I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 435

She turned her head and said, "Sorry, I am now your subordinate, not a captive, so I can't do it. Ryazan sighed.

At Dr. A Li's house, Xiao Ai finished the experiment, and came to the living room on the first floor to go around and pour a cup of coffee.At this time, she suddenly saw that Ryazan's house, the light indicating safety was on.She raised her mouth, opened the door and went out.Reminder: If the chapter content is not displayed in the browser reading mode,

Chapter Three and Four Zero How to judge the hand-blade sister?

Miyano Akimi hummed a song, took a small duster, and knelt on the ground to sweep the dust in the corner.The area of ​​this house is so large that it is impossible for Ryazan to clean it personally.In order to prevent accidents, he dared not call in temporary workers.Therefore, he often cleans only those places where he often moves.Bedroom, corridor, living room, disguise room, bathroom.

Even if Akemi Miyano is a housekeeping wizard, facing such a large project, she is a bit tired.After busying for a while, she was taken aback, stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, and hurried to the bathroom.As soon as she ran into the bathroom, the door to the living room was opened.Xiao Ai opened the door and entered, and looked inside.Seeing no one in the living room, she tilted her head, showing a strange expression.Usually when Ryazan called her to come, she would wait in the living room. What happened today? The girl first reacted, thinking that Ryazan might want to play some new play. She shook her head a little funny, just about to say What, I suddenly heard the sound of running water in the bathroom, and the sound of female Xing gasping. Xiao Ai frowned slightly. What is Mescal doing?

She hid a woman in the house, and called herself over---this is too messy, she put her hands in Bai Dahe's pocket, and walked slowly to the bathroom.Halfway through, she was taken aback.She found that there were some traces on the floor of the living room against the wall.On the thin dust, there are several clean places without dust.She is proficient in biology,-she can see that this is a trace left by a man kneeling on the ground.The girl squinted her eyes.

This posture-a normal person may use it except when looking for something-it is basically impossible to use it at other times. On the contrary, it is often used when driving.She continued to walk towards the bathroom.

Before I went to the bathroom, I heard the sound of retching coming from inside.This time, Xiao Ai can be completely sure that this is a woman, and a young woman! The girl pursed her mouth, showing a little aggrieved expression.If Ryazan really looks for a woman at home, and calls herself onlookers to add interest, then she will not hesitate to turn around and leave! When she was wronged, Miyano Akemi retched in the bathroom and turned on the tap to wash Wash your face.Looking at herself in the mirror, she showed a happy smile."My little baby, you must grow up well. Sad"???"

When she walked to the door, a bunch of question marks popped up. Child? Mescal and this woman already have children?! In an instant, she was a bit unable to accept reality.Although I don't know who the woman in the bathroom is, it is obviously not Belmode.The voice is so familiar, it feels like someone she knows-Xiao Ai took a deep breath.Mescal, not only secretly found a woman, but also made them pregnant? A black mist appeared on her body.Grabbing the door of the bathroom, she poked out her head, trying to see who it was. In the bathroom, there was a woman with pink hair with heavy makeup on her face, because she just washed her face and her face became red, red, green and green. , Quite weird.There are more question marks on Xiao Ai's head.

For a moment, she felt that she might have misunderstood.

Ryazan's taste is very clear to her, even if this monster with heavy makeup on his face is for nothing, Ryazan will not be willing.Just thinking about it, she saw that the pink-haired woman sighed."It shouldn't be necessary to carry these things at home. As Mescal said, as long as you don't open the curtains. With that, she reached out and took off the wig on top of her head, revealing the black hair curled behind her head. Then, she washed off all the messy makeup on her face. Looking at herself in the mirror, Miyano Akemi smiled with satisfaction. "Well, I still look comfortable. Menno, Xiao Ai takes a deep breath. Tone.Sister? Why is she at Mescal's house? For a while, Xiao Ai couldn't help being a little happy.

Although I just visited Akemi Miyano in the United States not long ago, it was too far away and there was almost no sense of reality.Now seeing Akemi Miyano up close, her heart is full of happiness.At this moment, Miyano Akira frowned and retched twice.She stretched out her hand amusedly and touched her stomach. "What's wrong, little guy, suddenly like to move so much." Looking at her stomach, she smiled slightly.As a Japanese born and raised as a scholar, she actually had a problem since she was pregnant.If a child is born in the U.S., he will become a U.S. native.Although it is not bad, but I always feel a little weird in my heart.Thanks to Mescal, this child was finally able to return to Japan to be born.

Although it may be a bit troublesome to register a household registration, she is still very happy if her flaws are not covered up.Thinking of this, she smiled and said: "Little guy, you can come here, but you have bowed to Mescal." At the door, Xiao Ai was shocked when she heard this. Her sister "-pregnant?

Moreover, listening to what she meant, the reason why this child could have had something to do with Mescal? What happened? When she was not careful, she let out a faint exclamation.However, because the room was too quiet, Akemi Miyano still heard the sound. She was taken aback for a moment and hurried out of the bathroom.I saw Xiao Ai standing at the door of the bathroom, looking at herself-time a little messy, the air seemed to freeze, and Xiao Ai let out a sorrow in his heart.

