I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 429

As she spoke, she stretched out her right hand and made a gesture with three fingers.Ryazan hurriedly shook his head: "Don't don't, just this, I'll go upstairs!" Once a great man once said that the best way to deal with fear is to face fear.Ryazan raised his mouth.Already, there is nothing to be afraid of.

He followed Xiao Ai to the bedroom on the second floor and lay on the bed under Xiao Ai's instructions.Under Ryazan's gaze, Xiao Shuai also took off the white coat he was wearing and came to the bed.The girl took out a blindfold and gently put it on his eyes.Although the real eye can see through the blindfold, Ryazan felt that he still shouldn’t look at it.


After putting a blindfold on Ryazan, Xiao Ai stretched out her hand and gently stroked his body

For a while, Ryazan couldn't help but get goose bumps.Feeling coming from my fingertips

He is a little bit suspicious, whether he thinks too much.

Maybe, Xiao Ai really wanted to give him a special reward? The next second, he suddenly listened

There was a clatter of iron products.Then, he felt his left wrist cracked

It was handcuffed with a bang.

The third and second chapters of the main text were eaten to death

After handcuffing one hand, Xiaoai followed the pào system, and soon the other hand of Ryazan was also handcuffed.As for the feet, because Ryazan’s bed was too big to be handcuffed, he had to use a rope.Ryazan felt a little flustered.

"Boy damn Xiaoai, Shirley, we are a husband and wife, you can't treat me like this!" Xiao Ai raised the corner of her mouth while standing on the bed.

"Ala, I think this suits you well."

"No matter how much you like to go out and mess around, how much you like to joke about your life, how much you like to hurt people who care about you, you can't do it now." Ryazan: "") He knew that the reason for Xiao Ai's anger must be it is this.He wanted to say that, in fact, this restraint was nothing to him, and it was easy to break free, but considering that there was still half a life to pass in the future, he chose rationally.No matter how angry Xiao Ai is, at most he will be tied here and beaten up, and he can't die. What's the fear?

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate to say: "I understand that I was wrong! Boy fucking, come if you have any punishment! I, Li Yun, and Ryazan will never frown!"

"Really?" Xiao Ai smiled.She got out of bed, opened the door and went out.Ryazan was a little curious when she heard Xiao Ai's departure.Is this going to get the torture instrument? He blinked and couldn't help but want to look at it with real eyes.But, to do so is really a blasphemous for the blindfold PLAY.After thinking about it, he still resisted the urge.After a while, Xiao Ai returned to the room.With the sound of Hanhan Zai Li, she returned to the bed.Ryazan swallowed.This sound is familiar to him, you don't need to look at it, it's the sound of undressing.Then, he suddenly felt that Xiao Ai began to unload his equipment.He was a little surprised.Could it be that I thought this was the third layer, in fact, Xiao Ai had already thought of the fifth layer? I thought Xiao Yuan thought that this was a reward, so it was punishment in the end.In fact, Xiao Ai had already thought that she thought Xiao Ai thought it was a reward, so it was really a reward in the end?! Ryazan couldn't help but move.Although Xiao Ai and Xiao Ai have already had skin-to-skin relationship, and even in Xiangli mode, they already have the reality of husband and wife, but now with the bonus of the blindfold, this excitement still makes him a little nervous.After a few minutes, his equipment was basically handed over.Then, Ryazan was surprised to find that a familiar feeling came from his teammates.) A little silky, a little mocha.It is a thin silk of 75 Dan! Ryazan was moved to tears.It is indeed his girlfriend, saying that he will be punished, but in fact he is rewarding him for believing that with his current recovery ability, even if Xiao Yuan is exhausted, it is impossible to squeeze him out!

With this hard spirit, Ryazan began to enjoy it happily.After a while, his teammate reminded him that he was going to upgrade.Ryazan was happily waiting for his teammates to usher in the first upgrade.However, at this moment, Xiao Ai's movements suddenly stopped.Ryazan: "???"

