I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 434

A private jet took off from the United States and flew towards the land of far pleasure.Miyano Akemi was already asleep on the large recliner.Ryazan and Akai Hideo were sitting opposite each other in the dining room. Seeing Ryazan's excellent appearance, Akai Hideichi himself was split apart.Originally, he wanted to rush back to the FBI to prove his innocence....Before he can act, F8 has identified him as a traitor and is on the wanted list.In this way, no matter how unwilling he is, he can only escape

Ryazan took a sip of coffee, smiled and looked at Hideo Akai-Black_. Char, stop struggling, you are a rat crossing the street now, if you don’t find a place to stay, don’t talk about upholding justice, afraid of wives and children

Can't afford it."Now that things are like this, why don't you go to Liangshan with me?

Hideo Akai was speechless.What the hell is this!

, Elena'

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By cap 3205.2.9

Chapter Three and Seven I Want to See Shiho

If Akai had seen the Water Margin, he would definitely find that what happened to him was a living replica.Seeing Ryazan's cheerful look, his ventricle is not working.Indeed, as Ryazan said, his current situation is very bad.First of all, fbi must not be able to go back, and the above will definitely not listen to his explanation. If you meet, you have to yell him.It is also unrealistic to open up groups and take the route of freelance work.In the past, when he was alone, it didn't matter. Whether he was a mercenary or a bodyguard, he could live very well.Now that he has a wife and children, he naturally doesn't have the courage to engage in those industries.At this point, Hideo Akai sighed. It was the man in front of him who clearly caused this situation, but the most annoying thing was that his best choice now was to stick to this guy.At least, no matter what happens, this guy will never hurt Mingmi.Seeing Akai Hideichi's depressed look, Ryazan shrugged."Actually I don't think you

"Don't be stupid, let me say that there is no difference between fbi and an organization, except that one is legal and the other is illegal." Our organization has a lot of undercover agents, but in other aspects, b is still high."" "Rather than being a thug for a lifetime with fb, it is better to go up the mountain with your brother, what do you think?" urbz

Under Ryazan's gaze, Hideo Akai-was silent for a while. Then, he slowly said:'Mscal, I am not unacceptable if you want me to do things for you."You have to tell me, what is your purpose? He fixed Ryazan's eyes firmly. If you just want to rely on the power of the organization to enjoy the glory and wealth, and recruiting forces only to eliminate the difference 2, then I will Taking the risk with Mingmei Destiny, the End of the World will not follow you. 0 Ryazan showed-a smooth expression, "Do you think I look like that kind of person?" Sometimes it looks like."Akai Hide-said without hesitation.

He took out a walkie-talkie: "Are you the pilot? Open the hatch and I will kick someone down.

He looked calm, and said slowly: "Alright, I have been planning for so long, and it's time to find someone to talk to.

A few hours later, the plane slowly landed in Tokyo Ryazan and slowly got off the plane.

Behind him,-the men and women walked out.The woman has long pink hair, and her face is painted with make-up, which is a bit of love for the family.The male has short brown hair and a brown suit.His eyes were narrowed and he was wearing a pair of spectacles, making his eyes almost invisible.The woman raised her head and stared at him with interest. Then she couldn't help but smile and said, "Maharaja, you look so much cuter than usual. The man coughed: "Xiaomei, I'm Chongya Subaru now, no When the stars are big, remember to change your words, otherwise it may cause trouble."The rb2 woman nodded with a smile: "Okay, Subaru~" "Suddenly there is a feeling of a new boyfriend, curious.

Ryazan turned his head and rolled his eyes. "I'm going to send out dog food again. Believe it or not, I will send you back to f8i?