Damn Mescal, why, turn on the white light to call yourself over! Isn't this harmful!

However, what she cares more about now than this is what her sister just said.:Why is she pregnant, thanks to Mescal? Isn't Akai Hide-that's not good, because she has borrowed Mescal's power and before she can think about how to ask, Miyano Akemi shines.

"It's been a long time since I saw you! Did you miss me?! With that, Akemi Miyano came over with a shovel, hugged Xiao Ai directly, and whimpered. "Xiao Ai is so cute, exactly the same as Shiho's childhood. Sister hugs well (sad:

She frowned slightly. Sister Handblade, how to judge in Japan? Wait online, urgent

n cross light finger dye" aeofter id:liuguangzhirande:

Chapter 341, listen to the bad news first

Xiao Ai squinted her eyes like a kitten, showing an expression of enjoyment.Although Miyano Akimi’s speech is very problematic and makes people want to complain, but this embrace is really comfortable. In Mescal’s words, this seems to be called "absorbing sister energy"? Xiaoyuan hummed in his heart. I decided to absorb it first, and it was too late to complain about this kind of thing.Akemi Miyano came back to her senses and let out an ah.She was so excited just now, it is easy to scare children.She quickly raised her face to see Xiao Ai's reaction.Seeing Xiaoai’s face indifferent and unchanged, Miyano Akemi’s cuteness was once again hit by chuo. It’s so alike, this kid is so much like Shiho! In Xiaoai’s silent gaze, she wooed again 'S rubbed up.After rubbing for a while, she raised her face again and looked at Xiao Ai with interest."Xiao Ai, do you remember who I am? Although her name to Xiao Ai is different, the pronunciation is exactly the same. Therefore, Xiao Ai has absolutely no sense of contradiction to this title. She sighed: "You are Aunt Mingmei.Akemi Miyano nodded happily.But then he shook his head again: "No, no, I can't be called Auntie, it sounds too old, Xiao Ai just calls my sister! Xiao Ai is speechless: "Isn't this messy Miyano Akemi smiled:" It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you and Your mother has different opinions. Xiao Ai couldn't help but roll her eyes. But then, she found that her performance was too mature and not in line with the personality. She quickly showed a cute expression: "Sister Ming Mingmei , Are you pregnant? Mingmei was so cute, she hurriedly reached out her hand to cover her nose, fearing she would have a nosebleed.She smiled and nodded: "Well, Xiao Ai will soon have a brother or sister!" Xiao Ai tilted her head, stretched out her hand, and gently touched Mingmei's belly.She cutely said: "Well, then, who is the child's father? Is it Ryazan? Mingmei: "???" The smile on her face could not be tolerated and solidified, and then she shook her head quickly: "No, no. How could it be possible? "Seeing Miyano Akemi’s reaction, Xiao Ai kept a cute expression on her face, and was relieved. With her understanding of Miyano Akemi, there is nothing wrong with this reaction. This child, It's really not Ryazan. But why does my sister say that this child is thanks to Ryazan? After thinking about it, Xiao Ai continued to be cute and started to talk

Art gallery base.After getting Shui Wu Lian, Ryazan felt a lot easier.With the main hall of Yingyou in hand, he is not worried about the water's pity.With Shui Wu Ren Nai earning up the mountain, this base is basically his own back garden for him.In the past, Curaçao's activities here were more constrained, and Wan-was discovered by Shui Wuyou, it would be more annoying to deal with it.Now, Curaçao can move at will.When it comes to Curaçao, she has to mention her changes. When she was first arrested, Curaçao was actually reluctant. As Rum ignored her, her heart began to slowly happen. Variety.Later, in the practice with Ryazan, she slowly began to discover that Ryazan was more comfortable to see than the cold Rum camp. Even if Ryazan let her go back, she might not go back. After officially joining Ryazan's "thief ship", Shui Wulani found Ryazan.She was a little nervous, and tentatively said:'That, Mr. Mescal. I am now yours, can you let go of my brother?" After the death of her father, the most important person in her heart was her brother. Although Ryazan is not a murderer, but his brother fell into the hands of the organization, making her feel uneasy for food. Hearing this, Ryazan touched his chin.

"It's not impossible to let him go." But you can't let it go directly.Under Shui Wu's gaze, he spread his hands: "First of all, go and recognize your brother."Huh?" Shui Wureina was taken aback.What kind of work is this? Ryazan said slowly: Now that you let your brother go, he doesn't understand the stakes in it and might do something bad."Go and recognize him, let him know that you are in my hands, so that you can form a two-way shackle. "You care about your brother and dare not mess around."And your brother is scrupulous about you, and he doesn't dare to mess around. Hearing the words, Shui Wu Lianzong suddenly. It turned out to be like this: after thinking about it, she nodded: "Well, anyway, his identity has been exposed. The relationship doesn't make sense anymore."Mr. Mescal, can my brother accept your protection?" Ryazan nodded:'I will send someone to protect him 24 hours.Shui Wu Reina nodded comfortably. Just as Ryazan wanted to say something, the phone rang suddenly.Picking up the mobile phone and looking at it, it was Suzuki Jirokichi who called and saw Suzuki Jiroko's call. He raised his mouth.He had heard about the bàozhà incident in Tokyo Tower and the Suzuki family's pressure on Neiyan.He really liked this kind and righteous old man.He nodded to Shui Wurei, and then picked up the phone. "Oh, father Suzuki, why suddenly find "Ryazan boy! What kind of plane are you doing! I can't contact you for several days, I thought you were dead." What's wrong! Ryazan: This old man, why is his mouth so smelly?He rolled his eyes: "I had something the other day, and I went abroad.