"Baby fucking?" He couldn't help asking.I heard Xiao Ai chuckle.)

"Want to continue?"

"Yes." Ryazan did not hesitate, "Even if you squeeze me dry today, I will recognize it!"

"I actually made my wife worried. It's simply beyond salvation and must be severely punished!" Listening to Ryazan's stern tone, Xiao Ai couldn't help laughing.After laughing for a while, she slowly crawled over Ryazan and leaned to his ear-

"Tired, take a break." Ryazan grumbled his teeth.It hurts after a short break.However, considering that this was only the last darkness before dawn, he nodded firmly.After resting next to Ryazan for a while, Xiao Ai began to work.Just when Ryazan's teammates had enough experience again and were preparing to upgrade, Xiao Ai suddenly stopped again.Ryazan: "X" He suddenly realized.This is not a reward at all.He thought this was the fifth layer, but it was actually the first layer! Xiao Ai didn't plan to play the squeezing set at all today, but replaced it with 00 control! Ryazan cried again, but this time it was not because of moving It's sadness.Sadness flows like river.The terrible punishment lasted more than five hours intermittently.Xiao Ai will change hands when her feet are tired, and she will change props when her hands are tired.But no matter what method, Ryazan's teammates will not be upgraded successfully.Every time at the last moment before the upgrade, she would stop.In the end, Ryazan only felt that he had nothing to love.

And Xiao Ai also yawned tiredly.) She took off her socks, got out of bed, and walked to the door.Hearing this voice, Ryazan crawled back from the death line: "Boy, what the hell are you going to?"

"Take a shower, sleep, and I'm exhausted." Xiao Ai said weakly, and left the room directly.After a while, she went back to the house while wiping her hair, climbed directly into the bed, and lay down against him.Ryazan: "?" When Xiao Ai went to take a bath, he always thought that when she came back, she would really promote herself.After all, if you have been punished, why do you have to give some food?

As a result, this girl really went to sleep? He took a deep breath, ready to break free from the handcuffs and fight a turnaround.However, at this moment, he felt a small hand coming to his hand.Then, the handcuffs were opened with a click.Ryazan was slightly taken aback.> With the freed hand, he lifted the blindfold.I saw Xiao Ai lying next to him, smiling at him.The girl held a key and shook it in front of him.

"Here you are."

"I'm tired and don't want to move at all. Do whatever you want, just do it yourself." After speaking, Xiao Wei groaned and closed his eyes.Ryazan took a deep breath.Looking at the girl who was lying next to him, like a cat, he suddenly felt a little emotional.I am afraid that I will be eaten to death by this Y head in my life. Two days later, in front of a secret research institute in a certain city in the United States.

A car stopped slowly at the entrance of the institute.Seeing this car, the security guards at the door looked serious.Reached out and touched her back.As they watched, the car door opened, and a short driver ran out quickly and opened the back door of the car.As the back door opened, a young man walked out slowly.>Looking at the institute in front of him, Liang praised his mouth.He turned to look at the driver beside him.Vodka, this is the secret hospital where Gin lives.

It’s been a long time since I saw Gin Wine, do you miss him?” In Ryazan’s gaze,

Vodka was taken aback for a moment.How should I answer this? Pit Chang said, he must be thinking about the piano

Alcohol, that's his elder brother.But considering Ryazan’s recent hearty actions

He was a little confused again.X looked at the vodka hesitating, Ryazan Shinobu

Can't help it.

Text Chapter 326 I'm here to visit

Ryazan stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder while watching vodka with some fear.

"Relax, I'm not a bad person. Hearing that, vodka's expression is a bit subtle. Fortunately, his expression is not easy to show under the cover of sunglasses. The wDXc two people's talking time, several black clothes responsible for protecting the institute People came over.

A tall black-skinned man looked at the two of them, frowned and said, "Who are you? Get out of here, okay!" Hearing this, Vod took a step forward and sneered.

"Idiot, this is Mr. Mescal!" When wDXc heard the word Mescal, the security captain's expression changed.

