I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 433

Who is so frantic and dare to attack the 8 headquarters? In her mind, Tian Suduan chose the case handled by the FBI Qiuqi, and the state read the identity of the other party.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of Akami Hideichi who was kept in the confinement room.It's so messy outside, there won't be anything over there, right. It's impossible for a rough hitter to come to the closed room, but one. Just in case, she decided to go to the stone.

Many people in the 8th mile walked back and forth. It was a scene with a little bit of bidding. Without a lot of effort, they finally came to the side of the forbidden group room.

She suddenly saw that at the end of the corridor not far away, a figure flashed past!

0 is that person. Who is it?

Let her fail to see her looks clearly,-1. That red suit, in the F headquarters building, seemed a bit polite. She had been working in the district for so long, and she had never seen anyone wearing this color Xiuu to work.

In Judy's heart, the direction of 8 is the direction of the confinement room!

She went to repair

In the Ming Dynasty, the other party is Shang Shou Chi Gongxiu. The high-eyed shoes that he wears on the floor are set up, and the ancients are gone without flying!

But, because of the sniper, E wants to report the situation here.She had all kinds of beards in her open things and couldn't even intervene.

No 8. She came to Jiu Bao Ji Zai's face: just arrived in the district, she used Jiang Kong Yi 59 to drink.

The two police officers in charge of guarding all fainted to the ground and walked in. Along the way, they kept seeing that Judy took out a pistol and suddenly turned around the guards of the kidnappers.The wooden palmistry field turned the corner.Aiming at the door of Hideo Akai's confinement room 0.

In her gaze, a man in a red suit was standing at the door of Hideo Akai's room. Hearing Judy's voice, the man looked over with a smile, and Judy couldn't help but see what this man looks like. A t "Lupin III

As the FBI, she is naturally no stranger to this face! Praise grin-smile "Good evening, beautiful lady, Weiyan's expression is Chonglu and three are found by the National Defense Network. Do you want to be with us?"

"Ah, this is really terrible. Letter to the F headquarters building, he is very sinful, hurry up and surrender, otherwise I will shoot! .cis

Ryazan smacked his lips. He stretched out his hand and pinched his thumb and middle finger together. Then, he smiled and made a boom!!!

In the eyes of Wei Di's wrong singing, in the bathroom behind her, a violent explosion burst out of the bathroom door and slammed her against the wall. Suddenly a violent explosion!

The intense pain made her eyes dark for a while.Ryazan happily took out the key he found on the guard and opened the room. Akai Hide-sitting on the edge of the bed, quietly looked at him.And opened the door of the group room.

"Guo Bang III. "The internationally renowned thief, there are two such big riots here, just to see me.As he said, he slowly stood up and walked on him towards Ryazan, exuding powerful authority.Although he doesn’t know why Bibang III appeared here, but if he catches him, he should be able to leave this damn confinement room.. Thinking of this, he is a little grateful for the monkey face in front of him. At this time, the "Lupin III, suddenly smiled" in front of him. After being closed for so many days, you are quite energetic, Chara.. I heard this name, Akai Shuichi was slightly-stunned. Seize this moment, Ryazan It was cold in front of me. "Fuel consumption!

He made a big announcement and used the skills he learned from Curaçao for a few years to become a dragon. Although the Red Cong showed a well-trained body and strong body, he had been locked in the forbidden group room for so many days. Xi’s batch 7, which was already a false batch, was beaten by Ryazan and immediately fainted.

Ryazan grin-laugh

"Ke you like a ghost, punched you to sleep. As he said, he reached out and grabbed the two figures of Hide-Akai's collar, and instantly disappeared in the room!

One-Xingran, I didn’t become a zero mark. I think in reality, the defense system of CGCC’s Dagen has become an impossible question.

However, the world of postal studies-the landmarks of the capital of Japan can be used, right?

Chapter Three, Three and Five, Ryazan: This is really great

Last night, Ryazan had hidden the teleportation dagger in a forest in the southern suburbs.As the item skills are activated, the vision changes instantly.As soon as the teleportation was over, he looked around with real eyes, confirmed that no one was nearby, smiled slightly, and took out the dagger wrapped in cloth from the tree hole on the side.

Holding the teleportation dagger, he suddenly became a little curious.What would happen if he threw the teleportation dagger into the inventory before activating the teleportation function? Although it was a little itchy, he gave up the idea.After all, there is still a difference between being like a dead man and a pure lunatic.He took off his hood, took off his suit, and threw it into his inventory with the dagger.Looking at Akai Hideichi lying on his feet, Ryazan laughed. The punch just now was a bit too strong, and he directly smashed Akai's chin.If it is not treated in time, wait for the bones to heal on their own.Thinking of that scene, I looked forward to it.However, thinking of Akimi Miyano's reaction, he decided not to take the risk. He sat down against the tree and cast an evil halo on Akai Hideo.The broken jaw began to heal quickly. After a while, the cosmetic surgery was successfully completed.The time to wait for people is always boring. Ryazan sat for a while, and when no one came, he started to wonder, and wanted to use mud to paint on Akai's face.The problem is that he is good at peeing, no one and mud.While feeling melancholy, he suddenly felt that someone was coming.He picked up Akai Hideichi, like a leopard that had just been hunted successfully, and jumped to a tree in a few steps, and put Akai Hideichi on a branch.As for him, he squatted beside him, opened his true eyes, and looked in the direction of the people coming.Looking at it, he relaxed.

