I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 436

I saw a post asking if there was any problem with leaking information about Conan and Xiao Ai.First of all, Lupin III’s team had the ability to find these on their own, and Ryazan said it would be no big deal.ls Moreover, with Ryazan’s current ability and power, there is basically no need to worry about anything, external threats... even if all the interference of the house’s bugs is removed, it’s okay to curse the street at Rum. Don't worry, it's okay.

Chapter 347 Methods of Identifying Gin

After tangling for a while, Shintaro Chaki gritted his teeth.Compared to catching Kidd, face is a fart! Should you ask for it, or you have to ask! Thinking of this, he stood up and walked directly to the search class.Search the office of the management officer of a lesson.Kiyomizu Matsumoto packed his belongings and packed them-in a box, ready-to take them to the new office.And now this office is about to be handed over to Ryazan. Through the window of the office, you can directly see Sakurada Hao, the moat of the royal compound.To use the Celestial Dynasty as an analogy, it is equivalent to living directly next to the Forbidden City.Ryazan smacked his lips. If the Metropolitan Police Department is replaced by a residential building, what house price Matsumoto Kiyonaga would have to come over, grinned and said: "How about it, the view is good?" "Yeah." Ryazan nodded. Closing one eye: "Get the gun, you can hit the Imperial Palace directly. Kiyobashi Matsumoto: "???" For a while, both he and Mugure were stunned by this sentence. The brain was a little stuck. At this time, the door of the house was knocked." Enter."Ryazan turned around from the window like a okay person and opened his mouth cheerfully. The door opened and Shintaro Saki walked into the room. He was taken aback when he saw the three people in the room. He thought Matsumoto Kiyonaga had already left. There was only Ryazan in the room. Unexpectedly, all three of them were there. He sighed in his heart. If he only asked for Ryazan, he would still accept it. It was very embarrassing to be ashamed in front of his old colleague, Kiyomi Matsumoto. --.. After thinking about it, he decided not to ask for help first, and he squeezed a smile. "Congratulations to Matsumoto for being promoted, congratulations to Ryazan for being promoted!" Is Matsumoto Kiyobashi blinked. On weekdays Here, Shintaro Eiki is not so polite to himself. What happened suddenly? With the character of Shintaro Chaki, it is impossible for him to get promoted suddenly because of his promotion. At this moment, he saw Shintaro Eiki. His eyes always look at Ryazan, and after thinking about it a little bit, he reacts. He can't help but grin. This guy is asking for a search-class is here? Seeing Matsumoto Kiyonaga's smile, Shintaro Eiki He sighed in his heart. It seems that he has to lose his face today if it is harmless. As the three of them are watching, he takes a deep breath. "Then... Ryazan police, what I said last time, about Kidd -. "Matsumoto Kiyomizu showed a stunned look, it was almost a long sound. Shintaro Saki has the urge to vomit blood. Ryazan touched his chin: "I checked the case yesterday and received a notice. The person is the stage star Mu Shuli. On the day of her performance, she happened to appear in Josephine's play, which corresponds exactly to Romeo and Juliet in the notice. "If nothing else, Kidd is the first time... The shot should have something to do with this stage play." After ls heard the words, Shintaro Eiki nodded:" Kogoro Moori thinks so too. Ryazan: "? This comparison is a bit spiritual.If it weren't for Shintaro Eiki's innocence, he really wanted this guy to ask Gaoming to do it.Although is himself a plug-in bastard, he doesn't have to be on the same level as Mouri Kogoro.He smacked his lips: "However, if nothing else, Kidd won't really take action on this stage play." The stage play should be just a cover for him to attract attention. The timing of his real action should be in accordance with the notice. The second half is related. Hearing this, Shintaro Eiki was taken aback.Then, where exactly will Kidd commit the crime? Ryazan thought for a while: "Probably on the plane. "Airplane?" Shintaro Eiki, Kiyonaga Matsumoto, and Mugure all showed curious expressions. "Ryazan-kun, why was it on the plane?" Matsumoto Kiyobashi asked questioningly. Ryazan smiled slightly: "It's just a guess at the moment, I'm not sure, so let's talk about it later.Seeing Ryazan's confident appearance, the three nodded subconsciously.Ryazan smiled lightly, turned around again, and looked in the direction of the Imperial Palace.Shintaro Eiki couldn't help feeling a little bit.Look, what is an expert, this is the manner of an expert, and this style is worthy of being a Kidd buster! And Ryazan rolled his eyes in his heart.Ke Xuejie, the only case he can't solve is the secret code. Let him interpret the notice letter, it is better to let him shoot the black feather.

A plane landed slowly at Narita International Airport.A man with long silver hair stepped off the plane and lightly pressed the black hat on his head.On his body, he is wearing a black linen village color, and underneath is a pair of thin black trousers.Many people who got off the plane couldn't help but cast their gazes here.-A scout lit his eyes and hurriedly passed by. Sir, I’m from XX company, would you be interested in acting. He just said half of the conversation, and suddenly stopped like hypoxia. The gin was quiet. After watching him for a few seconds, he retracted his gaze, turned and left. The scout softened his legs and almost sat directly on the ground.> Gin slowly walked outside the airport, took a taxi, and headed for downtown Tokyo. He returned to Tokyo this time without even notifying the vodka.In the United States before, he used various methods to get Rum's eyeliner out of the Tokyo cloth. This time he came back to remove these people! When he reached the first destination, he got out of the car and walked slowly Past.