Suzuki Jiroki grunted in dissatisfaction.Then he grinned: "Boy, I have two good news to tell you, which one do you listen to first?" "Listen to the bad news first. Suzuki Jiroki: "???" God listens to the bad news! Although I want Tucao, but he is more anxious to talk about business than Tucao. "I will tell you the first good news!" "The first good news is the first batch of smart devices, which have already started processing and should be sent soon. Harm! "Hahaha, when I think about the way the reporters dropped their chins at the press conference, I can't be high! I heard that, Ryazan also shined. As expected, the Suzuki consortium started processing so soon. It seems that the technological leap in Conan's world is about to begin! "Niu bi."He gave a very literary compliment. Suzuki Jiroki smiled triumphantly. "As for the second good news, I have already sent it to your mailbox, so remember to check it out."Hearing this, Ryazan looked at his mailbox strangely. When Wen saw it, he almost didn't stare out. Suzuki Communications Group, a holding subsidiary of the Suzuki Consortium. The largest shareholder, undoubtedly, is the Suzuki Consortium. Ryazan, the second largest shareholder, owns 33.4 shares! Ryazan hissed. This is a bit overplayed.

Bloody, I ate the book again in the last chapter. I clearly remember that Xiao Ai didn't meet Mingmei in the United States, but the chapter was sent out. Looking back, I found that the two had met.Urgently revised the end of the previous chapter. If there are friends who have subscribed in advance, please go back and refresh the content. Reminder: If the browser reading mode does not display the chapter

Reminders for Chapter Three and Two

Ryazan was really surprised at the proportion of shares Suzuki Jiroki gave himself.He could almost imagine how many protests Suzuki Jiroki had to resist when he was carrying out the share distribution.This is the Suzuki family, and it is impossible to replace it with other consortia whose chairman has a weaker voice.Putting down the phone, Ryazan shook his head funny.Suzuki Jiroki really didn't say anything to him.Had he not been familiar with Suzuki Jiroyoshi, he would have suspected that this old man was cultivating a family heir.He put away the phone, but he didn't feel any psychological pressure.If he was really an ordinary policeman, he would return these from the Suzuki family without hesitation. He was incapable, but he was favored by others. In the end, he would either live as a dog or die as a dog. Man, the man with a pile of wine bottles standing behind.Over the years, all kinds of company bosses, arms dealers, and du Xiaos killed by homicide, together, the total assets are more than just-a Suzuki family.Although he was a little surprised by Suzuki Jiroki's kindness, he didn't feel any pressure to accept it.Just find a chance to repay you back in the future.He looked at the water beside him without mercy.Shui Wureina blinked his eyes and looked cute.Ryazan suddenly couldn't help being happy.This girl, I used to sell Mengjin's ca: After thinking about it, he stretched out two fingers and tapped on Shui Wuren's forehead.Shui Wu Reina exclaimed, stepped back and looked at Ryazan strangely."Mai, Mr. Mescal, what's the matter?" "It's okay, I'll add some IQ to you. Ryazan said cheerfully. Shui is helpless and confused.

After successfully instigating gin wine and water without mercy, Ryazan completely included the museum base. In other words, all the organization information in the entire Tokyo area, except for the outlying island bases, can be seen.Driving the car, he suddenly felt a little emotional. Gin, Shuichi Akai, Curaçao, Kiel.

In addition, Kyogoku Jin, who is still studying abroad, has almost all the top combat power in the original work except for Bourbon.Recalling the experience of so many years when I first crossed over, it was like a dream.He raised the corners of his mouth: "Xia, have you ever thought about it, what do you do when everything is over?" Hearing this, Akai Xiu sitting next to him was taken aback for a moment."So far away, there is no need to think about it now. "Is it far?" Ryazan chuckled. Akai Shuichi looked at Ryazan in surprise. What did Ryazan mean? He just wanted to ask, he saw Ryazan. His eyes widened. Following Ryazan’s sight, he found that the gate of his yard was 0. "What’s wrong?" Akai Xiu became nervous. Is it possible that the fbi person touched it? Ryazan did not answer him, but Hesed his sigh, quickly parked the car outside the yard and ran into the house. Hideichi Akai chased after him without hesitation. Ryazan is now his boss. If something happens to Ryazan, his "diner" would Ashamed to death... Ryazan-I opened the door and saw Mingmei sitting on the sofa with Xiaowei in her arms, watching TV. This harmonious and beautiful scene made him a little bit stunned. Seeing Ryazan come back Mingmei waved her hand happily: "Mescal, look, Xiao Ai kisses me more! Isn't it, your sister, don't you kiss anyone."Ryazan looked at Xiao Ai a little speechlessly.The latter gave him a roll of eyes. Seeing the lights in the room and some things for cleaning up, Ryazan guessed what was going on in an instant. He shook his head amusedly: "Is it a coincidence? The small light at the entrance of the courtyard is very concealed. Normal people would not move it at all. It would be impossible to touch that switch unless Mingmei was cleaning the house.However, this is also good.Now, he is fully capable of ensuring the safety of Xiao Ai and Ming Mei. Let alone meeting secretly, it doesn't matter if they meet directly. Now, the biggest threat to him from the organization is Lang's marriage.In Rum's hands, although he doesn't have any high-end individual combat effectiveness, his contacts are still very good.In this world, Ryazan himself is almost invincible, but if Rum specifically targets his own people, it is still quite troublesome.Another threat is to organize forces in war-torn areas.Those people are the real capital of the organization.

