuan?" Ryazan was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly.

"That hanged woman last night, forget it, I'm not interested in this kind of party."

"I still prefer a more fun place than a funeral." Hearing this, Conan sighed helplessly.For some reason, he always felt that Ryazan was very negative about this case.This attitude is like being on Moon Shadow Island before.

Thinking of this, Conan was stunned.

A strange feeling of coldness poured from the top of his head and ran all over his body.

His eyes widened slowly, and he looked at Ryazan in disbelief.

Moon Shadow Island!

When I was on Moon Shadow Island, Ryazan was like that!

He knew about Ma Chengshi, in order to help Ma Chengshi complete his revenge, so he deliberately turned a blind eye to the clues he had discovered, and let Ma Chengshi kill all his enemies. If this time, a similar thing happened on this island. Regarding Ryazan’s xìng style, it is very likely that he would make the same choice! Conan could not sit still.

He took a deep look at Ryazan, then turned around and ran out of the restaurant, heading towards Ebina's home.>

Looking at Conan's back, Ryazan grinned.

"This kid is really sharp, he noticed what I was doing." Xiao Ai drank the miso soup quietly.At the hotel last night, Ryazan had already told her about Shimabukuro Junhui.She has no objection to Ryazan's decision.The more power around Ryazan, the more he can guarantee his safety in the organization.She has experienced too many things.Whether it was about losing Miyano Akemi or rebelling against the organization that night, she looked a lot better off.>As long as Ryazan can live safely, everything else is trivial and there is no need to care about it.

After all, neither he nor this guy are familiar people, and naturally there is no need to use ordinary people's three views to demand.If she really couldn't even accept the few female subordinates around Ryazan, then the existence of Belmode would be enough to make her leave.

After dinner, Ryazan took a small sorrow and started walking on the island together.From the time the two were still in the organization, Ryazan had often semi-forced her to take her to exercise.Otherwise, according to Xiaoai’s xìng format, I’m afraid that it’s not a month to take a few steps. Although due to her special physique, this girl will not get fat even if she hardly exercises, but her body’s functions are degraded, but it’s a bit longer than simply. More terrifying.

Originally, Xiao Ai didn't really want to go out, but Ryazan only said "I hope we can grow old together in a healthy and healthy way." So she obediently followed.Because the people on the island are basically participating in the spirit watch, there are obviously a lot fewer people on the street than usual.

The cool sea breeze blows over, making people feel very comfortable.In the sky, close to the full moon, shedding soft light.Xiao Ai raised her head and looked at Ryazan who was holding hands with herself.)

"Mescal." Hearing Xiao Ai's voice, Ryazan lowered his head: "What's wrong?" Xiao Ai looked at him, and after a few seconds, slowly smiled.

"Tonight, the moonlight is beautiful." Ryazan was taken aback after hearing this.He was a little surprised: "Is this a confession to me?"

"Huh?" Xiao Ai was also taken aback when she heard Ryazan's words.The originally quiet face suddenly rose into a blush.

Her eyes were a little flustered: "You, how did you know this allusion?" From usual

In life, he is almost certain that Ryazan is almost a book of various Japanese masterpieces.

Haven't seen it.

On the contrary, he is familiar with the masterpiece of the big country next door.Unexpectedly, cited tonight

With an allusion of Natsume Soseki, this guy happened to know it.Girl's heartbeat is not affected

Speed ​​up the control.

Seeing Xiao Ai's appearance, Ryazan smiled.

I don't understand so many allusions.

My answer has always been the same.,"

"I like you, Shirley."

I like it more than anyone in this world.

Text Chapter Three and Seven Conan's Fear

Under Ryazan's gaze, Xiao Ai looked away a little subconsciously.

The girl's face was ruddy and lovely, so Ryazan couldn't help but want to taste it.

Looking at Xiao Ai's appearance, Ryazan realized that it was time for the daily limit of favorability after the hot iron.

He just wanted to say something more when he suddenly saw Xiao Ai raise his head.The girl snorted: "It sounds so good, but in fact, there is more than one person I like."

"Ah this."

Ryazan has a bitter face. As an honest person, he really has nothing to refute about this topic.

Seeing Ryazan's appearance, Xiao sighed, and then showed a funny expression.

"Making you, don't put on this expression, I won't eat you again.

"This topic is more terrifying than eating me" Ryazan gave a dry smile.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ai couldn't help but smile.As a member of the organization, Mescal is indeed terrifying, murderous, ruthless.But this man never brings those habits into life.

His life and work can be said to be very distinct.

Even if he has a powerful force that is unimaginable by ordinary people, there are powerful forces behind it that can affect a country, and the people he cares about himself are still the same as an ordinary big boy.

Today's Mescal has not changed at all compared to when he first met.

Ryazan’s "unchanged" is a great comfort to Xiao Ai, who has been insecure since he was a child.The girl held Ryazan's small hand and squeezed it slightly.

No matter how dangerous the future is, as long as you can see this guy's silly and cheerful look, he will be able to walk on with peace of mind.At this moment, Ryazan's cell phone rang suddenly.

He answered the phone.

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