After school at Didan Elementary School, Conan, Xiao Ai, and the three little ghosts from the Youth Cheating Group were walking on the road together.Conan and the two boys walked in front, and Xiao Ai was chatting with Bu Mei in the back.Mitsuhiko approached Conan and Genta."Now, do you think that Hui Yuan is in a good mood today?" Conan rolled his eyes, "Does it still need to be felt? It's all written on his face."

He was also a little curious about Xiao Ai's changes.This guy who is always very cold on weekdays, why suddenly became so lively? He glanced back casually.Seeing Xiao Ai who was chatting with Bumei, she suddenly stunned.The girl turned her head in surprise and looked not far away.Seeing Xiao Ai's appearance, Conan was stunned at first, and then suddenly thought of something, and hurried over. He whispered: "What's the matter, Hui Yuan, is it? In Conan's gaze, Xiao Ai showed something A puzzled expression. "I just...like seeing Mengjiu. Hearing this, Conan almost stopped breathing. But then, Xiao Ai shook his head again."Forget it, I might have read it wrong." Gin wears a trench coat all year round, it is impossible to wear such a suit.After speaking, she breathed a sigh of relief and continued to walk towards home.Conan:

Chapter 348 Conan VS Gin

Although Xiao Ai said that she was wrong, Conan still cared.He didn’t want to miss any news related to gin, even if it’s just a lookout. After thinking about it, he said: "Ah, I suddenly remembered that I had something forgotten in school. You go first. I'll go back! When he said, he waved his hand, turned and ran away. Looking at the direction Conan was leaving, Xiao Ai frowned slightly. Although she felt that she was wrong, it was really gin, this kid was stupid. Huping ran over, didn’t she just give the head away? After hesitating for half a second, she sighed. Sending a text message to Ryazan-[I saw a man suspected of Mengjiu near Didan Elementary School, and Kudo secretly chased him. After finishing the text message, she put away her mobile phone expressionlessly. She continued to walk home. At this step, she was already in a good mood and showed compassion. Personally follow the past to save people? Doesn't exist.

After walking along a secluded path, Gin stopped.In front of him, there is a somewhat old apartment building."Huh, a rat-like guy, he lives in a rat-like style. He sneered and walked into the building. Every step, distance and strength are almost the same. Just hearing it, there will be a very heavy weight. A sense of pressure. When he came to a door on the third floor, he reached out and knocked on the door. On the other side, Conan also sneaked into the alley. He looked around, but he didn’t see anyone who looked like Dream Wine .

He showed a depressed expression.Is it true that Hui Yuan read it wrong? With the mentality of trying, he went back and forth in the alley, but he didn't find any clues.is> He sighed.Even if the gin was really near here just now, it must have gone far for such a long time.Thinking of this, he was desperately ready to go home.At this moment, he suddenly saw a person walking out of the apartment building not far away.The moment he saw this person, his pupils tightened.Although he changed his outfit, but-- .. the iconic long silver hair is gin in every way! He did not hesitate, and hurriedly hid behind the wall. After a while, he sneaked out his head.

For gin, he has a psychological shadow.The last time he was at the station’s storage area, he was almost caught upright by gin. That time he almost scared his heart out. After poking his head out, he breathed a sigh of relief. The gin was no longer in the alley. I probably didn't notice him.He thought for a while, and then ran directly into the apartment building where Gin Wine had just walked out.With almost no effort, he found a room with an unclosed door. Gently opened the door and he got into the room.Seeing the scene in the room, he couldn't help but darken a man, his eyes widened and he fell to the ground, a large amount of blood leaking from the back of his head.There was also a lot of blood on the corner of the table next to him.Just looking at the scene, it seemed that the man accidentally slipped and hit the corner of the table and died unexpectedly..--- .. Combined with the appearance of the gin just now, Conan is almost certain that it must be related to the gin! Is he took out the phone and used the voice changer to call the police officer Mumu.After reporting the case, he quickly ran to the top of the building and turned on the telescope function on his glasses.After looking around for a while, he showed a surprised expression.On a street not far away, a man with long silver hair stood quietly, holding a cell phone, as if talking to someone.After a brief surprise, Conan couldn't help getting a little excited.The gin hasn’t gone far yet! After confirming the location of the gin, he didn’t hesitate to dash down the stairs and rushed in the direction of the gin! During the time he ran, the gin did not move at all. ,-Straight are all here with mobile phones.It was not until Conan came nearby that Gin put down his phone and walked slowly in one direction.Seeing Gin's behavior, Conan couldn't help but murmur a bit in his heart. Gin's reaction seemed to be a little deliberate: it's like, deliberately trying to attract others to follow him? He had a bad premonition.If you continue to follow, bad things may happen. If you expose again this time, it will be more than just getting smaller... His forehead sweats. However, after hesitating for a few seconds, he decided to follow Go up. After finally finding the clues to Mengjiu, how can he give up easily?! He bought a popsicle, took out a child's air, and followed closely behind.After walking for a while, Gin stopped a taxi.Conan hurriedly called a taxi to follow.The gin taxi drove to Rokuchome, and stopped near the construction site.Conan's eyes lit up. This place ---- there are few people, it is suitable for meeting people.Combined with Gin's previous call on the phone, it is very likely to meet someone here! He swallowed 0 saliva. This time, I must take precautions. I must not be the same as last time. Frustrated and beaten up, he got out of the car and followed carefully.However, as soon as he walked into the construction site fence, he was stunned.Only then, he clearly saw that the gin came in from here.--Why did it come in but no one came in? The moment the thought emerged, he was suddenly startled.It's exposed! is he turned around and hurriedly wanted to run.At this moment, a cold voice rang from the side. "Isn't it a pity to run like this after following so long?" Conan turned his head in horror and saw the gin slowly coming out of the shadows. .He grinned, Fei Yan Zi Zi, it's hard to Lai Xun?If you don’t know how you can run past an adult man, even if you can run away, your appearance will be exposed. Sooner or later, gin wine will be found.. . He was suddenly a little upset.His own exposure is not just a matter of one person, Xiaolan, Uncle Maori, and everyone around him-.. will be in danger! He slowly stretched his hand to the watch.At this time, he can only refer to the emperor, and only Langzui watches. If he can put the gin wine down, he can not only make up for all his previous mistakes, but also make a great progress on the road to disintegrate the organization. Step! Under Conan's gaze, Gin sneered-sound. "I can't even run away, kid, after all, he has only this courage. After speaking, he stepped closer. As the distance between the two gradually grew Shortened, Conan seized an opportunity, suddenly raised his watch, and shot the drunken needle directly at the gin! It was done! A trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