That adult spent a huge amount of money, and it took more than ten years to cultivate a terrifying team.If this force wants to deal with big countries, it must have no way to deal with some small countries, or it may engage in some sabotage activities against xing, which is very professional.The various high-end weapons that the organization has bought over the years are basically to arm this force.To subvert the organization, it doesn't make much sense to just kill Rum. You must find a way to take this force down.

Otherwise, even if the organization is taken down, it is just an empty shell. On this matter, Ryazan has already made up his mind.On Xiao Ai, I was expecting Ryazan to come back and save herself. I didn’t expect that after Ryazan entered the house, she seemed to be wandering away. She just wanted to cough to remind him, but Ryazan’s phone Suddenly it rang.I took out my mobile phone and found it was an unknown number.He answered the phone a little strangely: "Hello?" "Ah, Ryazan Police Department, is that you?" There was a somewhat enthusiastic voice on the phone, I am Chaki, Shintaro Eiki! Shintaro Eiki? Ryazan Weiwei-stunned , And then reacted.

"Yes, yes! It's great to be remembered by the Ryazan Police Department!" Shintaro Eiki ha 0 ha-laugh.Ryazan: The second class management officer. At any rate, he is also a police officer and self 2-what a small police department does so politely."What happened to Ryaki Police?" Shintaro Chaki smiled embarrassedly: "-Well, indeed, there is a case that wants to ask the Ryazan Police Department for help. Hearing this, Ryazan touched his chin. Searched. Second lesson

In the real world, this department mainly deals with cases in the economic field, which is completely different from his specialty. But in Conan World, every time this department appears, the person who has to deal with is basically that one.He couldn't help being happy:'"Is it possible that the thief Kidd has issued a notice again?" "Oh, it is Kidd buster,-guess it!" Shintaro Eiki came without hesitation--remember Flattering, it doesn't look like a superior to a subordinate.On Ryazan’s side, when I mentioned Kaito Kidd, I suddenly remembered something. After talking with Shintaro Chaki, he thought for a while and dialed another call. After a while, the call was connected. I didn’t wait for the other person to speak, Liang Zan said directly: "Quick fight, sort out the information of the Twilight Pavilion and send it to me. On the opposite side of the phone, Kidd, the strange thief, was slightly taken aback. He thought Ryazan called to say that he had sent a notice letter. Nothing. Thinking that Ryazan didn’t mention this at all, he hurriedly smiled: "Okay, okay! You wait, I will do it! Warm reminder: browse

The third and fourth chapters can put together a table in a short while, and Kidd’s email was sent to Ryazan’s mailbox. Ryazan entrusted him to the matter, and he did not dare not care about it. The investigation was very detailed.After reading the information given by Kidd, Ryazan called Akai Hide-0 over."Xia, I have to hear something, Akai Hide-nodded without hesitation: "What's the matter? Ryazan pointed to the computer screen:" Go and move the castle away. Look at the huge screen. Old castle, Hideo Akai-a face turned dark. Ryazan, what kind of nasty fun is playing? Seeing Akai Hideichi-, Ryazan showed a smile but a smile: "What, it is difficult?" Hideichi Akai was silent After a few seconds. If I changed to a normal person, I would usually choose to spit at this time. But it is obviously unrealistic to spit out his stuffy gourd. He took a deep breath: '039; if possible, can you tell me to do so. The reason?" Ryazan grinned-smiled."On the surface, this is just an ordinary old castle. "But in fact, there is gold under the walls of this castle!" Hide Akai was taken aback for a moment. Gold?! He was surprised: "What do you mean, This castle was built with gold?! How much gold is this so special? The gold in the world is melted and not enough? Ryazan shrugged and said, "How is it possible, how can this thing of gold be able to support this? A huge structure. "It's just a layer of gold between the wall and the wall." However, even if there is only this layer, it can be said to be a rich country. Shuichi Akai took a deep breath, a little unacceptable. Just like that. Ryazan said that even if there is only one layer, judging from the volume of this ancient castle, it is still tons of gold. If this is changed into money

He couldn't help but wonder.From the picture, the castle is very old.If what Ryazan said is true, why is it that so long has passed and no one has discovered the secret? Who built this castle? Seeing seeing his thoughts, Ryazan laughed: "This It's the castle of that adult. Xiu Akai slapped it all over." The boss' mother built this castle at the beginning and hid gold in the castle."Later, his mother died and left him all the property, but I didn't remember to tell him where the treasure in the castle was." "In order to find this treasure, the boss looked for a lot of people, but none of them It took a long time to discover the secret of the treasure, and even b0ss almost gave up since 2. "Up to now, he hardly sends people over to stare at him, but occasionally calls people over to inspect-circle. Listen to Ryazan's words , Hideo Akai's complexion was very wonderful. In just a few minutes, the amount of information he received was too great.The castle organizes the boss? Mescal, this guy, is playing the idea of ​​boss money? Then, he realized a bigger problem."Wait. Now that you know the identity of the castle owner, doesn't it mean that you know the identity of the boss?! Ryazan nodded: "Yes."