He glanced at Ryazan in surprise subconsciously, then suddenly realized something and quickly withdrew his gaze.

"Me, I have to ask for instructions!" He said, reaching out for his phone.However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw Ryazan's feet move and came directly in front of him! WDXc In the surprised gaze of the security captain, Ryazan stretched out his hand and directly came to him under his chin.With a bang, the security captain instantly lost consciousness!

Seeing this scene, the other people were all shocked, and hurriedly reached out for qiāng.Ryazan grinned and rushed directly into the crowd.wDXc

In the face of these miscellaneous fish, he didn't need any plug-ins, and in less than a minute, he knocked all these people to the ground.

Well, it's a fist, not the kind that people think.After getting the security personnel, he walked directly into the research institute.Vodka froze for several seconds before hurriedly following.wDXc looked at Ryazan's back, Vodka couldn't help but recall the time when Liang Zi joined the organization and just studied with Gin.

At that time, although Mescal was very talented and potential, not to mention the gin, even his vodka was much better than Mescal.It didn't take long for him to realize that he had been overtaken by Mescal.After a while, wDXc found that he had been thrown away by Mescal.And now, Vodka knows that he can't even see Ryazan's back.How far has this man grown up?

Maybe even Big Brother is no longer his opponent, WDXc

When this thought came up, vodka suddenly felt a faint melancholy.Ryazan didn't know the emotion of vodka, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

He walked into the research institute and walked straight towards the ward area.When he reached the place, he stopped.wDXc is in the corridor, and two men wearing sunglasses are standing there quietly.

Although behind the sunglasses, Ryazan could feel that the eyes of the two were locked on himself.Looking at these two people, Ryazan smiled."The organization's elite killer. It's really funny to come to this gate." wDXc

Facing Ryazan's Yin Yang Shu, the two of them had no response.One of them said solemnly: "Leave here." Vodka took out qiāng without hesitation, and pointed directly at it.The two people on the opposite side also pointed at him instantly.The man in black who had just spoken by wDXc continued: ""The adult has ordered that no one is allowed to enter here."

"Do you want to disobey that adult's order?!" Hearing this, Vodka was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Ryazan.

He is a rough man, so he never thinks about making decisions like this, he always waits for orders. wDXc

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Ryazan did not know when and where he took out a long samurai sword.Vodka was taken aback for a moment.The two people on the opposite side have qiāng, and both are elite killers. What did Mr. Mescal do when he got the knife out? Just when this idea emerged, he was shocked to find that Ryazan was suddenly gone! wDXc vodka almost stared out.

But then, he realized that Ryazan did not disappear, but at that moment, the speed of movement was too fast, and his eyes lost the capture of Ryazan!

In an instant, Ryazan crossed a distance of several meters and came directly to one of the killers!

The knife in his hand struck a long arc of han light, and with the sound of the brush, the head of an organized elite killer flew directly! wDXc and through the death of his teammate, another person finally reacted.His originally calm expression became extremely frightened.

Although he had heard of Mescal’s fame, he always felt that everyone was a killer, and even if there was a gap, it would be worse.After all, the lives in his hand are also a lot of wDXc, but at this time, he realized how stupid he was before. Seeing Ryazan's sudden appearance, he raised his hand without hesitation and pulled the trigger frantically. .

He lighted the magazine in one breath, and he continued to hit the empty needle a few times.

However, the imaginary body of Ryazan did not appear.wDXc He turned his head uncertainly, trying to find the location of Ryazan.However, after turning his head, he suddenly discovered that his vision began to shift uncontrollably and fell.

The last picture he saw was that after his headless body hacked to death two elite killers, Ryazan lightly flicked the knife, threw off the blood on it, and put the knife back into its sheath.The elite killer of the wDXc organization is really hard to fight. If he doesn't need a knife, it will take a little bit of work even if he is completely external.In order not to lose the bīge, he simply drew his knife.While vodka was watching, he was holding a knife.Keep walking forward.

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