Thinking about it carefully, not only Mingmei, he also has an inexplicable sense of ease.After leaving fb, life is like opening a new door-like, becoming brighter... rbz

On the plane, he talked a lot with Ryazan. In the end, he decided to follow Ryazan and become the power of Ryazan.In order to conceal his identity, he accepted Ryazan's disguise and changed his name to a customs officer. He was the newly acquired younger brother of Ryazan.After leaving the organization for so long and suddenly coming back, Hideichi Akai was a little bit emotional, but a little expectant.With these two people, Ryazan drove the car,-Lu returned home.After entering Ryazan’s house, Mingmei saw "What a big house, bigger than the one in Washington. Ryazan walked to the small bar, poured herself a glass of bourbon, and poured another glass for Akai." It was normal. This house was built earlier. At that time, the land for building the house was better approved, and it was also cheaper."re "The villa you lived in Washington, built for a relatively short period of time, is a super luxury item, it is incomparable-side Say-while picking up the glass and drinking --0.

Then she suddenly became a bit xingfèn: "By the way, Mescal, where is Zhibao? I want to see her!" urbz

Ryazan-the sip of wine came out directly.He was choked and coughed for a while, then looked at Akemi Miyano in shock.

He was shocked. He had just thought about earning Akai Hideichi going up the mountain before, and completely forgot about it! Seeing Ryazan's appearance, Miyano Akemi was slightly taken aback: "What's the matter?" Ryazan twitched his mouth: "It's okay. It's okay to see Shirley, right? No problem. "But she has been busy at work recently, and I'm not sure which day I can ask her out. When I determine the time, I will tell you Akemi Miyano nodded: "Okay. !" The thought of reunion with her sister after a long absence, she felt a sense of xingfèn.And Ryazan has an urge to split. If Akemi Miyano sees Shirley now, he will definitely mistake him for a heavy industry enthusiast. At that time, he will jump into Tokyo Bay. After a short period of entanglement. , He decided to give this matter to Shirley, she decided what to do, and she didn't follow it.

"Xia, you come with me, let's go find a woman. After hearing this, Akai nodded.

Akimi Miyano hurriedly said: "No, no!" She hurriedly walked between Ryazan and Hideo Akai: "You can't do this kind of thing!" rbz Akai nodded a little.Seeing Miyano Akemi's firm face, he couldn't help feeling a little bit.Never mind that Mingmei is always soft and weak, and occasionally looks a little off the line. On important issues, she is still very principled.He just wanted to say something, he heard Miyano continue to say: "Go, go to that place, it will hurt your body! She turned her head without tears, and looked at Akai Shuichi." Although I know, woman After pregnancy, men want to go out and do these things, but Maharaja Subaru cannot go!

I thought that Ryazan was already outrageous, and my daughter-in-law’s fu is more amazing than Ryazan without a daughter-in-law!

Under Hideichi Akai's painful gaze, Akemi Miyano hesitated, then his eyes were suddenly firm."If Subaru is really uncomfortable, I can use other methods to help Subaru!" So, Xianjun don't go to that place, okay?"

He suddenly had the urge to take Miyano to take a Montreal cognitive test.

With a helpless sigh, Akai Hide--turned to look at Ryazan.Just seeing Ryazan's expression is also very subtle.The more he has contact with Akemi Miyano, the more worried he is. If Xiao Ai and such sisters often touch, will their IQ be affected.He sighed and said, "Don't worry, I'm just taking Xia to find a female agent." She is the key part of my plan-you can't go wrong. Hearing this, Miyano Akemi blinked.Then he looked at Akai Hideichi Akai Hide-nodded: "Don't worry, I won't go to strange places. With Akai's assurance, Miyano finally smiled. Akai Hideichi left with Ryazan. House.

Although he doesn't know who Ryazan is talking about, as long as the two people's ultimate goal is the same, the process is not that important.Before achieving the final goal, what I have to do is to think about Ryazan and do things for him.

Seeing the two leave, Miyano Akemi smiled slightly and she could feel that after leaving fb8i, Akai Hideichi-although on the surface unhappy, in her heart, she is really happy.

