I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 418

[Until three o'clock in the afternoon]

[Even if you find someone to stop me, it’s a waste of effort] 0

[I will eventually turn defeat into victory]

[If you want to stop this game, just come to me]

[Wait until you policemen]

[Coming on a blood-stained bag]

[Eventually I will be waiting for you on the steel home plate] Ryazan's face looked at this series of nonsense.Shiratori hurriedly said, "How about it, Ryazan-sang, can you see anything?"

"Yes." Ryazan nodded.Hearing this, Shiratori's eyes lit up.Unexpectedly, Ryazan would understand such an obscure long puzzle at a glance! In Shiratori's gaze, Ryazan lazily said: "You can see that the prisoner is a master who doesn't like to talk." He said, He simply stuffed the riddle to Conan and gave Conan the opportunity to be a tool man.Shiratori: ""It is Ryazan's special ability to be able to say cold jokes at this time.Ryazan said to him: "Shiratori-san, go and report what happened here to the Megumi Police Department, um. The content of the riddle is also passed on." Shiratori nodded without hesitation: "I understand!" That's it, no For a long time, the entire Metropolitan Police Department was operational.

It was confirmed that the bàozhà case this time, and the bàozhà case three or seven years ago, were probably done by the same person! Moreover, Shiratori had personally experienced the case three years ago.

At that time, there was a black curly-haired man in the search class. He used to be from the bozhà material handling class and his name was Matsuda Jinpei.In the bàozhà case three years ago, Matsuda Jinping demolished zhà bombs in Ferris wheel county. In the last few seconds before zhà bàozhà, a prompt suddenly appeared on the display.

The prisoner was in Tokyo and another zhà bomb was set up.If the bomb disposal police persist to the end, they will be able to see the location of the next bomb.

But if the police are timid and dismantle the zhà bombs in advance, they will not be able to see the prompts. Then, it will cause a huge disaster.In order to find out the location of the zhà bomb, Matsuda Jinping sacrificed on the spot.Hearing Shiratori's report, Ryazan was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly.After a long time, it turned out to be this case

12 million hostage incident!

He shook his head funny.

The 12 million hostage incident can be regarded as one of the most classic cases in Conan's daily cases.The excitement of this case is not a movie version.

If I remember correctly, the prisoner will place a zhà bomb at the Tokyo Tower. There will be a reminder in the last few seconds of the zhà bomb, which can only be seen at the expense of the bomb police.

At that time, Conan, who was responsible for the bomb disposal, cracked the riddle and saved his life at the last second.

And the last zhà bomb was suddenly taken aback in Didan Gao Ryazan.

He suddenly said to Conan, "Is the Didan High School closed now?" Hearing that, Conan looked at him a little strangely: "Come on, take the test tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then it will be off." Ryazan: "Okay." Well, fortunately, I remember the plot, otherwise, if the butterfly wings flap, let the zhà zhà of Didan High School play zhà, Xiaolan will be dead.If Xiaolan is dead, sister Bei is afraid that she will tear herself apart WC

Conan was a little nervous and said, "What's wrong with Ryazan, is there any problem with Didan High School?"

"Well, it's okay, I will solve it." Ryazan said vaguely.Now, in the message given by the prisoner, there was no mention of Didan High School. If he could even tell the prophet, it would be too anti-human.In short, now the facts of the case are very clear, and there is nothing worthy of his heart, and he has been lazy again.When the entire Metropolitan Police Department was busy with the case, he took Xiao Ai to find a restaurant, enjoyed a supper leisurely, and went straight home.

Although the Metropolitan Police Department was busy hitting the back of the head, Ryazan used "individual investigation" as the reason and did not participate in a reasonable and legal manner.

As night fell, he rode his motorcycle and headed towards Didan High School.If the zhà bomb is removed directly, the prisoner may become irritated and make more difficult behaviors.Therefore, he was going to just replace the phone on the phone.In this way, even if the prisoner cite bàozhà, there will be no opposition, and before cite bào, even if the person who set up the zhà bomb goes to the scene to look directly at the scene, it is impossible to detect any problem on the wall of Didan High School. Ryazan stopped his motorcycle.When he was about to climb the wall, he suddenly stopped.

He was taken aback for a moment, then he drew out his short knife, and struck a flash of light! As the light of the knife flashed, there was a bang in front of him!

A powerful qiāng bullet hits the blade violently! If Ryazan does not have the abilities of a swordsman master, just use the sword to block, I am afraid that his arm will be broken at this time!

With some surprise, he opened a real eye and looked into the distance-

On the roof of a tall building, you can see a sniper.

Seeing the appearance of this sniper, Ryazan let out a cry.This sniper looked like a hope.Is it possible for WD, You Xizi is a retired actor on the surface, but is actually a super killer? You know, in this world, the killing intent can be completely hidden, and he can't react until he opens qiāng, but not many people! , I'm afraid I can't do this! In Ryazan's eyes, a large amount of data flows instantly.)

After analyzing the data, he can be sure that this woman is not a Xizi.The reason is very simple. Her breasts are a lot bigger than You Xizi and the size is very thick.

many.Under Ryazan’s gaze, the big-breasted hitter was surprised for a while, then decisively closed

Pick up things and ran away.Unless Ryazan can throw a ball on her at such a distance

A positioning device, otherwise it will definitely not catch up.Ryazan stroked his chin.

Vaguely, he seemed to guess the identity of this woman.

However, he was a little curious, why did this woman come to assassinate herself?

He smacked his lips and was about to step over the wall and enter Didan High School. The Nokia phone in his pocket suddenly


He took out his phone and looked at the screen.

It shows a long-lost remark name.

Chapter Three and Three

Seeing the name on the screen, Ryazan was taken aback for a moment, and then showed an unhappy expression.

Since the last sniper incident, Gin and Belmode have gone through the same way as a mass transit, and they have never called him.

At first, Ryazan wondered whether the two of them had tasks and it was not convenient to contact him, so he waited for a few days.

Unexpectedly, after a display period, the two had no intention of contacting him!

Ryazan couldn't bear this treatment.He called these two people directly, but they were all refused!

Belmode returned a text message to him, saying that he was busy doing a task.

Gin returned a text message to him, saying that he was recovering from his injury and could not call.

Ryazan suddenly felt abandoned.

He gritted his teeth and answered the phone.

"I said gin


Gin said in a deep voice, interrupting him.

When Ryazan was stunned, Gin said indifferently: "Mescal, I have saved ten thousand dollars in your account. If you have anything you want to eat recently, go and eat it. If you want to play, go. Enjoy yourself."

After speaking, before Ryazan could react, he hung up the phone.

Ryazan: "???" Seeing the hung-up prompt on the mobile phone, Ryazan was confused.Did this gin eat the wrong yào?

He dialed back to Gin, and a reminder that the other party was not in the service area sounded on the phone.Ryazan: ""

He called his bank in Europe and found that there was really 10 million dollars in the account.

This confuses him even more.

With the xìng style of gin, you will definitely not call nonsense inexplicably.

He carefully analyzed the gin's words several times, trying to find out if there were any secret codes in it.However, he compared all the cryptography knowledge he had taught him with gin, but he couldn't get any meaningful content.

Gin’s words sounded like hospice care for a dying person. Wait? Thinking of this, Ryazan frowned slightly.Hospice care? After meditation for a while, Ryazan had some guesses.

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