I have been out for the past few days, the status is really not very good, and the update is a little bit awkward, so I will not ask for votes these days.When I get home from the busy schedule, I'm basically over.

The third and forty-nine chapters are the son-in-law of sister Bei, right?

Seeing Gin approaching him unsuspectingly, Conan didn't hesitate to shoot a needle of Biu! The anesthesia needle flashed a cold light and flew straight toward Gin's neck.But at the moment when he was about to shoot, Gin suddenly showed a funny expression.He tilted his head slightly, and the anesthesia needle flew past.

He glanced in the direction where the anesthesia needle flew away, "The speed is close to 100 meters per second, although it is not as good as a bullet, but it is enough to deal with most ordinary people." Although I don't know what will happen to being shot, I guess it's probably the case. Get drunk, or use biological toxins to paralyze your body. It seems that you are indeed not an ordinary kid.During the conversation, the gin has come to Ah Nan.He took out his pistol and pointed it diagonally at Conan's head."Say, who sent you here. While questioning, he exudes a terrifying aura. This pressure is enough to make any untrained adult fall into fear and confess everything. However, he graduated from a Hawaiian technical school. Conan can barely maintain his sense. His brain is running fast, trying to find a way to break the game. Now, the only cards in his hand are football and power shoes. However, no matter how fast football is, it can still be fast. Over bullets? Gin didn’t intend to give him much time to think. Seeing Conan didn’t speak, he pointed the muzzle at Conan’s leg. "Don’t want to say? It doesn’t matter, interrupt your leg, take it back and find someone to interrogate it. Up.He grinned: "Let me guess, how long can you hold on under torture. One hour? Two hours? If it can last longer, I'd like to admire-.

While speaking, he pressed his finger to the newspaper machine.A strong sense of crisis swept Conan's body.Going to be shot! It's all over!

There was a look of despair in his eyes.At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.--Mengjiu, let me remind you, sister Bei likes this kid. If it breaks, her old man will probably be angry.Hearing this sound, Gin was silent for a few seconds without pressing his finger.Conan, on the other hand, showed an expression of shock.

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the entrance of the construction site. He saw Ryazan standing there cheerfully with the car keychain in his hand."Liang, Brother Ryazan--. Conan's eyes widened, and he felt that the Three Views were severely impacted. Ryazan--...was from the black organization?! Moreover, judging from the dialogue between him and Gin, the two The relationship seems to be good?! Gin slowly put away his gun. He looked at Ryazan.

"It came fast enough... don't tell me it's a coincidence." I see, not only Belmode, you seem to care about this kid? Having said that, he looked at Conan with a playful smile.Then he looked back at Ryazan, "Right, Mescal?.

Hearing Gin's words, Conan almost fainted in an instant. Mescal?! Ryazan is Mescal?! He breathed faster and looked at Ryazan in shock, hoping that Ryazan could refute Gin's words.However, Ryazan just smiled."You are a bit unrepresentative. My identity was hidden well, so I lifted it off with a single sentence. The gin sneered:" I don't think you seem to want to hide."Yes." Ryazan nodded, "I have given this kid a lot of clues before, but unfortunately he didn't even think about it. Listening to the conversation between the two, Conan gradually fell into despair. Ryazan...really. It’s the organizer. And, it’s Mescal. Although he’s not sure how terrible the code name Mescal is, but... from the vodka's attitude towards Ryazan, you can see the spots. Recalling Ryazan’s usual variety Conan took a deep breath for his intrepid performance. On weekdays, how reliable Ryazan is, how desperate he is at this time. Unexpectedly, such a terrible person is right next to Zi 2. And... it's the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department! At this time, all the clues exposed by Ryazan, intentionally or unintentionally, were all strung together. Conan couldn't help but tremble. The black organization was so terrifying to this point. 2. It was actually stupid to this point. I have played with him several times, and I directly show the card. I actually made up so much wishful thinking.-Helped him whitewash his identity again and again: If he can go back in time, he really wants to strangle himself like that fool! Seeing Conan's face-blue and white, Ryazan couldn't help but feel happy. "I said, are you acting face-changing? Hearing Ryazan's words, Conan suddenly felt unreal.Ryazan’s tone is completely the same as usual. He is still the man who is a bit elated, like the brother next door.Obviously he has already revealed his identity. It stands to reason that Ryazan, the "wicked man" no longer needs to pretend, why would he still talk to himself like this? On weekdays, he can always see through the appearance and find the real brain. The feeling of not keeping up with the rhythm.Gin took a look at Conan and then said to Ryazan: "This kid has something to do with Belmode?" Ryazan nodded: "It's almost the son-in-law of Sister Pei.

