I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 414

"Brother Ryazan! The Eilao original family is dead! The deceased is Naoko Heijiang. One of the people who drew the arrow of the dugong last night!"

After speaking, he hesitated.

He instinctively suspected that this case was related to the dugong arrow.

But combined with Ryazan's reaction, I always feel that there are other problems.After hesitating for a while, he still tried to defend himself: "Brother Ryazan, the murderer may have targeted the Dugong Arrow. Emihara, who died yesterday, seemed to have drawn the Dugong Arrow.

"When you and Huihara come over, be careful!"

Hearing this, Ryazan nodded: "Okay, I see.'

After hanging up the phone, he smiled and looked at Xiao Ai: "Conan reminds us two to be careful. The murderer may have come with the arrow of the dugong. Xiao Ai smiled and said, "Ah, then you have to protect me." Up.

"It's easy to talk." Ryazan knelt down: "Come on, my little princess, I will hold you over."

Looking at Ryazan, Xiao Ai showed a subtle expression: "Why does this statement sound like coaxing her daughter"

Having said this, she stopped suddenly.Speaking of coaxing her daughter, she remembered what happened yesterday in the hotel and her face just recovered, and she couldn't help but blush again.

After being picked up by Ryazan, like a kitten, she gently shrank into Ryazan's arms, buried her face in Ryazan's shoulders, and stopped looking at Ryazan.

Ryazan couldn't help smiling.In the darkness, Ryazan came to Eilao Yuan's home.

The Eilao Yuan family has been fishermen for generations, so the house is very close to the sea.

Kuroe Naoko's body was kneeling in the yard of Ebinahara's house, entangled in fishing nets, her eyes widened, and fish scales scattered on her body.

It looked like a mermaid, dragged out of the water by a fishing net, and died alive.

When Ryazan came to the scene, he felt the atmosphere was very solemn.

Seeing Ryazan coming over, many talents finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ryazan looked at Conan curiously: "What's the matter?"

Conan's expression is a bit complicated: "Just now, there was a second, people said, they saw Monri Saori at the scene."

"Moni Saori?" Liang praised his eyebrows.

This is not what he pretended, he really doesn't remember the name.

"It's the person who wrote me to Xinyi before for help." He reminded.

Ryazan said.

He knew that the girl was killed by Shimabukuro at the beginning of the fight and hid in the shrine warehouse.

Thinking of this, he nodded with satisfaction.

Shimabukuro, the girl, is still a bit brainy.

After discovering that the path of suspended animation did not work, she began to change her mind and prepared to lay the blame on i] Le Saori.However, this gameplay requires a little bit of cāo, otherwise it is easy to fool the villagers, but it is not that simple to fool Conan.

As the villagers watched, he began to pretend to find clues at the scene.

Conan approached him with a serious expression.

He lowered his voice and said: "Brother Ryazan, do you already know who the murderer is?" Ryazan smiled while taking pictures of the corpse, "What do you say?"

Conan said solemnly: "Your current performance is exactly the same as before on Moon Shadow Island."

"Is there any hidden facts in this case?"

"Did these two dead people ever do anything?"

His face was a little ugly: "Brother Ryazan, you are a policeman, you can't condone acts of revenge!"

"If you have a valid reason, you can punish others in private. What is the meaning of the existence of the law?"

Ryazan turned his head and looked at Conan quietly.

In the latter's somewhat surprised gaze, he suddenly grinned, revealing a strange smile.

"Kudo Shinichi, I remember, you said your idol is Sherlock Holmes?" Suddenly Ryazan called his real name, Conan instinctively got goose bumps.

He nodded subconsciously: "Yes"

Ryazan hummed, his smiling shoulders trembled slightly.After laughing for a while, he stretched out his hand, pressed Conan's head, and pulled it closer.

"Holmes is just a fictional character, but he also knows that there must be enough evidence before he can make a judgment."

"You said I condoned others to lynch, where is the evidence?"

"If there is no evidence, this is a crime of slander."

Seeing Ryazan's eyes close at hand, Conan suddenly felt that he was thrown into the cold lake.He opened his mouth to say something, but was poured directly into his mouth by the lake water, with no sound at all

Can't send it out.

For a moment, Conan felt like he was going to die here. However, in the next second,

Ryazan suddenly closed his eyes and smiled slightly.

At the same time, he removed his hand on top of Conan's head.

Conan stepped back a few steps, and finally leaned against a tree with wide eyes.

Looking at Ryazan.

He was gasping for breath.If you say, before, he only guessed that Ryazan has a different

His identity, at this time, he was extremely convinced

The look in Ryazan's eyes just now was obviously the look in the eyes that had killed people.

Moreover, there are more than one or two.

The third chapter of the text, who are you?

Killing, not


There is no shortage of people who can kill people legally in any country.

For example, those intelligence personnel from various countries who walk in the dark and deal with the most vicious criminals! Conan suddenly felt a headache.Although these people are members of the state apparatus, their legal awareness is generally not strong enough.

Knowing the law and breaking the law is simply the best of these people. There is no need to talk about other countries. Japan alone has the famous public security police.Anyone who knows a little bit knows that these people are on the surface of civil servants, but they keep breaking the law.

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