She looked around the house and decided to play a role to help Ryazan clean the house. In order to clean and meticulously, she turned on the lights in the house.When she was about to turn on the lights in the hall, she showed a strange expression. On the opposite side of the lights in the hall, there are several buttons to turn on the lights.What do these buttons do? After thinking about it, she tried to press it, but found no response.Maybe it's broken? She tilted her head and turned to look for sanitary tools.At the gate of the courtyard, a small white light was silently lit.

Recently, she has been busy running for Ryazan before and after, but nothing has happened, she can take care of her job.

The moment this thought emerged, Shui Wurei's kiss suddenly-stunned.

Looking at the press release in front of her, she had the urge to lift the table.

That's not right! My own job is CA, why did I really use the TV station as a cost job?! When Zhengyu was crying without tears, she suddenly received a text message.Seeing the sender, her pupils shrank slightly. Shui Wulian quickly clicked on the text message.[Kiel, go back to the museum base, I'm looking for you for something.After receiving this text message, Shui Wu Rina's eyes lit up-a stream of heat surged from her lower abdomen, making her feel a little crisp.Mescal was looking for herself at this time. She must have regarded herself as a confidant, ready to include herself in his inner circle! Thinking of this, she threw away the files in her hand and walked directly to the TV station parking lot. From the stairs, I just saw the director Wangli holding a glass of Baiqi Waterway

Seeing Shui Wu Reina, the director of the station slightly--stunned: "Shui Wu Anchor, aren't you supposed to be preparing tonight's recording, why are you here? "It doesn't matter anymore!" Shui Wu Reina just slapped a sentence. Strode into the elevator and closed the elevator door.

Looking at the closed elevator doors, he cried without tears.

Shui Wu anchor. Usually a very gentle person, why is it that he has offended her when she suddenly becomes so cold? I drove in the car, Shui Wu pity-stepped on the accelerator and used the fastest speed in the eyes of not speeding Du rushed to the museum research institute. After walking into the research institute, she looked around, but did not find Ryazan.After thinking about it, she estimated that Ryazan might be in the underground training ground.Ryazan's direct subordinates, that beautiful doctor, the pseudo-mother, often practiced in the underground training ground, so Ryazan would often go there.Thinking of this, she walked quickly to the training ground.After a few hours, she came to the training ground.As soon as she entered the house, she saw that a figure suddenly leaped towards her! Shui Wurenai was shocked and then instantly regained consciousness, with a glimmer of coldness in her eyes. Although she was attacked, she was also a professional agent. Not covered! Not covered!

Did something go wrong? She desperately tried to raise her head to see who had attacked her, but she couldn't raise it at all.She hurriedly said, "I am Gere! Don't call the wrong person!"

However, the person holding her still said nothing.Instead, a cheerful voice rang from behind."That's right, you were the one who caught, Gere.

Hearing this voice, Shui Wu Rennai-stunned "Mai, Mr. Mescal? Ryazan slowly walked into Shui Wu Rina's field of vision, squatted down, and looked at her with a smile. Shui Wu Rina's eyes were a little panic:" Mai Is Mr. Scarl kidding me?" No. "Ryazan shook his head, "This is obviously a normal work of the organization." In Shui Wuxin's gaze, he smiled slightly. "As for spies, organizations never show mercy. Yeah. 5. Water without pity Zongru

"Mr. Mescal, I am thinking about the organization. I personally killed my father for the organization!" rbz "Hi, what is this thing? I even dedicated the virgin for the organization. The sacrifice is not greater. What.

If it's not being pressed on the ground and being slaughtered at any time, she must say, you have a problem!

"Mr. Mescal, you must believe me... I really am not a conspiracy!" She said anxiously.


He looked behind him: "Hey, Xia, give me that information." A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of San?ur Shui Wu Lian.Who is this? By Mescal's side, when is there a person with this name? At the edge of her vision, a figure slowly walked over.rbz walks with that person gradually

By the way, this month, except for the thirty thousand half-year prizes I lost, my mentality was broken, and my mind was broken-every other day, every day is guaranteed to be a four-word ". If there is only one, it must be a two-in-one chapter.

