I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 419

He took out his cell phone and sent an email to his computer.) Almost instantly, an email came back.

[What's wrong?] At the back of the email, there is a small smiling face drawn with special symbols.

Ryazan quickly press the button

[Noah, go straight to the dark web I usually use-check it out and see if anyone offers me a reward.1

After touching for half a minute, Noah's email was sent back.

[There are twelve bounties, all of which are old bounties that have been hanging for more than a year, and no new ones are posted~]

Then, another mail came.

[Ryazan Ryazan, when will you take me out to play?] Looking at the words on the phone screen, Ryazan rolled his eyes.

How would he bring an artificial intelligence out to play and find a truck to pull the server out?

[Be sure next time.]

After a casual reply, he touched his chin.Then, he flipped through the address book, found someone, and dialed it.

After the phone rang four or five times, he was picked up.

There was no sound on the other side of the phone.WD

Ryazan said in English: "Xia Ya, recently: Are you busy at work? Do you have time to come out for a drink?"

A few seconds later, Shuichi Akai also spoke in English, and slowly said: "Very busy." Hearing that, Ryazan grinned: "You are too boring, just get busy. Do you have any other friends to find I played it?" Shuichi Akai was silent for a few seconds again, and then said lightly: "I don't know, I'm not in the United States."

"All right, all right." Ryazan sighed.

"Busy, busy, please be busy."

"Since you are so busy, I'll go find someone else to drink, bye!"

After speaking, he directly hung up.

Putting the phone away, the corners of his mouth raised.

Unexpectedly, he had such a face and was directly targeted by the FBI.According to the original plot, Belmode should be targeted by the FBI at this time.

It seems that in the FBI's heart, I already have the same importance as Sister Bei?

Ryazan couldn't help being a little proud.

He took a few steps back, licked a few steps over the wall of Didan High School, and landed in the courtyard.

With a glance of the real eye, he directly determined the position of the bullet and walked over slowly.

In a hotel room somewhere in vc, Hideichi Akai put down the phone.

Opposite him, two people were looking at him.Action team leader, James Black.

And his colleague and ex-girlfriend, Judith Stylin.Not far from the three people, a local Japanese program was shown on the TV to cover up the voice of the three people.

James looked at him worriedly: "Akai, what was the phone number just now?"

"A friend from the United States called and asked me to go out for a drink."

"I told him I was busy and didn't have time." Hearing this, James frowned slightly, but didn't say anything in the end.Before coming to Japan, the FBI installed the jiān tīng system on both Akai's and Judy's mobile phones on the grounds of confidentiality of the mission. What Akai said is true or false, and the data will be known by adjusting the data.

Thinking of this, James sighed in his heart.

He and Akai Hideichi are old friends.

Regardless of public or private, he did not believe that Akai would betray the FBI.But what happened in Brazil last time made him have to guard against.

In Brazil, the FBI had already placed a very tight encirclement, and it was almost certain to win.

But just before winning, the situation was suddenly reversed.It just so happened that not long ago, Hideichi Akai secretly read the information related to the Brazilian operation.Because of this incident, the last time FB did not let Hideichi Akai come to Japan, he only sent James himself with a few agents.

The FBI had to restart Hideichi Akai until James ate a lot and almost lost his life.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room seemed a bit heavy, Judy hurriedly said: "From the information we have, this time the sighting of Ryazan is likely to be the killer who organized the undercover in the Metropolitan Police Department. Contact the Japanese police and try to cooperate with both parties?'"

As soon as she finished speaking, James shook his head: "No.") If that Ryazan, as we thought, was a high-level killer in the organization.

Hands, then his anti-reconnaissance capabilities and intelligence relations are definitely top notch, we follow

If you just shot it, it’s very likely that you’ll be stunned, and you won’t be able to catch people, but

Bitten by a poisonous snake!"

After speaking, James wanted to continue to say something, but he heard that the Lord

The holder opened his mouth and said: "Dear viewers, now we will broadcast a piece of news. This evening, Rice Flower

There was an explosion at the entrance of the park and two policemen were nearly injured. Fortunately, Ryazan of the Metropolitan Police Department

The police department rescued the two in time, and the next video was taken by the crowd on their mobile phones."

Looking at the picture on the screen, James' eyes couldn't help but widen.

Text Chapter 314 Hideichi Akai’s Melancholy

Upon hearing the word zhà play, Judy and Hideichi Akai also watched TV.As the three watched, a video recorded on the scene with a mobile phone happened to be played on the TV.In the camera, Ryazan held a short knife in his hand and opened the roof of the police car with one blow.Then, he threw the knife out and grabbed two people in the police car.As soon as the three of them left, the police car crashed! Because passersby took the shot late, Ryazan took out the knife, the speed of the sprint, and the most terrifying first shot.But this is enough to make James stunned.

"God. That person just now is our goal, Ryazan?" Judy couldn't help but be surprised.

James nodded hard: "Yes, he is Ryazan." Among the three people present, he was the only one who had contact with Ryazan (confessed), but even he did not expect that Ryazan could be strong. For this sake.At this time, the supporters on the TV continued: "According to the news from the Metropolitan Police Department, this zhà bomb attack is likely to be a chain case of the Mihua Park bàozhà case three years ago!"

"If the information is true, maybe the prisoner has the next step. Please protect your own safety in a timely manner by conscious of suspicious circumstances in your work and life."

James frowned slightly when he heard the news.In the chain bàozhà case, he took out his cell phone and called the FB headquarters to help him straighten the bàozhà case in Japan three years ago.While he was waiting for the mail, Akai Hideichi looked at the TV screen, and his mood was a bit subtle.

Although he knows that Ryazan is very powerful, the set of cāo works just now can no longer be described as simply "powerful"? This guy is becoming more and more like a monster.

He couldn't help but feel a little heavy.In this action, let alone him, even Judy felt that the atmosphere was not right.From beginning to end, although James has been covering up well, he still inevitably showed his defense.And he himself had a facial paralyzed face all the way, and he rarely made suggestions for building up.Judy sees the strange behavior of the two, and is anxious.But she didn't know what happened, and there was no way to untie the bell.Hideichi Akai stood up slowly, walked to the window, and lit a cigarette.This action made him very entangled.

Should FB really devote energy to deal with Mescal now?

He has been with Mescal for so long, and he knows a little bit about this guy.) Mescal, although a pure member of the organization, has committed many evil deeds.But his code of action is not just about organizing and looking ahead.Hideo Akai has always felt that if he can sit down and talk with Mescal, there is room for cooperation between the two parties.Because of this, in the phone call just now, he deliberately revealed a piece of news to Ryazan to prepare him.

If this action really wants to confront Mescal, then this space is probably gone! When shifting, an email was sent to James' computer.

James opened the email and looked at it for a while.He frowned first, slowly, but his eyes lit up.

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