I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 444

She couldn't help looking at Ryazan.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that the "culprit" who caused all this is actually not passionate about this power...

Belmode looked at the phone screen.

The number that sent the text message belongs to the boss.

She slowly put down the phone, a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

Until this moment, she really felt that the boss had become the little man in front of her...

With the text messages in place, Gin officially took office.

Ryazan saluted without hesitation: "I have seen the second master!

Gin: "..."

He took a deep breath, and forcibly stopped the urge to hit.With so many people present, you can't lose your demeanor...

Ryazan's convulsions did not cause any reaction from others.

The sudden change in the organizational structure makes everyone a bit unreal


However, feeling belongs to feeling, and reality must be accepted.

Gin stood up, called Akai Shuichi and Mizuno Rena, and left the house.

Curaçao and Chengshi returned to the museum base and continued to do their usual work.

Seeing everyone leaving one by one, Xiao Ai suddenly felt that something was wrong.

After thinking for a few seconds, she quietly jumped off the sofa, preparing to leave with the others.

But at this moment, Belmode, who had been thinking about it, suddenly recovered.

She looked at Xiao Ai, then at Ryazan next to her, her mouth raised slightly.

"Long time no see... Shirley."

Hearing this name, Xiao Ai let out a sorrow in her heart.

However, losing can not lose the battle, even if she is sad, on the surface, she still turned around blankly and looked at Belmode.

Seeing Xiao Ai's appearance, Belmode was a little emotional.

"No wonder that none of the people I sent to assassinate you can find you."

"A person with a little bit of common sense will never associate an 18-year-old girl with an elementary school girl."

"Even if you live honestly in Tokyo, no one can discover your true identity..."

Xiao Ai pursed her mouth nervously, and then said: "What are you going to do? Now the boss no longer exists, the organization is no longer there.

The reason to kill me!"

Hearing this, Belmode couldn't help laughing.

She stood up slowly, came to Xiao Ai, squatted down, and touched the girl's chin.

"My lovely Shirley...you have not been in the organization for a short time, and you can say such naive things."

"The killer of the organization wants to kill someone, when does it need a reason?"

Under Xiao Ai's gaze, she shook her wrist lightly, and she didn't know where she took out a qiāng, and pointed it directly on the girl's head!

Xiao Ai's pupils shrank slightly: "Are you going to do something here?"

"Ala, do you think I dare not do this?"

Belmode had a smile on his mouth, but his eyes were cold.

At this moment, Ryazan's cough sounded nearby.

"Um... Sister Bei, didn't we say we should get along with each other in peace."

Under Xiao Ai's gaze, Belmode slowly retracted his qiāng and shook his head funny.

"I haven't done anything yet, so I'm anxious to protect your little lover?"

Looking at the girl who was still a little nervous in front of her, Belmode suddenly wanted to tap her little head with qiāng.




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Originally, she thought that when she saw Shirley again, it would be a "rival in love" meeting, especially jealous.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she didn't feel much in her heart


Perhaps it was the boss retiring, so that he didn't care about other thoughts...

Or maybe, I had already accepted this setting before I knew it?

She tiǎn tiǎn lips.

I don't know why, she used to dislike Shirley very much, but... after this girl became small, she has a kind of mysterious charm.

Could it be that Mescal had already discovered this?

Probably not...

Seeing Belmode's gaze, Xiao Ai suddenly felt a cold back.

Originally, Belmode looked at her, although the gaze was very dangerous, but the purpose behind it was very simple. She had long been accustomed to this kind of coveted gaze.

But just now, she suddenly couldn't understand Belmode's eyes.

This demonic woman suddenly saw something scared of her.

It's like... the big bad wolf is eyeing the little white sheep?

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