Two days ago, I posted a two-in-one, which was not marked at the end of the chapter. I saw many people asking how

The third and third chapters of the water without mercy: Come on!

Seeing Akai Shuichi, Mizuno Rei was shocked and surprised.This guy, isn’t this an undercover agent sent by fbi? If I remember correctly, about two years ago, this guy wanted to grab gin, but was seen through by Mescal. It's not that Shuichi Akai ran fast, but now the grass at the head of the grave is two meters high.Why would he be with Mescal? In her astonished gaze, Akai Xiu put out the stack of paper blankly, and put it in Ryazan's hand.Ryazan stretched out his hand to take it, and flipped twice pretendingly.Facing a blank sheet of paper without a word, he slowly said:'Kier, formerly known as the main hall, Yinghai, the current agent of ca, and the pseudonym Shui Wurennai sneaked into the organization, Ping 3li, using the role of the hostess of the Japanese TV station as a cover. ."His father was the former IA agent, Ethan Bentang. During the undercover process, in order to protect his daughter and committed suicide, Well forged the scene where Kiel killed him, paving the way for Kiel’s position in the organization. Ryazan-Shui Wulanai's face became paler and paler when she read the sentence. It was all over. Her family background was all revealed. Although she always felt that Ryazan had discovered her identity, she didn't. Thinking of it, she knew it to this level. Suddenly she lost even the struggling yuwang. At this point, the sophistry was meaningless. She sighed and said, "Let’s do it. Hearing the words, Ryazan puts away her hand again. Blank paper, jiāo to Hideichi Akai next to him.Akai Hideichi took the blank paper in a delicate mood.Back then, maybe he was just like Gere. It was obvious that the family had been touched and it was still beautiful.Had it not been for Ryazan's mercy when he caught the gin, he might really be gone now.Ryazan straddled Shui Wuliu's kiss, lowered his head, and looked at her cheerfully."Do it? How do you do it?" Shui Wu Reina said lightly: "You don't need to play a cat and mouse game with me. I know how to organize the ghosts. Don't worry, no matter what punishment you use, I will not Divulge Ren Ke's secret." In order to save you a bit of effort, I suggest that you still directly kill me.Hearing this, Ryazan touched his chin: "Really, can't any punishment be pried open your mouth?"