It was the first time he heard about such a big thing!- -Time, he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.Ryazan was not in a hurry, poured himself some wine, and drank slowly.After a while, Hideo Akai came back to his senses.He looked at Ryazan with a bit of resentment.How much is this guy hiding from herself? When the two were talking, Xiao Ai finally escaped Mingmei’s "devil's claws". She walked next to Ryazan and sat on Ryazan’s lap as she was used to. What Ryazan said made her a little surprised.She didn't expect that Ryazan was so familiar with the boss.I couldn't find the treasures left by my relatives. Ryazan, an outsider, knew so well.She couldn't help but want to mention bo0ss with bitter tears.Who is the real one?Ryazan hugged Xiao Ai, while gently rubbing against Akai Shuo, "The reason I say so much is to remind you that this matter is very dangerous." Before opening the castle, it may not What annoying, but as long as the gold of the castle is revealed, I am afraid that the organizers will come to you before you finish dismantling it.And. The boss personally sends people, and the quality and quantity are definitely not comparable to Rum."I know you are capable, but this action is still very risky." Hideichi Akai pondered for a while. "How many people are there on our side?" Ryazan shrugged, "Sorry not much. The people of the Gin Team are temporarily unavailable, and Kiel and Curaçao cannot be exposed yet. "I can send Chengshi to you. He is a talented player and very strong.Having said that, he suddenly remembered something and showed a weird smile.Wait a minute, don't tell me, some of us can use it."You wait two days for my news, and I will contact you after I arrange it. After hearing this, Akai nodded although he didn't know what he was going to do.

After wandering around Japan for nearly a week, Mine Fujiko finally arrived near a military base in the south.In this base, there is a U.S. military officer who knows her very well. As long as she borrows the power of that person, she can leave Japan with her head upright! Thinking of this, Feng Fujiko couldn't help but feel a little dark.When I am abroad to avoid the wind, I will regroup and come back,-I must let the bully Ryazan drink a pot! And that rum, I dare to cheat myself. I also want to "wait" him. Fan! She hummed and slowly approached the restaurant, preparing to enjoy a nice lunch before departure.Just sitting down, a voice suddenly sounded next to him."Yo, ma'am, can you put together a table?" Feng Fujiko was a little funny after hearing this.I've changed my face, and there are people who come to pick up the immortal. Sure enough, the beauty of a woman comes from the depths of the soul, even if it hides her face, 2! Looking up at the person next to her, her expression instantly solidified.You, you, you, you are beside her, Ryazan is standing there with a smile.

Feng Fujiko widened his eyes and pointed at Ryazan without speaking for a long time.Is this guy a police dog?--Lu Wen chased him?, she instinctively wanted to make a story

Have you heard of Kudo Shinichi before the third and fourth chapters?

Hearing Feng Fujiko's words, Ryazan's eyes lit up."Oh, I'm so embarrassed... waiter, come and introduce your most expensive dishes! Under the watchful eyes of the dog at the peak of Fujiko Day, Ryazan handed over to the waiter and ordered several dishes in one go. She found this This restaurant was originally a mid-to-high-end restaurant. After Ryazan’s set, he almost paid out ordinary people’s wages for a week. Is it so embarrassing? Feng Fujiko took a deep breath, kind of Subtle unhappiness. Other men eat with her, no matter how vulgar they are usually, they have to be more or less elegant at this time. Ryazan doesn’t take himself seriously.. After the waiter left. , The corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing the smile of all sentient beings. "Hey, little brother of the police department, is it very hard for you to chase me all the way here? "No hard, no hard." Ryazan Bo did not hesitate to shake Shook his head.Seeing Ryazan's appearance, Feng Fujiko's eyes lit up. It seemed that this man was the kind of aggressive type.

She just wanted to follow Ryazan's words to praise, so she listened to Ryazan to continue to say one by one, "You can find this infamous image by just asking about it. Before I found you, I even went to the U.S. for a tour.