He looked at Ryazan, a little confused.If his memory has not been tampered with, Belmode should be with the guy in front of him, right? When did these two have a daughter? Judging from the time they have known each other, even if they really have a daughter , I am also a young girl now, why, maybe marry someone? Wait for the gin to be taken aback

The kid next to him is also very young.Even if you make a marriage contract with a young girl, there is nothing wrong with it.Is it really like this? I always feel a bit nonsense.He said solemnly, "I'm not joking." I'm not joking either."Ryazan shrugged innocently,"'I was telling the truth. Gin did not speak, and stared at Ryazan quietly for a while. Then I was a little surprised to find that Ryazan's appearance really didn't seem to be right. Lie. After being silent for a while, he said again, "Then, why is this kid following me?" Hey, isn't this training him." Ryazan laughed, of course he needs to be good enough to match Bei sister's daughter. Strength. Although this kid is talented, he is too courageous. He always likes to behave. In order to increase his memory, I sent him to follow you."With this experience of being counter-killed, he will be more steadfast in the future. With that, he turned his head and showed a kind smile to Conan. "You are right, Conan? Conan: .... Although to Liang As Zan, he has 10,000 to 10,000 kinds of things that he doesn’t understand, but recalling the various things the two have experienced in the past, he instinctively chooses to trust again

In Ryazan's gaze, he showed a cute expression: °Um! I remember, brother Ryazan! Gin: ..... What about these two people?

Chapter Three and Five Zero I am definitely not a twenty-five boy!

Just now, Ryazan said that this kid is Belmode’s son-in-law. Although it sounds like farting, the gin can feel it. Ryazan is telling the truth.And now, Gin can tell that this kid is farting.What, training or training, this kid knew his identity for the first time, how could he be trained? Besides, he has a feeling. I seem to have seen this kid before.Feeling Mengjiu's scrutiny, Conan timidly hid behind Ryazan, reaching out and grabbing his trouser legs.

It seems that I should have thought more about it.While thinking about it, Ryazan suddenly said, "Eh, I suddenly found out that you really changed that suit? The gin at this time, although it was also dark, obviously looked much cooler than usual. Just arrived. After organizing the meeting, Ryazan was shocked to discover that even in summer, Gin was wearing that black trench coat. At that time, his first reaction was to organize abuse of employees, arrears of wages, etc., and almost did not run away. Later, I discovered that Mengjiu In fact, he is very rich, but I don’t know why. When he did not change his clothes and "learned art" with gin, he mentioned this a few times and asked the gin to change his clothes in the summer. The gin also entered the left ear and the right ear. Out. This time I finally saw Gin wearing normal summer clothes. Ryazan couldn't help being a little moved. Gin said lightly: "This time I came by a civilian flight. You can't wear clothes that attract attention.Ryazan was a bit speechless.If you dare to be afraid of being onlookers, your old man is still going to wear a black windbreaker? He wonders whether the gin has lost its temperature sensing ability, or there are a few small air conditioners in the black windbreaker, otherwise it is impossible to think about it. In the summer, I wear a windbreaker and go out for the gin dressing habit. It is estimated that this life will not change. Ryazan wisely chooses to change the topic."You are done with things in the U.S.? Why, come to Japan so soon?" Gin originally wanted to answer, but looked at Conan behind Ryazan, and stopped talking.Ryazan trusted such a kid, he was not credible. "Almost." He gave an ambiguous answer.Then, he took out the cigarette case from his pocket and dropped a cigarette in his mouth."Mescal, now is the critical moment. You'd better not add uncertainties around you. Although you didn't name the name, Conan felt the intention to kill him again even after Ryazan. He hurriedly avoided more. Ryazan rolls his eyes when he feels Conan’s movements. This Kudo Shinichi, has been a kid for too long, hasn’t been a loss? After reminding Ryazan, the gin is not nonsense, directly Turned and left. After walking for a certain distance, he took out a lighter, lit a cigarette, and spit out a long mist. Looking at the back of the gin, Ryazan smiled. "Really a person who can never be idle.He turned to look at Conan: "Let's go, the boy who survived the disaster."Looking at Ryazan, Conan looked extremely complicated."Brother Ryazan, you, are you really the organizer? Ryazan showed his eyes of caring for children with mental disabilities: "Aren't you nonsense? If I'm not a member of the organization, can I know gin? Then he put his hands in his pockets. Inside, walk back slowly.Conan was taken aback.What the hell is the tone of course! Is this a very important event! He hurried to catch up."Why?! Brother Ryazan, you are obviously not a bad person like them, why you want to join the organization?! After thinking about it, he lowered his voice: "Did you go in undercover?" FNNDP. "Ryazan rolled his eyes," I It’s a member of Sishi’s organization, and definitely not two or five. Conan: What’s so proud of?! Isn’t this worse? I don’t know why. It’s obviously a very serious and terrifying topic. Ryazan uses this When you speak of your attitude, there is always a sense of nonsense. After following Ryazan, he saw Ryazan's car parked on the edge of the construction site. Ryazan slowly opened the cab door and sat in.Conan hesitated for a moment, and then got into the car.Watching Ryazan insert the key to start the car, Conan took a deep breath."Brother Ryazan, what the hell is going on? What happened to me, you know from the beginning, right? What the organization is doing? Who is behind the organization? What are you doing?"

