I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 432

Before the words fell, the door of the bar was suddenly pushed open. Ryazan pushed the door in and waved to the bar from a distance. "Boss, bring me a glass of rye whiskey and add ice!" Hearing this, Daisuke Dimensional Goemon glanced at the door subconsciously.At this look, both of them were stunned.The two looked at Ryazan in shock, and then looked at the photos on the phone together.Then, they looked at each other.Finally, they looked at Ryazan together.

"Fuck. -. Really make me right?!" Dimension Daisuke looked shocked.Goemon, however, fell into self-doubt.I was really being followed...and I didn't notice it at all.Dao, the realm of this man is really so high? Bar door O, Ryazan looked at the reaction of the two men and tilted his head.These two people...what's the situation, why do they look like a ghost? After thinking about it, he slowly walked over.While Is watching them, he smiled slightly."Don't worry, I am a living person.

The author has only seen the linkage between Lupin and Conan, but has not seen the original Lupin, so if there are any details that do not affect the reading, please understand~-

The third and third chapters are monsters!

Hearing this, Dimension Daisuke felt like a dog.Isn't this nonsense, if it's not a living person, how do you talk to yourself? But after that, he reacted.

Before, Fujiko shot this guy one by one. This guy should be talking about this. He hurriedly raised his hands to front of him: "This matter has nothing to do with us. It is the woman who killed himself. And the five right guards The door slowly stood up. He slowly said, "No, this matter has nothing to do with the dimension, and my words are involved."If you're looking for it, just look for me. It just so happens that I have always wanted to compare it with you, so I can just do it now. "You and I are both swordsmen, just use the sword to speak, don't engage in those evil ways. What happened? Ryazan was slightly taken aback when they heard what they said.What did these two people say? Did you drink too much? But immediately after hearing the word "dimension", he suddenly realized something.Combining the dressing of this guy in front of you, these two people are Daisuke Dimensional, and Goemon Ishikawa! Ryazan is a little bit dumbfounded. He and this group of people are really destined. I can meet in Japan. Now I came to the United States. Yes. He wanted to explain-next, saying that he didn't come to them.But just as he was about to open O, he suddenly stopped again.Looking at the two men in front of him, he grinned. He was going to stab the FBI hornet's nest. At this time, instead of going alone, it must be better to bring other people together.Don't say that these two people are both capable, even if they are not capable, it is a good thing to just help oneself away-some hornets! Looking at Ryazan's smile, Dimension Dajie's heart-Shen. This devilish smile... looks like it. I don't plan to let them go easily.He was a little depressed. He was really unlucky. He obviously didn't get involved in Fujiko's actions. Why did he just eat and hang up? And Goemon, in his heart, agreed with Daisuke Jigen's statement.Seeing Ryazan's smile, he couldn't help but scalp the salon.

This guy is indeed a devil! As the two watched, Ryazan happily said, "This is not the place to say something, let's go outside.

Goemon nodded.Dimension Daisuke sighed and nodded helplessly.Under the leadership of Ryazan, the three people walked out of the bar. Seeing the direction where the three were leaving, the waiter was finally relieved.Just now, he thought this bar would be gone...


Just like in Doraemon 0, Daxiong and the others usually play games in the same kind of open space. Ryazan slowly stopped, turned around, and looked at the two people behind him.Goemon held the iron sword in his arms, and saw Ryazan stop, and stopped. Dimension Daisuke seemed to relax, but his hand was ready to draw his spear.Ryazan looked at the two of them and said, "Two, are you interested in making a deal?" When Is heard, Daisuke Dimensional was taken aback: "Deal?" Ryazan nodded."I have a friend who has been arrested, and I am going to save him, but my ability is limited after all, and you two are both highly capable people. If you are willing to help, this matter will definitely be stable. "If you are willing to help, not only will the previous matter be cancelled, but I will also thank both of you.Dimension Daisuke is a bit speechless.

This matter had nothing to do with him. Why did he want to help? He was about to refuse, so he heard Ryazan say: "If Uncle Dimension comes to help, I will pay three million dollars in appearance fees."Dimension Daisuke nodded without hesitation. Ryazan nodded and turned to look at Goemon.

Before he could speak, Goemon first said: "I don't want money. Under the gaze of Ryazan and Daisuke Dimension, he picked up the iron sword. Is "I just have to compete with you."If you are really as strong as Fujiko said, I will help you. Hearing this, Ryazan nodded: "Yes.Of course he doesn't mind saving money.Hearing the conversation between the two, Dimensional Daisuke swallowed.As a teammate, he knows the strength of Goemon.

