I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 430

Vodka: ""wDXc

He retracted his previous thoughts.

Mescal's current strength is more than that of Big Brother Gin.This guy was trembling with the two knives just now, right?! Vodka, shivering.In the wDXc ward, Gin was sitting on the bed, holding newspaper E in one hand and an apple in the other, eating slowly.After taking a few bites, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and turned to look in the direction of the corridor.

He put down the newspaper and slowly held the qiāng under the pillow.After ten seconds, the door of the ward was pushed open! wDXc

When the gin was about to qiāng, I heard a familiar sound.

"Yo! Gin! I'm here for a visit!" In the silent stare of Gin, Ryazan laughed and walked into the room.Entering the room, he saw the gin sitting on the hospital bed and couldn't help smiling happier.

wDXc" Hey,

Don’t tell me, you took off your black robe and put on a hospital gown.

The temperament has changed."

"Sure enough, people rely on clothes, horses and saddles."



In the face of Ryazan, he will never have to worry about disguise.wDXc this urges people to raise blood pressure

The ability of a normal person can’t be done at all. He looked at the door: "The two

Where is the doorman?"

killed."Ryazan said without hesitation. Then, he said a little puzzled: "Say

Get up, killer squads of this level are usually in groups of three, right? Their teammates

What?" wDXc

killed."Gin said lightly. Vodka at the door:

Text Chapter Three and Seven

With Gin's gaze, Ryazan walked slowly to the bed and looked around, looking for a chair.After finding that there was no chair, he simply sat on the edge of the hospital bed.The gin didn't say anything, just picked up the apple and continued to eat.

Vodka who walked into the room saw this scene, and couldn't help but feel a strong desire to complain.How did two demon king-level guys get together, but the style of painting is so everyday?! Have dú! Gin slowly said: "Since you can appear here, it means that you will win against Rum's jiāo this time. That's it." Ryazan said: "You are recuperating here, and you still know that I and Rum jiāo?" wDXc Gin sneered: "That adult suddenly forbidden me to contact you, and sent someone over to look at me. If you can’t guess it, just beat yourself to death.”

"If that adult wants to deal with you personally, he won't send someone to look at me. It's more likely to send someone to kill me-some." Hearing this, Ryazan nodded, "That's true." He looked at it. Look at the thick bandage on Gin's shoulder: "How about your injury?" Gin stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and removed the bandage in circles.The big ròu blood hole has already formed a thick scab."It was the right arm that hurt, and it had little effect on the opening." He said lightly.Hearing this, Ryazan was expressionless.wDXc

In other words, this arm is basically useless.

Gin glanced at him: "So what? You came to find me, what's the matter?"

"Judging from the two door guards you killed, you came to me, maybe you didn't get permission from the organization."

"Your behavior, strictly speaking, is considered a betrayal organization." wDX <Look at Ruo Jinjiu-his face is cold, Ryazan doesn't know what to do, I feel very happy.

He didn't hesitate, and said directly: "I hope you will come out and help me."

"Help you?" Gin was a little confused: "Aren't you okay now, what can I do for help?" After wDXc finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and his eyes flashed with surprise.Ryazan smiled: "A big country has an old saying that only a thousand days can be a thief, and there is no thousand days to guard against a thief."

"A thief tried to steal my things over and over again, although I tried to stop him every time with a T-force, but who can guarantee that in the future, I will never fail?'

"Or, this thief dog jumped the wall in a hurry and decided not to steal me, and turned to steal my relatives and friends when they wanted to catch him, but it would be even more troublesome." Hearing Ryazan's words, Gin took a deep breath.

Although he had thought of this possibility a long time ago, he didn't know if it was an escape or some other reason. He hadn't thought about it in this direction.Unexpectedly, it has become a reality so quickly.Gin frowned.wDXc looked at the gin, Ryazan stretched out his hand and patted his leg through the quilt: "Don't worry about answering, I know it's a tougher choice for you."

"I went to the next room to sleep for a while. I just flew over and had to fall into jet lag." After speaking, he stood up and left the ward.Looking at Ryazan's back, Gin Jiu's face was a bit solemn.

He stretched out his hand, gathered the long silver hair scattered around him, put it aside so as not to press under him, and then lay down slowly.He slowly closed his eyes.Ryazan, he has to think about it.This decision may change his entire life and beliefs.wDXc must think carefully

Seeing Gin lying down, Vodka quietly walked out of the room, standing guard between Gin and Ryazan's room quietly.After a long time, Gin slowly opened his eyes.

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes.wDXc He supported his body with his left hand, ready to do it.But at this moment, he suddenly found in doubt that there was no familiar pain in his right arm.He turned his head subconsciously and looked at the blood hole on the right arm.At this look, his eyes widened.wDXc There was a very big wound on his deltoid muscle.Basically, the entire arm is affected and it is difficult to exert force.

This kind of injury, even with the medical level of the organization, is basically impossible to cure.Unless the technology suddenly develops, it is possible to artificially create muscle ròu bundles and connect them perfectly to the nervous system wDXc. But now, this huge wound has almost healed?? For a while, the gin forgot to breathe, just staring dumbfounded. Look through the wound.After a while, he reacted and took a deep breath.On the head of the bed, there are a lot of blood scabs and other dirty tissues.That's not a big deal, he found that many of his long-term troubled dark wounds and old wounds were almost all right! Gin was a bit suspicious of life.If not all his senses remind him that this is reality, he even thinks he is dreaming

He frowned slightly.wDXc

Such a big change suddenly happened in his body, it certainly didn't appear out of thin air.