Is the word "Infamous Jing" used to describe her beauties?! Can you chat?! Although there is an impulse to tear a man in her heart, she still tries to maintain a charming smile."Ala, are you so famous? I'm really embarrassed~ Then, the little brother finally found me, what did he want to do? Brother, she winked at Ryazan, the meaning is self-evident. However, Ryazan has turned his head to look at the waiter who came, and focused his attention on the food he brought. Not to mention, although it is a free lunch, it looks good.” He said cheerfully.Feng Fujiko's teeth squeaked.God TM free lunch, this is all my mother’s money! Growing up, men have always invited her to dinner, when is it her turn to invite men to dinner?! Seeing Ryazan doesn’t care about herself at all and concentrates on eating. Her discomfort became stronger and stronger.In the world of Conan, a person's greatest pride is ignored, but it will kill at any time.She coughed, trying to attract Ryazan's attention.In the end, I heard Ryazan happily said: "Ms. Fujiko, you ran all the way to the south, trying to borrow the Mi Army base to leave Japan? Feng Fujiko's pupils shrunk slightly, and he found it! Ryazan screamed, mocking. My smile. "The famous Feng Fujiko, after eating such a big loss, just ran away?" Hearing Ryazan's words, Feng Fujiko gritted his teeth. My old lady suffers. Isn't it your loss that you eat? The provocation is coming? It seems that she has guessed what she thinks. Ryazan cut the meat on the plate,--said: "Say it first, you are not looking for the wrong person to hold your grudge."The two of us are basically equal. Although I have been tossing you for several days, but the premise is that you inexplicably shot me." is "If I have to say, I still suffer. Well." If it weren't for my unusual talent, that shot might have killed me. Hearing that, although Feng Fujiko didn't react on the surface, he still recognized this in his heart.Ryazan was right. Two people who had never seen each other were suddenly shot-fired a sniper rifle. It is not surprising how to retaliate back.ls) "It is the person who has entrusted you to do things that really brings you trouble." And now, I can just give you a chance to get you back in revenge.Hearing this, Feng Fujiko finally understood.She put away her smiling face: "Dare you come to me as a gun?" ls eh."

"Ah no, I mean, we should cooperate-Bo. Ryazan quickly coughed.-accidentally said what was in his heart. Feng Fujiko hum--sound. She slowly said: "That guy, although it's a pit I have a hand, but he has what I want in his hand. "A falling out with him is meaningless except to be able to vent." So, why do I want to cooperate with my little brother? Hearing that, Ryazanha 0 laughed.He looked at Feng Fuji and shook his head with a smile: "What do you want in Rum's hand? "Let me guess... -. What he said, is it the medicine for eternal youth?" Is Feng Fujiko was slightly taken aback: "You know? "Of course I know." Ryazan picked up the table wine and drank a little bit. Because it was my wife who developed this medicine."And my wife, a long time ago, has left the organization." is "Rum has only one semi-finished product in his hands." The principle of this medicine is to induce cell self-destruction while strengthening the ability to increase value, thereby All cells outside the nervous system are renewed and replaced, and people return to youth."But, the medicine in Rum's hand is only half of the effect. That is to induce cell self-destruction. "is" The medicine in his hand can't keep young at all, but can only kill people." In other words, it just doesn't Upon hearing the uncompromising poison, Feng Fujiko frowned slightly. If what Ryazan said was true, then she was really fooled this time.She slowly said: "But, I have inquired before that many politicians in Japan have participated in this plan. Are they all fooled by a blank check?

Ryazan said: "Dignitaries. First, they are attracted to the cage by the bait. When the cage is closed, they can only let people play with it even if they are unwilling." Think about it, if Rum really has this kind of medicine, why are they? The dignitaries still look half-dead? Wouldn't it be good to return to youth earlier? Feng Fujiko was silent.Ryazan's words really hit her most entangled place.Before accepting Rum's invitation, she had thought about this issue, but it was too tempting to return to youth, so she knew that there was a risk, so she agreed to Rum's invitation.Thinking about it now, as Ryazan said, every time a key issue is involved, Rum will delay and change the subject.Thinking of this, an unnamed fire rose from her heart.But then, she suddenly noticed a problem.She froze for a few seconds, then looked at Ryazan in surprise."Wait, you said, that medicine was invented by your wife?" So, Ryazan nodded with a smile now in your hand: "Congratulations, the answer is correct." Where is the evidence?" Feng Fujiko felt that he could not this time. I was fooled again. Ryazan looked around, then moved closer and whispered: "Have you heard, high school detective, Shinichi Kudo? "That guy is one of my clients!

Chapter Three and Four Five

Ryazan took out his mobile phone and turned out the information he had prepared in advance, and showed Feng Fujiko everything.After reading all the information, Feng Fujiko couldn't help feeling a little excited.If these materials are not fake, then what Ryazan said is probably true! This Kudo Shinichi is really getting smaller after taking medicine! So, she can take medicine to get smaller? She took a deep breath. He calmed down his excitement.Then, she suddenly realized a problem.

"Is this Kudo Shinichi just an example? Is anyone successful besides him?" Good question."Ryazan nodded:" My wife left the experiment by herself and was successful. Is this enough weight? Then, he showed Feng Fujiko the comparison photos of Xiao Ai's changes.After reading it, Feng Fujiko smiled.Reliable! If this medicine is dangerous, how could this guy give it to his wife? She rubbed her hands: "I have to investigate-next, to see if what you said is true or false. "No problem."Ryazan took back the phone." Even if you don't say anything, I have to ask you to investigate it, otherwise it will be more troublesome if there are temporary problems.After speaking, he suddenly remembered something like: "By the way, when you look for Kudo Shinichi to investigate, don’t be violent. He is also my client anyway. If I know that I have leaked his information, I will also The credibility is damaged. Fujiko Minami screamed. In her opinion, the top behind-the-scenes bigwigs such as Ryazan and Rum have never had any credibility at all. These people are all ruthless people who are only profitable. Standing up and preparing to leave. Feng Fujiko was a bit unwilling to let his charm be ignored, and said again: Did you just leave? It is rare to reach an agreement and not go out together? Hearing this, Ryazan smiled slightly: "Forget it, forget it. I have been with my wife for the past few days, the whole person has been drained, his legs are weak, and he can't walk at all.After speaking, he turned around and left. Looking at Ryazan's back, Feng Fujiko snorted.