This guy's swordsmanship can only be described by monsters.He could even cut through the thick steel plates one by one. This Ryazan actually dared to compare swordsmanship with him? He subconsciously hid away to prevent accidental injuries.Goemon put his hand on the handle of the knife and looked at Ryazan.He suddenly reacted to one thing. Ryazan seemed to have no sword in his hand... It was summer. Ryazan was wearing short sleeves on his upper body and trousers on his lower body. It didn’t look like there was a sword hidden in his hands. .He just wanted to ask, when he saw Ryazan put his hand into the trouser stall. He touched for about three or four seconds, but Ryazan didn't move.

Then, his hand suddenly pulled out, and he fished out a one-meter-long Japanese sword from his crotch!

Dimensional Daisuke: Both of them were shocked by the horror before them.What the hell?! Hidden knife in the crotch?! Ryazan pulled out Muramasa, gently--stroked, and pulled out a long silver cold light in the moonlight. It's a real guy... Not that kind of magic prop.Dimensional Daijie's whole person is not good.Goemon quickly accepted the reality.From the moment Ryazan took out the village, he felt the aura of Ryazan.That is the aura dedicated to swordsmen!

Goemon raised the corner of his mouth. Compared to the hearty duel, hiding a knife in the crotch is a trivial matter.Slowly, he pulled out a little bit of the iron sword between the hilt and the scabbard, revealing a small blade, the sharpness of the blade shone inward! Sword soil, Ishikawa Goemon!" He opened with a deep voice. "Wing Chun "Ryazan!" Ryazan Mansa responded. Goemon: What is it? When he was stunned, Ryazan moved under his feet and appeared in front of him instantly! Goemon did not hesitate, and the iron sword was instantly unsheathed. , The two swords fought fiercely, and a bunch of flowers burst out in the dark night! The next moment, the two fully opened up, in a short moment, the sound of sword blade clashing was denser than raindrops, and it sounded crazy! Then, two People jump backward at the same time, pulling apart. At this time, the swords in both hands are already red and hot.)

Dimensional Daisuke hissed.Sacred objects... are all monsters!

He had never thought that two humans could fight the swords, and the blades would turn red! Isn't this superman already?

At the same time, in the bar just now, a man with a monkey face and a red suit walked into the room.He looked around, showing a somewhat puzzled expression."Weird... They met with Dimension before, right? Why are there no one?" Is Lupin III, lost in confusion.

The story in the United States is very short, and friends who have never watched the Lupin theatrical version do not have to worry, there will be no dyslexia.Then, today’s chapter

How can chapters three, three and four involve the innocent?

Goemon reported the iron sword, and looked at Ryazan with an unconcealed light.

In the horns, he could not hear that there was a man who could tear the bullet of a gun with a sword man, he was actually a little skeptical.After all, in this world, there are only a handful of people who can possess this level of swordsmanship.Moreover, Feng Fujiko, running a train in his mouth is not one-time twice. He originally thought that Ryazan could have half the strength described by Feng Fujiko. He was very surprised. He didn't expect to find out the strength of this man when he really played against it. , Is stronger than what Fujiko described! And Ryazan is rarely in high spirits.After getting the swordsmanship, his opponents are basically relatively ordinary characters. Like Hattori Hirazo, although the swordsmanship is really good, but he only needs to be serious, basically-move B can solve it.Although Zong Jiyou is very strong, he is a karate practitioner after all, and he can't play fast with a sword player.It is the first time he has the pleasure of using a sword to meet a strong enemy like Goemon.

Then, disappear in place at the same time

Even Daisuke Dimension can barely capture the figures of these two people.In the rules of the night, Liang Chu and Gomon's figures are within one side, and the next one has passed by, and the stations are also facing the sea.

These two people really have a sense of ritual and they are willing to pose such a classic pos.

Could it be that someone's sword is about to be broken, and the blood is soaking up?

Then, he saw the sword in Ryazan's hand suddenly broke, the sword fell, and he threw himself alive in the ground.

Seeing Yu Li’s Broken Sword Liang Chan gave a dim expression,

Although this creation did not cost money, it took a long time for the good 5 to be used for a long time. Suddenly, he couldn't bear it. He turned around and looked at Goemon: "Suck, I lost, I lost. Goemon slowly turned around and shook his head. "It's not you who lost, but your sword is too bad."This kind of mass-produced ordinary sword is not worthy of your swordsmanship." If you also have a slashing sword in your hand, you won't know whether you will win or lose.Ryazanle said: "I didn't find a reason myself. You came to help me down the steps. Goemon slowly put the sword in the sheath: "It's not to find a reason, it's a fact. Liangzhuang looked at the cut in his hand. "Although the prefectures and districts don't want any starter package to be a real man. It shouldn't be so bad."

He originally thought that Ryazan himself had a good sword. The reason for using this one was only because it was not convenient to take it abroad. As a result, he heard what Ryazan meant. Is this really the best sword in his hand?

He opened his mouth and said, "Under the Ryazan picture, if I don't have a super hand blade, I have a few on my side.

