I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 415

If Ryazan is really one of these people, then he can say more.I'm afraid it's useless.

However, at least this time, my understanding of Ryazan has deepened again.

He was thinking, and there was a sudden noise not far away.Led by a bald middle-aged man, a group of police officers rushed over with flashlights.

"We are Fukui prefectural police! Excuse me, what happened here yesterday?" The middle-aged man yelled halfway and stopped suddenly.

The light of his flashlight shone on Naoko Kuroe.

Seeing this strangely shaped corpse, he was startled.

"Is this the dead last night?" He couldn't help asking.

Ryazan stood up slowly: "No, this is just dead today."

Seeing Ryazan, the middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, revealing a somewhat puzzled look.

He always feels like he has seen this person somewhere

"Are you?" he asked.Ryazan took out the police manual from his pocket: "Metropolitan Police Department, Ryazan."

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man, as well as the several police officers with him, all showed expressions of surprise.A group of people even forgot about the corpse, and they all gathered around like a star chaser who saw an idol.X

Ryazan didn't have much interest in these distant colleagues who were no different from NPC.

After dealing with it a little bit, he directly described the two cases.

After listening to Ryazan's words, the middle-aged man was surprised.

"In that case, the death last night was an accident. Today's deceased, it is not accidental that Monle Saori killed it?"

Ryazan smiled slightly: "I'm just guessing. The specific results are subject to your investigation."

When the Fukui prefectural police was investigating the scene, Shimabukuro's mobile phone suddenly rang.

She answered the phone, and after a few seconds, she was shocked.

"Saori?! Where are you?"

Hearing Shimabukuro Junhui's words, everyone was shocked and looked at her quickly.

Shimabukuro with a surprised expression, listened to the phone for a while, then nodded nervously,

I understand, I'm going now! Don't do stupid things!"

After speaking, she turned around to run.

The Fukui prefectural police hurriedly grabbed her arm: "Wait a minute, what happened? The person who called you just now is Saori Monri?!"

Shimabukuro nodded anxiously: "Tell Saori to tell me that she is in my warehouse now and wants me to go personally. She also said that if I don't go, I will never want to see her." Then, she pulled hard, pulled her arm out of the Fukui prefectural police, and ran quickly towards the shrine.

The Fukui prefectural police looked at each other and hurriedly followed.Conan frowned slightly.If Monri Saori really wants to ask Shimabukuro Junhui out alone, why should he choose this time?

Isn't this obviously causing trouble for himself? He subconsciously glanced in Ryazan's direction, and saw that Ryazan had no response, so he followed to the shrine.

When everyone rushed to the shrine, they saw that the shrine had already ignited a raging fire!

Seeing this scene, Shimabukuro Junhui's legs softened and fell directly to the ground.

The Fukui prefectural police were surprised, and then quickly organized people to fight the fire.

Conan frowned.

This fire is too deliberate!

He couldn't help looking at Shimabukuro June.

Although there is no evidence at hand, he can basically be sure that Shimabukuro must be behind this series of cases!

And Ryazan, for some reason similar to that of the Moon Shadow Island incident, helped her more or less with a squirt of Conan.At this moment, someone suddenly said in surprise: "Hey! Look at the warehouse window!"

Hearing this, Conan quickly looked over.At this look, he almost stared out! In his incredible gaze, at the warehouse window, a woman with short blond hair stood there quietly.

The woman slowly opened the window and looked at the crowd.

Although the smoke is billowing and the flames are raging, you can still see that this person is the door] Risaori!

Conan hurriedly looked at Shimabukuro, but found that Shimabukuro was also shocked, even more surprised than others!

Monri Saori looked at the crowd quietly, and then said loudly.

"Everyone! Three years ago, it was me, Naoko, and Sumi who set fire to the warehouse of the shrine!"

"Yes! The mermaid was killed by the three of us!"

"And this curse has fallen on us today!"

Fortunately, I can be freed from the curse of the mermaid!"

"Junhui! You are a maiden who enshrines a mermaid. I wanted you to go on the road with us, but unfortunately, it seems that I didn't have a good time.

"When that world comes, let's continue to be friends."

After speaking, she laughed loudly for a while, and soon she was completely swallowed by the billowing smoke and lost her voice.

Watching this scene, Conan's eyes widened, and he was speechless for a long time.

Until just now, the others had determined that the murderer was Shimabukuro June, and Saori Monle should have been killed long ago.

But Saori Monri in the warehouse is obviously a real person.

It's not a blindfold or an illusion, but the real person!

From the words of Monari Saori, it is clear that she was not killed by bī, and even planned to kill Shimabukuro.

Is this different from what he thought?!

Although it was unacceptable, in the end, the case was the result of Guangli Sazhi's mental disorder. After killing two friends, he committed suicide by setting fire in the warehouse and the case was closed.Because Conan set up a way to find reasonable clues to overturn this conclusion, so in the end

I can only be forced to admit this result

Early the next morning, Ryazan took him and Xiao Ai back with the Fukui County police

Honshu Island.

In the evening, the three finally returned to Tokyo.Standing in front of the station, Conan looked complicated

Looked towards Ryazan.

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