She knew nothing more about creatures like men.This Ryazan, she could see at a glance, he was definitely a fierce fellow, let alone being squeezed dry, it would be good if he didn't plow the land.She sighed insignificantly. Maybe, she really played too much? In the future, shouldn't it be time to defeat

After pulling the line of Feng Fujiko, Ryazan felt that he should have gone to work after a long absence.Although the organization is very busy, you can’t just leave your work. Just like a masked thief, he can obviously go to the subway to fight monsters-make millions a day, or go to school obediently and test grades. The first? Early in the morning, he drove to the Metropolitan Police Department and walked into the search office. As soon as he came in, he found a lot of people gathered around, talking about something.Shiratori and others were among them.He walked slowly over: "What's the matter, what's the matter? Hearing Ryazan's voice, everyone raised their heads. ls "Ryazan Police Department! Everyone hurriedly saluted.Ryazan waved his hand:'Don't mess with those vain heads, I don't like this one. Everyone smiled.Bai Wu picked up a document: "Ryazan-sang, we are talking about the notice letter of the thief Kidd. Hearing this, Ryazan remembered. Yesterday, he searched the management officer of the Second Division and called him specifically for help. He has forgotten about it.> After taking the notice letter in the hands of the white horse, Ryazan was ready to test his memory. Kaito Kidd did not make many appearances in Conan. He wondered, no matter how bad his memory is, it should be. I can see which plot this is. "Romeo, Juliet, the conqueror, cheers, I will come to take away the gem of destiny in the 26-letter interlacing...Looking at the content of the notice, Ryazan revealed subtlety The expression of disgust.This set of words does not look like a notice letter, but a bit like the forbidden spell in the domestic Western fiction novels in the early years.Shiratori looked at him expectantly: "Ryazan Police Department, did you find anything?" "Hmm...something." Ryazan hummed.

It is rare for him not to brag.He did have an impression of this notice, mainly because the first two lines were more impressive.It should be in a certain theater version, Kidd wanted to steal the ring of a female star of the stage play. Because the scene was too tightly guarded, he went directly to Shin Kudo, which made Conan angry enough.If I remember correctly, Conan also brought a paraglider and had a battle with Kidd.

However, I really can't remember how I stole it.It seems that Kidd didn't steal it the first time. He was chased by Conan. The second time he was on the ship, Ryazan who stole from the plane squinted his eyes.Kidd got on the plane, which theatrical version was it? Sungou’s sunflower? Or the shipwreck that was not killed? No matter which one, dealing with a little Kidd was nothing to him.Not to mention that Kidd didn't dare to play tricks with him. Even if he did play, he could directly break the game with a real eye. One thing he can be sure of is that Kidd didn't find it until he crossed. A "Pandora" gem. As IsP, he and Kidd will not have a fundamental conflict of interest.Kidd stole the gems and found that it was not what he wanted, so he came up with another "snatching loot", and everyone immediately rejoiced. Thinking of this, he shook his head funny.At this moment, Mumu suddenly opened the door and walked in.As soon as he entered the room, he looked around, and when he found Ryazan, his eyes lit up and he hurried over."Brother Ryazan, come, come and take a trip with me." Why is this painful line again. "Ryazan was speechless. Hearing this, Mumu was slightly taken aback, and then he realized that his words were a little bit Strange. He scratched his head and smiled. "I was a little anxious and subconsciously used the usual words. He pointed to it: "Come on, White Horse Police Director asked me to help you go there, I don't know what to say.White Horse Police Director?

Ryazan is a bit strange.Following Mumu, he came to the Office of the Superintendent of Police. Without an order, Mumu did not dare to enter, Ryazan walked in alone.As soon as he entered, he found that there were a few men in suits and leather shoes sitting in the room.Seeing Ryazan coming in, several people hurriedly stood up.One of them hurried over:" Ryazan Police Department, hello, I finally saw you, my name is Jiro Yamada, and I am a member of the current cabinet... Ryazan raised his eyebrows and looked at the Hakuba Police Chief. The latter smiled bitterly at him, saying that he was also innocent.