After a while, Goemon Ishikawa and Akemi Miyano appeared in his vision.Ishikawa Goemon walked in front without expression, while Miyano Akimi looked frightened and looked around from time to time, like a kidnapped urban novel heroine.Goemon stopped walking as he walked.Miyano Akimi, who followed, subconsciously exploded.

She looked warily at Goemon.In this wilderness, she was a weak woman, beautiful, in case the other party had a big hair...Miyano Akemi swallowed.As she watched, Goemon slowly said, "This should be it. "Huh?" Miyano Akemi was taken aback. Goemon gave her a faint look: "This is an appointment with Ryazan and the others. The meeting point."Neither of them have arrived yet. Maybe it's. By the way, he suddenly raised his head and looked up. He saw Ryazan squatting on Shuquan, grinning at him. Goemon: ...there is one. Let’s say, this scene is really scary. Ryazan jumped down from the tree carrying Akai Shuichi. "Yes, I tried my best to hide my breath, but you still discovered it."He was a little surprised. Hearing that, Goemon gently shook his head: "I really didn't feel your breath, I felt this guy's breath."He held the iron sword and pointed at Hideo Akai with his chin.Only then did Ryazan realize that Shuichi Akai was not the dinner he caught, but a living person.is> Seeing Akai Hideichi, Miyano's eyes widened, and she ran over."Maharaja, Maharaja! What's wrong with you?!" She held on to Hide Akai's shoulders, a little anxious.Ryazan said: "It's okay, I just passed out. It is estimated that I was interrogated by the FBI for too long and my body was too weak. Hearing this, Miyano was finally relieved. And Akai was shaken by her for a while. , Also slowly opened his eyes. Looking at the few people in front of him, he showed a somewhat puzzled expression. Because of Ryazan's punch just now, his head was still a little dizzy. He vaguely remembered that he was in the F8 confinement room just now. During the riots, Lupin III suddenly appeared in the cell. The guy called out the name Mescal would use, and then took advantage of his distraction, gave himself a punch! Suichi Akai suddenly understood something. He turned He looked at Akemi Miyano: "Akimi, what is this place?" Akemi Miyano was taken aback for a moment: "Shu Akai in the southern suburbs of the Special Economic Zone-there was a sudden urge to vomit blood. He turned his head and looked at Ryazan: "You, you do everything." What happened? Ryazan tilted his head: "Me? I risked my life and rescued you from the FBI." I heard that you were arrested and will be shot at any time. We immediately started organizing rescue operations. One minute Dare not delay.After speaking, he said with emotion: "Hey, thank you for nothing. Between us, there is no need to do this. See you outside. Akai Shuichi: .. He really wants to thank Ryazan for using a gun.

Miyano Akimi supported him behind his back: "Maharaja, this time, we really want to thank Mai, really want to thank Ryazan-kun, if it weren't for him, I really don't know what to do now, so I can watch Miyano look relieved , Hideichi Akai's heart that wanted to go desperately with Ryazan also slowly calmed down. He sighed, stretched out his hand, and gently touched Miyano Akimi's hair. "Sorry, I worried you.Seeing this scene, Ryazan gave a tut. He was all ready, waiting for Akai Hide-to go crazy, come and beat him, and then he and Goemon jointly beat Akai Hide-a-half. I didn’t expect it, hit someone. It failed, but was fed a mouthful of dog food.He was just about to say something, and suddenly turned his head with Goemon and looked back. Not far away, Daisuke Dimension was riding a motorcycle and hurried over quickly, and a horizontal brake stopped beside a few people.Seeing Ryazan, he showed a somewhat surprised expression."Isn't it?! I walked ahead of you, or I-a person, actually arrived later than you? Ryazan shrugged: "I am better at running.Dimensional Daisuke: Although it is difficult to understand how Ryazan did it, he also had to worry about it.People who can fight with Goemon swordsman can't use common sense to understand.He looked at Goemon: "Is everything done cleanly? Isn't it exposed?

Goemon nodded: "Don't worry." Even if the FBI went to the scene to investigate, at best it knew that it was a kendo master, and nothing else was found.Hearing this, Goemon nodded comfortably: "My side is similar, the police know at best that there is-a top sniper, without other clues, it is impossible to think of us.-By the side, Ryazan Some emotions "This is really great.

FBI headquarters, large conference room. A black agent slammed the table."According to various clues, it is now completely certain that those who hijacked Hideo Akai, shot and attacked Akimi Miyano were all members of Lupin III's team.

"Changbang III. Swordsman, top sniper... These guys have no intention of hiding at all, they are deceiving too much!