Hearing this series of questions, Ryazan gave him a funny look: "Are you asking questions? Conan was taken aback.

Although as a detective, you should not bow your head to the perpetrator, but the situation is special now.Moreover, for Ryazan, he couldn't give birth to the feelings of facing offenders.After thinking for a while, he lowered his head: "Please tell me!" Well, it did a good job."Ryazan nodded with satisfaction." But I refused!

He hummed and smiled: One of the things I like to do in Ryazan is to say no to people who are curious! "Looking at others who are tortured by curiosity and dying, but the greatest joy in life-one. Conan He felt a little bit horny. He suddenly felt that Ryazan, in some respects, was really terrible.. He was a little anxious and said, "Don't be kidding!" I am now, but I know your true identity. ...I can report you at any time!" Ryazan couldn't help laughing after hearing this."Report me?" A first-year elementary school student ran to the Metropolitan Police Department and said that their police department. -Oh no, it's the police now. They said that their police is a man who has made countless efforts and made great achievements. It's a criminal. Who do you think will believe? "Even if someone really believes it, under my halo, who is willing to use me?" He put down the handbrake and shifted the gear."Where are you going? Back to the detective office, or to Dr. Akas's house?'" Of course, if you want to sink into Tokyo Bay, I can satisfy you."Is Conan just wanted to say something, but after hearing the words of Dr. A Li, he held back. He suddenly wanted to pump himself:-Mouth. What is the scar? Forgot to hurt?

Just after getting out of the crisis, I actually forgot what I had just experienced.Your own life is not yours alone.If you mess up, you may cause people around you to follow at any time-he is suddenly a little upset.When he had just gotten smaller, he shouldn't have come back to find the Doctor and Xiaolan! Wait... When it came to getting smaller, he couldn't help but look at Ryazan again.

In particular, Baidu asked what gin to wear in summer.Then someone in the group said that the countdown to heaven, everyone else wears shorts and skirts, and that the master Qin is still a black trench coat.I was really surprised when I saw Temu.

Chapter Three and Fifty One, don't you tell me something?

Looking at Ryazan’s face, Conan suddenly raised a question mark. Speaking of which... after he became smaller, it seemed that only Ryazan had discovered his identity early.I always thought that I was knocked out and fed poison because of Gin's actions.But judging from the performance of the gin today, why, it doesn’t feel like the gin is dry? Is He couldn’t help but said: "Na. Brother Ryazan. "Huh?" Ryazan said eloquently. He stunned me. Wouldn’t it be you who gave me the poison? Squeak! !!! Ryazan’s body shook and almost didn’t slip.

He quickly stopped the direction and controlled the car again. Under Conan's gaze, Ryazan laughed-"what the hell, what are you talking about... why can't I understand it at all?" Did you even get knocked out? Conan:

If it was just a guess, now, he can basically be sure.This guy did it! Seeing that he couldn’t help it, Ryazan coughed: “I’ll state first, I just gave you a stick, and the medicine was done by Mengjiu.” Speaking of which, he directly put With a finger stuck in your throat, the picture is particularly unsightly... Do you think about it, can you remember the touch of his fingers?" "No!" Conan couldn't help but vomit. Because Ryazan described it as too visual There was a strange feeling in his throat. He suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. What is going on with this happy style of painting? I am a detective, and Ryazan, a member of the black-clothed organization, shouldn’t be at odds with each other. Is the heavy scene right? Why is it like this?! He was in his head and replayed the scene from the construction site just now. Then, suddenly he found a Chinese brother Ryazan, just now you said, who am I 'S son-in-law?'

He was suddenly nervous.A person who has a relationship with him can be jealous of gin. -.. Who is this? Could it be that Kogoro Moori, or Fei Miles, one of them is a member of the organization?! Thinking of this, he couldn't help but back Chills out.If so, it would be terrible.What kind of environment do you live in?! Ryazan said: "You don’t know. In the original book, Conan first noticed Belmode when Pisk assassinated Shigehiko Tunkou. At that time, Belmode I handed his handkerchief to Piske, forged his innocence certificate, and was targeted by Conan. ls and the specific code name was in the full moon chapter. Seeing in, due to his arrival, the full moon chapter disappeared. Conan told Bell Mode, almost ignorant. Even if you explain to him, it doesn't make sense. Is Conan is a bit speechless.