Shui Wurei raised the corner of his mouth:'Of course."Don't look at me like this. I am specially trained in pain tolerance. Ryazan thought for a while: "Is pain not easy to use-otherwise, I will put you in the basement and call a dozen or so every day. Big guy, put you on for a few hours and stop when you are about to talk."This day comes once a day for several months. Until you become a hot weapon.At that time, without me, you should be obedient.Hearing this, Shui Wu Rina sucked in a cold breath. She never expected that Ryazan would make such a terrifying speech! Her voice was a little trembling: "You, you can't do this, "I can, What can’t I do.” Ryazan said, “It’s not that I am boasting, but my characteristic is that my lower limit is relatively low. Is this really boasting?! Shui Wulani is a little broken. At this moment, she suddenly realized , Ryazan began to untie the belt of his pants!-Shuichi Akai next to him showed a surprised expression. Curaçao, who was pressing on Mizuno Rena, also showed shock. Mizuno Rena's eyes widened: "Wait, wait?! Mescal, do you want f? She began to struggle hard, but under the suppression of the Curaçao woman, let alone break free, she couldn't even move.In her horrified gaze, Ryazan slowly reached into his pants, and then stayed still for a few seconds.Shui Wu Rina was a little desperate.At the same time, not knowing why, she felt her lower abdomen warmed up again.Three seconds later, Ryazan slowly lifted his hand up, as if he had pulled something out of his crotch. Shuichi Akai turned his head quickly.Curaçao wanted to look away, but she was a little curious, so she didn't have time to turn away.Woo! "Shui Wurenai screamed, and tears came out. She was still a big girl, and she was thinking about it. She saw that Ryazan took out a laptop from his pants. Shui Wurenai His expression instantly solidified. Curacao was taken aback, his hands were loose. Fortunately, Shui Wulian was also in shock, and he didn't mean to break free. Ryazan blinked his eyes when he saw the reaction of the two:'What's wrong with you? Shuichi Akai glanced here and found that Ryazan had not taken out the tools of the crime. He was finally relieved. But then, he couldn't help but want to complain. This laptop is so special. Coming out? In the deathly silence, only Ryazan was happy. He slowly turned on the computer, called up a video, and put it in front of Shui Wurenai. Seeing Ryazan's movements, Shui Wurenai's first reaction was, Is Ryazan going to give herself some video help? She looked at the screen. At this look, she exclaimed directly! On the screen,-a teenager wearing glasses was lying on the ground, his hands and feet were trapped, his mouth There was also tape on the top. He struggled desperately and twisted, but couldn't stand up at all. Next to him, stood a beautiful woman wearing a big white box and a single ponytail. She smiled at the camera: "People are already Catch it, Ryazan. The video ends here.Mizumi's eyes were a little dark.She recognized the boy on the ground at a glance.There is no doubt that this is her younger brother, Eisuke Hondō! Since the day she joined the organization, she has tried her best to hide the existence of this younger brother.For this reason, she has never had any contact with her younger brother over the years, just because she is afraid that his younger brother will be discovered.Unexpectedly, Mescal is so magical that she can even discover this! She looked at Ryazan desperately:'Ms. Mescal-Mr. Mescal, please, there is only my brother, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my brother! "Yang Zan nodded: "So, do you know what you should do?"

Shui Wurein pursed her mouth while he was watching. After struggling for a while, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth."Come on! No matter what position you can! Ryazan: "???

Damn it, explain... Yesterday, I wrote Shui Wu Rennai saying that I killed her father to prove the truth. Today, I think about it carefully. Next, the organization should not know the relationship between her and her father.

Obviously, when I wrote it yesterday, I still thought about it. Does the organization know this? If it doesn’t know how, it feels that the organization knows. Sorry, I wrote it wrong again! But I wrote it all, and it doesn’t affect the plot. Changed! Warm reminder: If the chapter content is not displayed in the browser reading mode, click

The third and third chapters are not human, right?

Seeing Shui Wulian, Ryazan was a little silent.For a moment, it seemed that he suddenly understood the pain of gin wine alone, and it was a bit scary to be able to disconnect to this extent.He stretched out his hand and slapped Shui Wu's forehead.

Because he closed his eyes before, Ryazan was shocked with this shot, Shui Wuren was unprepared.She opened her eyes and saw Ryazan roll his eyes."Who told you to lie down and be equal, I have not had enough food recently, so how can you have time to play with you?" Shui Wulani blinked.She thought that Ryazan-Slap was a prelude to playing so.Ryazan said in a bad mood: "What you have to do is very simple, that is, what you did before and what you will do afterwards. After hearing this, Shui Wurenai was taken aback. She thought for a while, and then said:'What do you mean... I continue to work as a double agent and provide intelligence to the organization and the cia, but what kind of intelligence to provide? Ryazan nodded: "Yes."He is relieved. Fortunately, Shui Wu Renai's head is still very useful in the professional field. If she is really stupid, then even if she is willing to vote, she will not dare to take it. A hint of hesitation flashes in Shui Wu's eyes. Ryazan pointed to the laptop: "It doesn't matter if you don't want it."It's just that, next time I see your brother, he may not be lying alone on the ground, but with a dozen or so elder boars." Shui Wureina widened his eyes.Isn't this too human?! Her lips moaned a few times, her eyes a little desperate.Mescal, a textbook-level organization killer, a man who may be promoted to a cadre at any time, will definitely be the mainstay of the organization in the future.If you are really restrained by him, and everything will be obeyed by him from then on, it is simply unimaginable how much harm it will cause to this world.Although she is not high in the CA level, she can read a lot of confidential information.If all these materials are obtained by the organization, the world will really be in chaos! The most important thing is that if you do this, your beliefs will be completely destroyed! But it will be even more difficult for her to give up her brother-time, she I don't know what to do at all.If suicide could solve all problems, she really wished she would hit her head to death on the ground now.Seeing Mizumi's painful look, Xiu Akai next to him-looked at Ryazan helplessly."Mr. Mescal, don't tease her. Because he has gone to Ryazan now, in front of outsiders, he added a Mr. after the title.