The third and third chapters might as well follow me to Liangshan

In the eyes of everyone, the black agent's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot."Just I, the technical department has retrieved all the surveillance video, but it didn’t even take a photo of the intruder’s clothes.

"This proves two points." First. The people in the technical department are all eateries, and the monitoring system was easily breached as if they were walking around the back garden!"

"Second, there is a professional team behind the other party! He took out a document." According to witnesses at the scene, the agent Wei Tistyxi said that the person who hijacked Hideo Akai was the international thief, Lupin III!

"- One is Daisuke Dimensional, a monster whose shooting skills are not inferior to Hideo Akai. The other is Goeguchi Ishikawa, which is even more monster than Daisuke Dimensional. It is said that this man can use a- Put Japan

Hearing this, everyone in the conference room was stunned..Difficult..... The person in charge of monitoring Miyano Akemi has traces of a knife hit on her body.

It's no wonder that FB's ability failed to catch the gunman who attacked the headquarters. It turns out that these two people are members of the Lupin III team! Thinking of this, many people's first thought was not anger, but a sigh of relief. The team who had been sentenced to the second... has activities all over the world, committing many serious and vicious cases, and they have been investigating them for many years, but they have found nothing.If these people really did the robbery this time, then they would have much less responsibility.

After all... so many people can't catch it after so many years. We missed it once-and it was normal! Seeing everyone's expressions, the black agent snorted coldly.

He doesn't need to think, he knows what he is thinking.Because he thinks so too-he coughed: "In short, it is basically certain that the prison robs are from the team of Zeng Bang III. After the meeting, the amount of suspension for the three of them will be increased.

Hard mention

Relevant personnel nodded immediately: "Understood! The black agent nodded and continued to bite." The other senior workers showed off the enemy and defected. The crime was abominable. After the meeting, he immediately issued a warrant for him.

Hearing this, Zhu Luo was surprised.She hurriedly raised her hand. Seeing her raise her hand, the black agent wrinkled: "There is Agent Taishan, what else do you want to say?"

Judy stood up suddenly: "Agent John, I think this decision was too hasty! Agent Hideakii is probably framed, if Huang is so

With some conditions, a senior agent would be convicted and wanted. I am afraid that the impact would not be too good, right? "Noisy." The black agent shrugged helplessly."You are right, but this is the order from above, and I can't help it. Judy's pupils shrunk. The above--. refers to the chief? ... is the one above? She has a little back. Chill, with weakness in his legs, he sat back directly in his seat. Seeing the unsuccessful reaction, many people showed sympathetic eyes. Many people know that these two were lovers before.

..-They're in this line, they would rather kill by mistake-do. Can't let one pass.Trust is the least valuable thing in their business.If the master above is not at ease, what kind of senior agent are you, rain control, what kind of trump card you are, you will die! Is


That night, in a bar, three men gathered together. Looking at the two teammates in front of him, Lupin was a little speechless. "What you mean is... after I dated you, you picked up someone else together. Live?

Goemon and Daisuke Jigen nodded together.Lupin III felt like he wanted to cry.The two men, are they really their own teammates? Look at the appearance of the third one, Dimensional Dajie Opera Mouth-laugh "Don’t be so stingy, I didn’t want to take this job, but I can’t help it.

Then, he took out a check and shook it in front of Lupin.Seeing the number on the check, Lupin was taken aback for a while.Does this hold--more than so much, it can kill people!

He was a little surprised: "Isn't it buying life money? Dimension Daisuke shook his head: "It shouldn't be. Goemon and I didn't show up at all. Only the guy himself showed up.

Having said that, he still feels a little bit about him.He originally thought that Ryazan and Fengfuzi were the kind of villains who used all means to achieve goals.

I didn't expect to really cooperate with each other, which is quite pleasant.-Next, Goemon nodded, too: "He is a master sword wood, and he can't do strange things.

Lupin's mood is more subtle.These two bastards have never given him such a high evaluation. Just then, his mobile phone rang suddenly.He answered the phone. After a few seconds, his eyes slowly widened."What the hell? I don't! It's not me!" He said in surprise.-By the side, Daisuke Dimension and Goemon all cast their sights.

Lupin listened to the phone for a while and the corner of his eyes twitched and nodded: "I understand. Thanks for reminding. Next time I invite you to drink!

Hanging up the phone, he looked at the two teammates, showing a horrible expression....Lupin III sneaked into the FB headquarters building, rescued the detained criminal and escaped with two party members.

"At present, the bounty of the three people has increased significantly. I think the three of your mobile vaults heard Lupin's words, and the two of them were first taken aback. Then, at the same time, they were surprised." Yi Rongshu---Dimensional Daisuke broke his breath. No! He returned to I recalled the scene where he and Ryazan were separated.Sure enough, there was a big box on the back seat of the car! At the time, he thought it was a bomb, but now that he wants to come, I’m afraid it’s a transfiguration Daoyue!

After clarifying Ryazan's practice, he felt like crying without tears. Lupin III had already cried: "Damn, this is Ryazan, I will definitely not let you go!

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