But to say, what are the variables around him today.He took a deep breath: "Mescal!" After a few seconds, Vodka opened the door and walked in: "Big brother?"

Gin glanced at him: "Vodka, where's Mescal?!" Vodka was taken aback: "Mai, Mr. Mescal? He is asleep next door." Gin lifted the quilt, put his shoes on the ground, and pushed the door. Went out.

He came to the door of Ryazan's room, pushed the door and walked in.wD) On the bed, Ryazan opened his eyes instinctively.I saw Jinjiu standing at the door, frowning and looking at him.Gin was wearing a hospital gown, and his long silver hair was thrown down, his eyes full of doubt.While Ryazan’s gaze, he said solemnly: "Mescal, what did you do to me?" Ryazan was taken aback: "Ah?"" Gin pointed to the injury on his shoulder: "My Did you cure the injury?" Ryazan reacted. Just now before he went to bed, he gave the gin an evil halo, thinking about waiting to wake up to see how the effect is. Now it seems that the effect is really good. Meng. On the shoulder of Gin, I can hardly see the previous injury, and the muscles have recovered very well.

He smiled: "Guess?"

Seeing Ryazan's appearance, Gin was directly confirmed, he must have done it! For a while, he didn't know what to do.According to his original son, if a person dared to do anything on him without his consent, he had already said nothing and killed him.But what happened this time is really incredible.

He couldn't help but doubt that Ryazan came to the United States this time and asking for his help might be just an excuse.This guy may have come to heal himself, although he doesn't know what the kid did, but his arm is kept.Look

With a tangled look on the gin, Ryazan directly guessed his thoughts.

He happily said: "If you don't know what to do, just smile." wDX


Although this sounds fine, but instinct tells him that there is

There must be a pit.Under Ryazan's gaze, he was expressionless, turned and left.

At the same time, he said faintly: "Pack things, ready to go!


------------------------------- Chapter 328 Vodka: I'm very tired

Gin went to the door of the room, took the black trench coat from the shelf and put it on him.Although he was wearing a hospital gown inside, his aura was still very strong.Ryazan gave him a thumbs up: "Yes, it’s not diminished in style. Gin gave him a slanted look, which can stop the kind of children crying at night. Ryazan pretended not to see: "Shall we go directly to Japan?" "It's not that simple. You trespass to the organization research institute. If Rum borrows the question to play, it will be enough for you to drink."I will deal with this matter first, and then return to Japan." Oh."Ryazan nodded. If i gin does not return to Japan, he doesn't know what to do. Although he is a little acquaintance in the U.S., he is very difficult to find. He really wants to find Belmode. , But... he just trespassed into the research institute, and then blocked himself to find Belmode, in case it really angered the BOSS, fearing that it would be troublesome. At this moment, Ryazan suddenly thought about it. , Go see my sister-in-law? Well, let me state in advance that I don't want to do strange things, it's just normal walking between relatives.

Looking at the way Ryazan travels to the outside world, Gin is a little helpless.He, an "outsider," felt the pressure, but Ryazan himself was quite relaxed.He once thought that the reason for Ryazan's rough nerves was that he had too little contact with him and had not been beaten by society.But now it seems that this guy's nerves are born, and it's useless to beat up by society. l If he is anxious, he can fight back a wave of society and come up with this idea. Gin feels a bit funny.The three of them left the research institute, randomly found a nearby town, first changed their outfits for gin, and then had a meal together.During the healing period, gin wine has always been a special nutritious meal. Although it is good for healing, the taste and taste are really ordinary. He is not a person who is greedy for pleasure,... Secretly eaten it? Now, not only has the injury on his shoulder healed, but even the dark and old injuries in his body are almost healed. Naturally, he can eat whatever he wants.Gin is actually quite curious about the changes in his body. He has never heard of any medicine that has such a miraculous effect.Besides, I didn't eat anything at the time, and I didn't get any injections at the time. How did the kid Mescal give himself medicine? All these made him very curious.However, since Ryazan did not say, he did not intend to ask.From the first day he saw Ryazan, he knew that this kid was careless on the surface and could not pretend to be a matter of fact. In fact, he really wanted to keep it secret, even if he was killed.

After eating Ban, he looked at Ryazan."Come on, tell me what happened recently.

"Although I can hear some of them here, they are all relatively fragmentary information. Ryazan subconsciously looked at vodka and planned to let vodka speak for him. After all, so many things happened after the gin went offline. It’s a big project to ask him to talk about it one by one. In the vodka's puzzled expression, he stared at it for a few seconds, and then sighed. "Forget it, let me say it myself.Vodka: "?"

Ryazan beckoned, called the waiter over, asked for a glass of ice water, and then began to tell the gin the various things that had happened recently.After listening to Ryazan, Gin's expression became very subtle.

Although he guessed that a lot of things have happened recently, he didn't expect it to be so big! The assassination of diplomats was barely an internal dispute, but after the Tokyo Tower blasting incident, Rum blatantly introduced external forces. The approach is a bit too much.He took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth."Kura...I have the impression that this name is a trump card in Rum's hand. It is said that as long as she handles the task, there is no failure.

He sneered: "Rum did not expect that this trump card would be folded in your hand. "If you just kill people, it doesn't matter, but you actually used Rum's trump card for 2 ...This is really interesting.Gin bit his cigarette and grinned: "First Belmode, now Curaçao. Unfortunately, Rum is not a female. Otherwise, with your ability, you might reach cooperation without playing it?"

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