I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 416

Seeing that Ryazan was about to leave, he finally couldn't help saying: "Brother Ryazan, I can ask you

A problem?"

Ryazan slowly stopped and turned to look at him.

Under Ryazan's gaze, Conan pursed his lips.

Who is Ryazan brother?"

The third chapter of the main text hopes that Ryazan is okay

If Xiao Ai is an outstanding beauty in the field of intelligence, then Curaçao is a wild beauty who shows her body beauty to a certain level.

With a light movement under her feet, the whole person directly rose into the air, crossed half of the field, and landed in front of Ryazan.Ryazan raised his hand and held a fist: "Please." Curaçao was taken aback.This action of Ryazan is often used by martial artists in the next big country.Does this mean that Ryazan intends to use the martial arts of the big country next door to fight against herself? She did not dare to neglect, and was ready to fight immediately.Ryazan smacked his lips when he saw that Curaçao didn't respond.Shaking the burden with people who don’t understand it, it’s really exhausting... and he was distracted, and Curaçao seized the opportunity in an instant, and came to him in a flash!

"Is it so sudden?" Ryazan was taken aback and hurriedly responded. In less than two seconds, the two of them shook hands six or seven times! If you say, Jingji is really firm, strong, and powerful. The tank, the Curacao is an air defense vehicle with a wide coverage and super fast strike speed.

Although the power of her every move is much weaker than Jing Jizhen, but combined with her terrifying speed and precise judgment, the threat is no less than Jing Jizhen!

When I was in the office building before, if it wasn't because she was in a hurry.Going upstairs, I don’t want to deal with Bourbon too much. In addition, Bourbon has always been occupying a good location. I am afraid that he will not be able to stop him for three minutes. Not to mention a small character like Hattori Heiji, let alone ten Hattori Heiji. It's not enough for Curacao to play alone.Chengshi stood by, feeling that the three views were refreshed.

Before practicing with Curaçao, he thought Curaçao was strong enough.Unexpectedly, when facing Ryazan, Curaçao’s strength is like driving a Super Saiyan, with a blowout growth!) If, when I just practiced with him, Curaçao was a high-end family car, then it is now An F1 car! The battle between the two was beyond his understanding. After a short trial, Ryazan and Curacao changed their styles at the same time.

Facing Curaçao, Ryazan gave up the killing skills he was good at and chose to fight head-on.No matter how proficient his murder is, in front of Curacao, he is no different from a child.

Because he didn't open the Eye of Truth, within a few minutes, he was caught by Curacao at the flaw, and a cross was firmly pressed to the ground.Ryazan did not hesitate and patted the floor directly.After releasing Ryazan, Curaçao stood up, with a hint of happiness on his face.

Sure enough, if you fight head-on, you won't lose! But after that, she was a little confused.

Is this really Ryazan's true strength?

Last time in the office building, Ryazan's thunderous blow made her unable to react at all.)

Although Ryazan today is also very strong, but compared to that day, Ryazan feels worse than that. Ryazan also slowly stood up.When he was crossed just now, Curaçao’s thigh was pressed against him, and it felt quite comfortable.

He grinned and rubbed his shoulders: "As expected of Curacao, it's really amazing."

Cheng Shi hurried over to check for him, and only after confirming that there was no internal injury, he was relieved.Curacao stared at Ryazan for a few seconds, then showed a determined expression.She walked slowly to Ryazan: "Mr. Max-Carl, let's do it again!"

"Huh?" Ryazan was slightly taken aback.Is this girl so energetic? The set just now made him a little tired. This girl actually wants to fight. He gritted his teeth: "Okay! Come, come!" A girl from Curaçao has such perseverance. He is a big man, and he can't lose his share! In this way, the two returned to the middle of the field.Curaçao looked very serious.

She was sure that Ryazan didn't use all his strength just now.In that case, she asked Ryazan to do her best!

She took a deep breath and struck with lightning! A few minutes later, Ryazan didn't pay attention, was cheated by Curacao's fake action, and was pushed to the ground again.

He hissed and stood up: "No, Curacao, you are too cruel to take this shot.") He looked at Curacao and wanted to see if this girl felt guilty.But he saw Curaçao frown tightly, as if being bullied.Ryazan: "?" Under what circumstances Nima was beaten twice, and the other side was still wronged? When I was playing just now, I shouldn't take advantage of it, right?

Shouldn't he? He coughed, trying to explain that he didn't deliberately touch the places he shouldn't touch.Before he could speak, he listened to the Cura cableway: "Come again!" Ryazan: "" He was a little panicked.

c After coming out of the research institute, Ryazan only felt that he was in a dying state.He didn't expect that Curacao still hides the genus of fighting madness.

Next time you practice with this girl, you have to be prepared.Not only to practice fighting, but also to practice endurance. In the Wc training ground, Cheng Shi put away the yào box for Ryazan to treat his wounds, and turned to look at Curacao.The latter sat there, looking very upset.

Chengshi was a little strange: "Miss Curaçao, are you angry?" Curaçao glanced at him, then nodded depressed.

"Mescal clearly has more than that, but he doesn't show his true ability to fight me."

"Does he think I am not worthy of his true strength?"

Upon hearing this, Chengshi tilted his head.

Did Ryazan Jun keep his hand just now? He thinks, there should be no.With Ryazan’s xìng pattern, even if you want to keep your hands, you must use a more decent way than jiāo, without being beaten so badly by the opponent, but if you explain it directly, it will affect Ryazan’s image. After thinking about it, he said Said: "Miss Curaçao, I think Ryazan should just be in a bad condition")

Hearing that, Curaçao thought for a while and nodded.

"Maybe so."

"Then, I will wait for him to come next time and challenge him again!"

"Next time, I must let him use his true strength!" Chengshi kept a smile on his face and prayed silently for Ryazan in his heart.

I hope Ryazan is okay

The next day, Ryazan lay at home for a day because of body aches.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Yuan didn't even bother to experiment, and ran to his house and took care of him for a day.

In the evening, the two left home and went to a restaurant near Mihua Park, ready to have a meal.As a result, as soon as I arrived here, I saw two people walking out of the restaurant.) Shiratori, also

There is Takagi.

Seeing Ryazan, Takagi was taken aback for a moment, and then he hurriedly saluted.

Ryazan Police Department!" Shiratori also stood at attention and saluted.

Seeing these two people, Ryazan was happy: "You two are out on a date?"


He looked around, then approached with a solemn expression.Whispered: "Liang

Zanzan, the Metropolitan Police Department just received a report."X

Someone said he planted a bomb in this restaurant, but we came to investigate

Down and found that there is no bomb, it may be a false alarm

The third chapter of the text, where did you get this knife?

zhà bomb

Ryazan opened a real eye and glanced at the store.

Don't say zhà bombing, there is no ignition.

He turned around and said to the two of them: "Since I didn't find it, it should be a false alarm. When I go back, let the technical department report it to the police at any time.") The two nodded: "Yes!"

Although the danger has been eliminated, the store is naturally unable to continue business after such a dangerous incident, so it has to put up a sign of suspension of business, and wait until the limelight of this matter passes tomorrow.

Seeing the restaurant he wanted to eat closed, Ryazan smacked his lips.

"It's evil, I didn't bring Conan out today, why is it so unlucky")

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