E material and land, but it is also a weapon of choice. If you don’t earn or discard it, next time I return to Japan, I will give it to Zhouxia.His straight words are more cautious, after all, it sounds a bit charitable.The sword and soil are made of bones in one body. If the words are not used properly, they are likely to do bad things with good intentions.

As a result, I saw that Ryazan's eyes could be "free? Well, I would like to thank you in advance for the purchase. Look at the next year. Goemon Mountain is a bit of virtue.

After the attention of others, such a man will be a master of swordsmanship who is not under him..

Flatten two teammates.Liang Department opened a hotel room and began arranging the action for the next day.

According to Yuanjing's life, Kanbang was temporarily unable to help him, but Ryazan stopped him.

In order to prevent the exposure of the action in order to take the money lock, prohibit the use of mobile phones until the morning after tomorrow.Thoughts on D's matter.Dimensional Oita agreed to this request without any criticism.

It's just that, watching Ryazan Shi not let any small things happen in Ping District, Daisuke Tuantu dimension of the Han-French country always feels weird.

The next day, near

One mile near the FBI headquarters building, Daisuke Dimensional looked at the building not far away, almost spitting out old blood.He looked at Ryazan in shock,

"You, you, your friends are here? Ryazan nodded innocently: "Swap, Dimensional Daisuke persecuted-0 cool air,

He originally thought that Ryazan’s friend was kidnapped by a gang, and he did not expect that the Pengfa shop of Ranzan might be locked up in the bureau.

His first reaction was to get out of the car and walk away, although he was caught by FB)!

However, before he had time to act, when Ryazan held his hand in desperate gaze, Liang Zhi saw it

"Why are you going, Uncle Dimensional, you have already taken the money. "The area is a standard problem, you can change it without the market. The rules are so sour"

He pointed his finger to the Japanese building: "This place is my 88

The consequences are also very serious!

"My face, FBI|No one doesn't know it, if I show up and say it, Ryazan laughs "Let's go, rest assured, at this point, I will do it.

"Uncle Dimension, your mission is very simple. You only need to take a sniper rifle and Yuanyuan ground materials." Fire-fighting facilities, important people's offices... You just need to sniper the place to spot chaos.e8 is just a few hits in place of 3."After the fight, you can leave immediately. With your abilities, you will not be unintentional, and will not be unintentional, and throw off a few F8I agents within a few kilometers. It shouldn't be a problem.

"To save people, I can do it myself... Hearing this, Daisuke Dimension was a little surprised. "Are you alone?" In the afternoon, Ryazan dispatched Goemon and asked him to save a woman. In the second action team, he and Ryazan are the only two people. If he doesn’t come forward and is only responsible for harassment, then only Zihu will sneak into the FBI building. This can’t be said to be a death, it’s just giving someone away? In Dimension As Daisuke’s gaze, Ryazan nodded, “Yes, I’ll do it alone,” After all, what I want to save is how can I involve you innocent people? His eyes are full of sincere staring at Ryazan. After confirming that this guy is not playing the game, Dajie Dimensional shouted

"It's up to you, I have already taken the money anyway, and your life and death are not what I should be comfortable with.. Then he opened the door, went to the trunk, took out a box with this box, he looked at last He glanced at Ryazan’s car door. Looking at Ryazan’s appearance, he should not be sent to death. Facing the district number F8l, how would he get out after he rescued UFIDA?

Dimension Daisuke couldn't help being a little curious.There was silence for a while. He smiled and shook his head, lit a cigarette, and walked away. When Dimensional Daisuke walked away, Ryazan showed a strange smile. He took a box from the back seat of the car and gently Open. From the box, he took out a disguise mask, slowly on his head, after putting on the mask, his face became like a monkey, and the top of his head was shaped like a back with long horns.Then, she also put on a long box with thin eyes, and said a red ciri on the outside of the vest.He took a photo in the rearview mirror of the car, and he grinned.

As night fell, many employees had gone home from get off work.In order to help Akai Hidehwa to collect a proof of innocence, Taihada Misuo still chooses to work overtime today. Sometimes, she can’t help but what is the point of doing it by herself.

But-thinking of the appearance of Akai Hideichi sitting in the cell, her heart couldn't help but feel relieved, she began to read the information.

At this moment, she suddenly heard chaos from the extreme bottom, as if many people were arguing.Then, a strange sense of crisis suddenly petted her.

I saw the window cracked open with a snap

A collection of rough hit Bo bullets flew by less than two meters from her, and she hit the wall and struck long-range.

The photo was surprised and asked to be behind the table without hesitation, to avoid being aimed directly by the rough striker. However, after waiting for a few secret minutes, he never waited for the second shot. Instead, there was another exclamation in the corridor. ,

In the loudspeaker, a huge beep sounded,

[Attention everyone! The building is being sniped, and the location of the attack is initially determined to be southwest! All personnel Tian Suyin...

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