I have become someone else's son-in-law, and I don't even know who it is.This is more nonsense than Ryazan's identity. Then, he suddenly thought of a more terrifying question.Ryazan and Hui Yuanai have a very good relationship.-At first, he only regarded these two people as weird people, and they had a common language.Thinking about it now, I'm afraid that these two people have always known each other's identities?! He widened his eyes: "Haihara... Isn't she really out of the organization? "Why did she approach the doctor? !" After hearing this, Ryazan said slowly: "Shirley is indeed out of the organization, and I personally helped her arrange the arrangement and let her take medicine and escape."I stayed at Dr. A Li's house for a simple reason... My home is not safe, so I hide her in a place not far from me and not related to me to avoid problems.

Conan thought for a while and felt logically reasonable.

He breathed a sigh of relief. After his nerves relaxed a little, he couldn't help feeling tired.Today's thrilling follow-up, although it almost gave up a small life, but the gain is really too much.Although he still knows a little about Ryazan himself, in general, his understanding of the organization has taken a big step forward! The only thing that entangled him was Ryazan's attitude.Although I knew the true identity of Ryazan, I even knew that I became like this because of the gift of Ryazan, but I don’t know why, I can’t hate this guy.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart.With Conan, Ryazan drove to the Mori detective office in Gomachi in a short while.Conan put his hand on the door switch, looking at Ryazan with a complicated expression.Seeing Ryazan-Vice's okay appearance, he was a little depressed: "You really don't tell me anything?" Ryazan was slightly taken aback, "What are you telling me?" "Let me not tell Conan about your identity. A little depressed, why should he say such things.Hearing this, Ryazan smiled slightly: "It's okay, no need. Conan grinned.

Although this guy is an organizer, maybe, there is really a tacit understanding between himself and him. Just thinking about this, I heard Ryazan say: "I know everyone you know. If I get trapped by you, I will be backhanded. Can kill a few people around you. "Conan: Grass! I have a tacit understanding with this guy!

He rolled his eyes, closed the car door and left. When he got home, Ryazan sent a text message to Xiao Ai and called her over.Akai Hideichi and Miyano Akemi have been arranged by him to live elsewhere. Not far from here, Xiao Ai can go anytime if he wants to.After making dinner for himself and Xiao Ai, he told Xiao Ai about what happened today.Hearing Ryazan's experience on this day, Xiao Ai couldn't help being stunned several times.Whether it was the encounter between Gin and Conan, or the subsequent dialogue between Ryazan and Conan, she felt that the car was too fast and couldn't keep up. After listening to everything, she was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Although he has no influence anymore, his father is still very influential. What if he tells his father about you?

Ryazan shook his head: "Don't worry, he is not such a prudent person." In the original plot, Conan tried and touched many times when he was completely unable to confirm the identity of Bourbon.At that time, if he made a wrong step, he might be killed by Bourbon-Phase.In comparison, his Ryazan's risk index is much lower than that of the unidentified Bourbon. With Conan's personality, he can only ask for information from him in an attempt to do anything against him.Compared to Conan, he has more important things to consider.In Xiaoai's gaze, Ryazan hehe, "Um, boy... It's not early, 0 are we..." is Xiaoai...

I posted a video of my girl (cat) at station B. Interested readers can check it out. Just search for "not tart sauce"

Chapter 35 The world is too crazy

After a fierce battle, Ryazan was contented to wash his fragrance with a little sorrow.Back on the bed, he looked at Xiao Ai a little strangely-"Boy, what the hell, it looks a little unhappy? Xiao Ai sat on the edge of the bed. Hearing this, he turned to look at him. Is a girl Sighed. "The antidote development progress has not been progressed for several days.Hearing this, Ryazan smiled: “It’s okay, take it slow, there is still more time. As soon as the voice fell, he was a little surprised to see that Xiao Ai climbed onto the bed and came all the way to his side, with dangerous eyes, Looking at him condescendingly. "Of course you are not in a hurry... the benefits you deserve, but the points haven't been lost.Ryazan: For a moment, he didn't realize what Xiao Ai said.Soon after, he understood.It turned out that this girl wanted to react to the home base, so he quickly tried his best to control his expression so as not to laugh.However, I still couldn't hold back the words: I remember, you repelled these things at first. In such a short time, the changes are quite big.

Xiao Ai stretched out her hand and patted him ticklely. Although the voice is clear, but not strong, it is quite comfortable.Seeing that Xiao Yuan was really angry, Ryazan hurriedly coughed."Don't worry, the antidote will definitely be researched successfully. Isn't Noah here? With his ability, it shouldn't be difficult to reverse the composition of a drug, right?