Ryazan's goose bumps came out.It's weird that Hideichi Akai, a steel hunk, suddenly treated himself as polite as vodka.Hearing the conversation between the two, Shui Wureina was slightly shocked.Don't. What do you mean by 3? Ryazan couldn't help but feel happy looking at Shui Wu Rennai-face confused."Curaçao, let her get up. Following Ryazan's voice, Shui Wuren felt that the person pressing on her body left instantly. She quickly got up, moving her limbs while looking at the person. This is an elegant female sex, with long silver hair, wearing a white shirt and black suit. That silver hair, tied up by a blue ribbon, looks handsome and sprinkled. Although beautiful, but since Judging from the experience of being brought down by a trick, this woman is definitely a super strong! Shui Wu Rennai suddenly thought that Ryazan called this woman just now. Curaçao-uf Curaçao?! Her pupils are shrinking-- , Turned his head to look at Ryazan:'She, she is Rum's secret weapon, who specializes in performing difficult and special tasks. The Curacao that has never failed?

Shui Wu Reina felt that his brain was a bit hyperthreaded."She, wasn't she killed by you?! In the fight between you and Rum? Ryazan smiled upon hearing this. The text message was broadcast by Bourbon. "In his opinion, Curaçao is indeed I killed it."But in fact, I didn't kill her, but probabilized her and let her do things for me.As soon as this remark came out, Shui Wu Renai thought a lot of information.After a few seconds, she was surprised and said, "Are you going to launch a general attack on Rum?

Ryazan nodded and said, "Rum has been in this position for too long, it's time to take a break. Brother, he smiled and looked at Shui Wuyou. "Kiel, you risked your life to sneak into the organization. What is it for?” Shui Wu Reina was silent for a while, and slowly said: At the beginning, just because I am an aa, the above appointed me to do this, and I came. After my father died, my belief changed. Up.

"Even if I'm going to break my body, even if I'm burned by the fires of hell, I'll completely destroy this criminal organization! Hearing this, Ryazan stretched out his hand and patted it lightly. "That's good, although it's a second grade, it's pretty good. Infectious.He smiled slightly: "If this is the case, our purpose is the same." Ah?" Mizumi was taken aback for a moment. "Difficult, Mr. Mescal, you are also an undercover? "Fart, I am not an undercover." Ryazan rolled his eyes.In Mizuno Rena's suspicious gaze, he looked at Shuichi Akai.-Eyes.Shuichi Akai realized for a moment, and slowly said, "Mr. Mescal, like us, is ready to let the 039;now' organization completely disappear. Listening to Shuichi Akai's account, Mizuno Rena's expression slowly becomes more exciting After a while, Akai Xiu gave Ryazan's general plan and told Mizumi. After listening to it, Mizumi pondered for a while. The amount of information was too much, and she would be a bit unable to digest it for a while. Finally, she Nodded and said: "I understand, although it is a bit different from what I originally thought, this is also good.She pursed her lips, and then walked slowly to Ryazan. Under Ryazan's gaze, she bent down: "Thank you for allowing me to join in, Mr. Mescal.Ryazan nodded arrogantly: "After getting on the boat, there is no chance to get off. "It doesn't matter if it is you or your brother, it's the same."Shui Wu Lian Nai said: "I understand. Ryazan smiled satisfied.Then, he suddenly thought of something like: "Just now, any posture you said is OK-does it still count?"

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