When I was writing this chapter, I always felt vacant. I always felt that I had written about the cabinet sending people to ask for peace, but I turned the previous chapters and it seemed that there was none.But don't send it out and find out that there is again

Chapter 346 The Depression of Shintaro Chaki

Under Ryazan's gaze, Yamada Jiro coughed gently.Then, showing a serious expression."The Ryazan Police Department, in the Tokyo Tower bombing incident, you demonstrated your fearless spirit of sacrifice, your bravery against powerful enemies, and an extremely strong sense of responsibility. In view of your actions, the Cabinet and the Metropolitan Police Department-to the decision Promote you to the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, search for the management officer of the first section, and put on the police title!" Ryazan squinted his eyes when he heard the words."Pingshi---If I remember 2 incorrectly, the Metropolitan Police Department has rules. Even if you are a professional group, you must be at least 25 years old if you want to be promoted to the police. After hearing this, Yamada Jiro put away his serious expression, Wei Wei Smile." Ryazan Police Department: If you don’t see Ryazan Police, you are right, the rules are indeed."However, the country never treats heroes badly!" Compared to your contribution to this country, an extraordinary promotion is nothing at all-.. If it weren't for worrying about the rules you mentioned, we would all like to give You continue to improve! Liang praised his eyebrows.In the beginning, Yamada Jiro’s behavior was like a normal cabinet dispatcher. However, when he said the line "The country will not treat heroes", Ryazan knew that these cabinet members were definitely not rushing to him. It's worth it.These guys are more concerned about the bombing incident. It should be the company's shares.Thinking of this, he shook his head funny."Do you want to intervene in the new division of Suzuki's house through me?" Then you may be thinking too much. I'm just a fan, and I don't even intend to blend in with Tongli.Yamada Jiro hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, Ryazan police, don't worry, we absolutely didn't mean this. Well, if there is no, then I will take it." Ryazan nodded. Yamada Jiro was taken aback.Normally, shouldn’t the two sides dodge a little bit, and then show sufficient sincerity, the opposite side was deeply moved, deepened friendship, and finally reached the possibility of the next step of cooperation? This is a bit out of routine? In response, Ryazan hushed in his heart.

If you were to change to a normal person, you would definitely have a wave of shock at this time, and would not dare to take such a big advantage easily.If you take it casually, you'll have to eat softly.

However, he doesn't need to lose his heart.He is a member of the organization, he can leave at any time if he wants to leave. In the end, he will withdraw from the company directly, take off his police uniform and go back to the organization... However, he still kindly asked-sentence. "I got promoted, then What about Officer Matsumoto? Yamada: Is this really what you care about?! The corners of his mouth twitched, and then he smiled and said: "Don't worry, Ryazan Police, Manager Matsumoto has been promoted to the police."Oh." Ryazan nodded.Since your promotion won’t affect others, you won’t be promoted in vain. After that, take the time to talk to Jiroki Suzuki about this matter-that’s it. With the old man’s shrewdness, the soldiers will naturally stop you. Come to cover.

Leaving the office of the Baima Police Director, Ryazan returned to the floor where the search-class was located and walked back slowly.When he came to the office door 0 of a lesson, he reached out and pushed open the office door.Many people in the room looked up subconsciously.As everyone watched, Ryazan slowly walked into the room. Seeing Ryazan's appearance, his eyes blinked: What's the matter, Ryazan brother, is it annoying to look at him?"ls

He was a little puzzled.Ryazan’s achievements, as a policeman, can be said to be unprecedented. With such a big baby bump, he is too late to protect him as a high-level person. Why, it may be messy? Shiratori and others have also expressed some concerns. Gaze.

In the eyes of everyone, Ryazan sighed.Seeing him like this, everyone became nervous.It seems that something is really going on! After a while of silence, Ryazan slowly said: "Oh, I'm promoted again." When he heard this, everyone was startled and then their eyes widened."Promoted! ?" "Ryazan Sang was the police department before, if he was promoted... wouldn't it be the police? !"

Mumu was also a little surprised. He just wanted to ask clearly when the phone on the desk rang. He answered the phone: "I am... Yes. Ah! Really?!" He nodded for a while, and then put down the phone with some excitement. Everyone looked at him one after another. Mumu was a little surprised and said: "The notice came down. Brother Ryazan was promoted to the manager of the search first class, police rank! The whole room was shocked when he said this. "This... If I remember correctly, Ryazan police department, no, Ryazan police officer should not be 25 years old, right?!" ls "shocked, the youngest police officer in history was born! Damn it, but so! Amidst exclaims, Shiratori touched Chin: "Although it's a bit unbelievable, it is indeed normal for Ryazan Sang to make an extraordinary improvement. If this was a war period, Ryazan's deeds would not be too much to produce a college officer, let alone a promotion to a manager. Mumu feels a little bit: "Although I always believed that there would be such a day, I didn't expect that it would come so soon. As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound at the door-one voice was real, I didn't expect it but I was completely touched this time, if it weren't for Ryazan, I wouldn't be promoted so quickly. Following the sound, everyone looked at the door and saw Matsumoto Kiyomichi entering in happily. ls he slowly came to Ryazan. "Ryazan Police, search for a lesson...I will leave it to you! Oh." Ryazan nodded. Rest assured! Hearing what Ryazan said, everyone smiled knowingly. Is and Ryazan silently added a sentence in my heart-don’t worry, the news of Ryazan’s promotion, who will surely squeeze your labor force, quickly reached the entire Metropolitan Police Department. I was shocked when I met Ryazan. I am a little happy for Ryazan. There is a person in the Metropolitan Police Department who is worried. That was the investigation of the second division police officer Shintaro Eiki. Originally, he begged Ryazan for help as a police officer, and he was able to say a little bit about the past. Now, the two have been tied up, and when he asks for help again, he really can't open his mouth. Looking at the unexplained Kidd notice on the table, Shintaro Chaki wanted to cry without tears.

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