Hearing this, Xiao Ai nodded, rarely showing a relaxed expression: "Indeed, Noah's computing power is really strong. He should have kidnapped the computing power of a lot of civilian planes. With him, the drug research and development team The progress has speeded up a lot. Ryazan: Noah, this child, actually kidnapped a civilian plane. This behavior is really... I know how to work. It is his own child. Under the light, he looked at the little sorrow who was sitting next to him. . Lis girl is wearing a thin pajamas, her short hair looks soft because she has just washed it, which adds a sense of weakness to the girl. Ryazan suddenly feels a little ashamed when she looks at Xiaoai. Xiaoai R&D The antidote, although he didn't make trouble, he hardly gave any help. If he insisted on explaining, there are many reasons. For example, a lot of things happened around him, and it is normal to have no time to help. Besides, he is just a man. Ordinary people are not biochemical researchers. Even if they really want to help, they can’t help. But these are just excuses. When he first arrived in Japan, he really couldn’t help much, but with his current ability and status If you really want to, you can actually forcibly steal APTX4869 information from the organization archives. Part of the reason for not doing this is because you have no time to get distracted from the fight with Rum. More, because you don’t have this Ryazan likes Shirley and Xiao Ai, and both love them. But if you have to say which one you like better, with childhood memories bonus, Xiao Ai with a Shanghai mirror must be slightly better. Therefore, he treats Xiao Ai to Xiao Ai. I’m not very concerned about studying the antidote. Ryazan suddenly feels a little uncomfortable to figure this out. Do I really like it if I do it myself. X, a seemingly strong girl, is really willing to bear this. I don’t know when Does the head become a small life? He turned sideways, reached out to Xiao'ai, and gently hugged her in his arms. Xiao'ai was thinking about something, but was suddenly hugged by Ryazan and was startled. She was so angry. It’s funny again, I just wanted to say a few words about Ryazan Ryazan, but I listened to Ryazan slowly saying-is

Jing, let's go for a walk."Go out?" Xiao Ai was slightly taken aback.Hmm, go out and relax.Ryazan chuckled and nodded. "Since you left the organization, we haven't travelled much. Recently, I happened to be a little free. Let's go for a walk together."Free time is pure nonsense.He had just been promoted to Jingshi, and there were a lot of things about him, but compared to Xiaoai, that little mess was nothing.After all, he doesn't point to this job to support his family. It has nothing to do with his sense of responsibility.Seeing that Ryazan was serious, Xiao Ai also thought about it seriously.After a while, she said, "Then go to Hokkaido. She smiled slightly: "I heard that the northernmost part of Hokkaido has beautiful scenery. I want to see it.Hearing this, Ryazan nodded without hesitation: "No problem, then go to Hokkaido. Although I don't understand why Ryazan has a sudden convulsion, Xiao Ai feels very happy. After all, she is also an 8-year-old girl with romantic feelings. No matter how mature and calm you are on weekdays, you will be a little bit looking forward to hearing that you can go on a trip with your lover. When she went to school the next day, she specially observed the appearance of Conan. Conan seemed to be lacking in energy His eyes are a little red, and the whole person is a little bit stunned. During the class, I didn't attend the class at all, but I stared straight at the air, thinking about something. Seeing Nan's reaction, Xiao Ai was a little pleased. The corners of his mouth were raised. This arrogant detective kid, this time I guess he will have a good doubt about his life. However, before school is over in the afternoon, Conan regained his spirit. Xiaoai: The big country next door-a saying, applaud The scar is forgotten to hurt. How come to Kudo Shinichi-here, even the scar is not knotted, the wound is still bleeding, so I forgot to hurt? ls she looked back a little speechlessly. Whatever the trouble of this guy, anyway, immediately I'm about to leave Tokyo with Mescal. Even if this guy is really a god of death, is it possible that he can still get into the self who is about to leave? Impossible!.......

As night fell, Kogoro Mouri took Conan and Ran to the Universe Theater in Shiodome.Along with them, there was also Nakamori Yinsan who searched the second division.Seeing Zhongsen, Conan looked around curiously: "Huh, didn't the Ryazan Police Department come?" Upon hearing this, Zhongsen Yinsan was taken aback for a while, and then shook his head: "No, he said Kidd was just a fake tonight. -The gun, I won’t actually do it, so I don’t need to come

Then, he sighed: "In addition, that guy is no longer the police department, it is the police! He is now the manager of the search-section, with the police rank! Hearing this, Conan couldn't help but stunned. Maori Kogoro Zhangda He said, "Jingshi?! No! He broke his fingers:, Jingshi-- .. Even in the professional group, you must be at least 25 years old. Basically, anyone who can sit in this position has to be Thirty or forty years old, or even more! Nakamori Ginzo shrugged: "I don't know how the big man above makes decisions. Kogoro Mouri suddenly felt a deep sense of frustration. Conan also felt the same. Okay-.. The killer of the black organization became a class manager in the Metropolitan Police Department. This world is crazy, right?

