I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 443


Hideichi Akai feels like he is going to die.

Although he used to be an FBI and an enemy of the organization, he also knows how terrible the power of the organization is.

A person, as long as he can become a cadre of an organization, can instantly have the glory and wealth that he can enjoy for several lifetimes.

As for the organization of bosses, let alone the emperors of some small and medium-sized countries!

Mescal, this guy, spent a long time trying to get the organization completely in his palm, and now he sent it out with a few words.

What the hell is this?!

Belmode glanced at Ryazan, as if thinking of something.

She moaned her lips, and then her voice became a little low: "Mescal... Did he say something to you?"

Seeing Belmode’s somewhat ill-looking face, Shui Wuyou resignedly and only looked at Curacao next to him, not knowing what it meant.

However, Curaçao just shrugged and said she didn’t understand either

In Belmod's gaze, Ryazan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, gently hugged Belmod, and patted her on the back.

"Don't worry, sister Bei, no matter what happens, you are the best sister Bei in my heart."

Hearing this, Belmode became nervous at first.

Then, slowly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Well, I'll be finished in a while, remember to tell me everything.,,

"Good." Ryazan nodded.

Xiao Ai was caught between the two, feeling pressure.

Both Ryazan and Belmode were close to her, and she could clearly feel the temperature coming from them.

Coupled with the piano sitting opposite...

She felt that she should be jealous or something at this time, but she was really not in that mood.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but roll an eye.

As a woman, I might be a bit unqualified...

After pacifying Belmode, Ryazan sat back in his original position, leaned back and raised his legs.

"Rum's death and the organization of the replacement of the second-in-command will cause some disturbance. This period of instability will be suppressed by gin."

He chuckled: "Now the rum is dead. You can play whatever you want. Anyone who can use it can use it. If you want to clean it up, you can clean it up as you please."

"If there is too much pressure, I recommend packing up the bourbon, that guy God

The sky is jumping around, it will definitely decompress 12316 if you mess with him;"

Listening to Ryazan’s serious speech, Gin helped helplessly.


"Well, I will stay in this position for a while before you have any other ideas."

A chill flashed in his eyes: "Some people, I really wanted to talk to them..."

Feeling the killing intent emanating from the gin, Shui Wuren couldn't help but tremble.

Gin glanced at Hideo Akai.

"Rye whiskey... come and help me."

Hearing this, Akai was taken aback for a moment.

He and the gin, that were old friends, hadn't Mescal been in the middle of it, he might have caught the gin.

It is a bit weird to let him do things with gin...

He looked at Ryazan and saw that the latter had no intention of stopping, he could only sigh.

"Say okay first, I won't do things that hurt the world." Gin sneered, and the corners of his mouth raised high.

"Don't worry, I will arrange some work you like...

Chapter 385 The New Door of Belmode

Chapter 385 The New Door of Belmode

Shaking the pot for the gin...cough cough, after promoting the gin, Ryazan sent a notice to the entire organization directly in the name of the boss

Everyone present, except Xiao Ai, their mobile phones rang at the same time.

Although Cheng Shi is not a formal member of the organization, under the operation of Ryazan, he has long been treated at the code level.

He can naturally receive this kind of news that informs the entire organization.

Shui Wu Reina took Chuan's cell phone and saw a text message.

In the text message, a brief description of Gin’s succession to Rum’s position was stated, but it did not say where Rum was going.

Although she knew the ins and outs of the whole thing, she still felt a little startled when she saw this text message.

The rum who used to be the most powerful is just gone.

Only a legend is left.

The only effect of his death was to help Ryazan and Gin establish absolute prestige.

Anyone whose brain is bigger than a walnut can guess whose hands Rum died.

Combined with the superiority of gin...I am afraid that everyone who receives a text message,

At this time, I have already made up a power struggle in my heart.

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