Chapter Three Fifty Three

According to Kogoro Moori’s reasoning, Kidd would turn into Napoleon in the stage play "Josephine" and steal the gems when the curtain calls.Therefore, the policemen who searched the Second Section were ambushing early in the background.Nakamori Ginzo and Mouri Kogoro, these two wonderful works, directly disguised themselves as characters in the stage play, and came on stage grandiosely. The stage play just ended,-the crowd went up and held down "Napoleon". Found that it was not Kidd at all.Mouri Kogoro was greatly frustrated.On Conan's side, he found the real Kidd.Among all the people present, only he recognized Kidd at a glance.The reason is very simple--This guy, who didn't even do disguise, appeared swaggeringly against the face of Shin-Zhang Kudo! Is Conan was so angry.It’s nothing more than breaking Ryazan to bully. You, the gangster, came to bully people too? Isn’t it too much? He was carrying a paraglider and chasing behind the gangster Kidd,--The road chased half of Tokyo, but it was a pity in the end. Failed. However, although no one was caught, at least the gem was tongueless.Therefore, Makizuri, the female star who commissioned the case, warmly invited Moori Kogoroichi to his family to go to Hokkaido for a celebration party to celebrate their victory over Kidd.Conan felt a little strange to Mu Shuli's conclusion.Did they really "beat" Kidd? Is He always felt that there seemed to be something strange in this matter. Just like Kidd came here this time, he didn't really want to steal gems? Just thinking about it, he heard Zhongsen Yin San and a few policemen, passing by, complained, "It seems that Ryazan was hit again this time. Kidd was just making a fake shot and didn't plan to do it here. "is" that cheating. Maori Kogoro, I will believe his reasoning next time I am a dog! Hearing this, Conan was taken aback for a while, and hurried over. "Nakamori Police Department!" He stretched out his hand and pulled Lazhongsen Yinsan's The hem of the suit. Ginzo Nakamori glanced at him: "Huh? The kid next to Kogoro Moori...what are you doing? Are you trying to report what I just said? It doesn't matter if you want to say it, just say it! He is very unhappy. Said.

Conan gave a dry smile in his heart.He took care to mix up the troubles of these adults. He hurriedly said: "Nakamori Police Department, you just said that Kidd didn't plan to do anything here. What do you mean?---Well, it was Ryazan Police said. Yes, he said Kidd didn’t plan to do anything here. This is just a cover, but he didn’t say where it was. He only said that the reminder is in the second half of the notice. It’s probably because he was afraid of the news. Hearing that, Conan said slightly. After a few seconds, his eyes lit up. That's it! That's it! For a while, he was a little excited. As expected, Ryazan, he is super world-class in solving the case! But then, he became depressed again. A black-clothed organization killer, no matter how powerful he is, he would be happy to follow him.

In the evening of the next day, under the leadership of Kogoro Moori, Conan arrived at the airport.Mu Shuli directly wrapped the entire second floor of a double-decker plane to fly to the Hokkaido city-Hakodate. Looking at the plane in front of him, Conan raised his mouth.If nothing else, Kidd should start with this plane.The plane flying in the sky is equivalent to a natural prison. As long as he is prepared, he will be able to bring the Kaito Kidd to justice! Thinking of this, he couldn't help being a little excited, and looked around, wanting to see the Kaito Did Kidd ambush nearby?As soon as he turned his head, he almost didn't spray out.Not far away,-next to a large luxury plane, Ryazan and Hui Yuanai walked out of a black car,-the deputy was about to board the plane. Before, he might not care too much about this. ..... Knowing that Ryazan and Hui Yuan were both members of the organization, Conan couldn't let go of acting alone with these two men.He hurried over: "Brother Ryazan! Hearing Conan’s shouts, Xiaolan also looked over. Seeing Ryazan, she also walked over. Conan ran all the way to Ryazan: "Brother Ryazan, you Is it going to go out? Conan looked at the plane next to him quickly and found that it was a private plane, and the flight number could not be determined.lis Ryazan gave Conan a bit speechlessly."What are you here for... I'm going to spend a good honeymoon, don't come to pit me, I don't want to jump halfway. Conan: God TM jumped halfway. He couldn't help saying: "I took so many planes. There has never been an accident, and it will definitely not happen this time! Ryazan: Xiaoai: The two looked at each other, and then looked at the plane that Conan was about to take.It seems that the plane is far from good.When Ryazan was distracted, Conan opened his mouth and said: "I will lose to you again. "Huh?" Ryazan was slightly taken aback by his strange gaze, and Conan showed a serious expression. "Don't worry, I will not waste you. Give me a hint."I will definitely catch Kaito Kidd! After speaking, he turned around and prepared to go back. Ryazan was a bit speechless. This child suddenly ran out of his head and said-what the hell? And now, Xiao Lan is also Came over. She smiled at Ryazan and bent slightly: "Long time no see, Ryazan brother. "Oh, Xiaolan, long time no see." Ryazan immediately put on a warm smile.Conan, who had not had time to leave, saw this scene and couldn't help rolling his eyes.There are too many bad treatments! After greeting Ryazan, Xiaolan greeted Xiao Ai again.Xiao Ai nodded without expression.Lis looked at this strange combination, Xiao Lan was a little curious: "Brother Ryazan, where are you going? Ryazan stretched out his thumb and pointed to the north, "I took Xiaowei to Beihai to relax. Hear Said, Xiaolan was a little surprised: "Wrong? By such a coincidence, we also have to go to Hokkaido... The plane will take off to Hakodate in a while."Hakodate. Ryazan nodded. Is Xiaoai wants to go to the northernmost point of Hokkaido, which is Wakkanai City, and Hakodate is almost the southernmost point of Hokkaido. It seems that this time, Conan's power of death can be effectively avoided. Thinking of this, he feels better.

However, thinking that Xiaolan was going to board that dangerous plane, he was still a little worried.He spoke. He was about to invite Xiaolan to take his own plane, and then landed in Hakodate. Just put her down. However, at this moment, the pilot suddenly ran out.Seeing the driver's appearance, Ryazan suddenly had a bad feeling.In his gaze, the driver was crying."Sir, no, very hugged... the plane has some trouble,-I will not be able to take off soon! Ryazan:

Chapter Three and Five Four Kidd: "???"

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