I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 445

If this kind of look appeared in the eyes of Ryazan, she would be very used to it.

Why is there such a look in Belmode's eyes?!

Have du!

In Xiao Aiyu's tearless gaze, Belmode closed his eyes slowly.

In the future, the time to live together will be long, not bad at this time...

While comforting herself, she looked at Ryazan.

"Shirley's not to mention it in advance, Mescal, let's do a good job with the two of us, 12316;"

The corners of her mouth lifted up, revealing a cold smile.

"There are so many important things that I haven't heard at all. I am more and more curious now, how many things are you hiding from me...

Ryazan swallowed, slowly returned to the sofa, and sat down.

Belmode turned to look at Xiao Ai.

"Shirley, what do you think?"

When talking about this topic, Xiao Ai couldn't help but pursed her mouth.

This guy in front of him is hiding his own business, I am afraid that he is hiding more than Belmode!

She slowly took out an injection from the white lab coat.

"I have yào specially used for interrogation."

Belmode smiled.

Ryazan shed tears.

Until the evening, he finally dragged his exhausted body to the museum base.

Walking into the base, he wanted to go directly to the training ground for a while, but he heard a sound of piano coming from the other side of the corridor.

Following the sound of the piano, he walked slowly over.

At the door of a room, he stopped.

In the room, Chengshi sat in front of the piano, closed his eyes, smiling and playing quietly.

Chapter 386 The world of capital is so ugly

Cheng Shi played the first movement of "Moonlight".

The tune is long, empty, and calm.

Just listening to the sound of the piano, I’m afraid I would never think of it. Mi played in front of the piano with a quiet smile, turned out to be a professional killer with blood on his hands...

After a few minutes, Cheng Shi hit the last note and slowly moved his fingers away from the keys.

Ryazan raised his hand and patted lightly.

Hearing Ryazan’s applause, Cheng Shi was taken aback and turned to look over.

He slowly stood up and looked at Ryazan.

"Ryazan, you are here."

Ryazan put down his hand, showing a somewhat emotional expression.

"The same song is moonlight, and different people play it, and it makes people feel completely different."

"Ordinary people play the first movement, they will have a more or less painful and helpless feeling."

"But your moonlight sounds like it makes me feel relaxed and relieved."

"I guess, have you been happy lately?" Cheng Shi blinked, showing a slightly surprised expression.

"Ryazan...does he also have a talent for music?"

Ryazan clapped his hands: "You can ask the right person. My musical talent is quite amazing. When I was in school, the teacher said that I was not a musician. It's a pity!"

Cheng Shi couldn't help smiling.

Seeing Chengshi's unbelief, Ryazan snorted: "It seems that I have to show you today."

While talking, he walked to the piano and sat down.

It’s like walking into a restaurant, rice is waiting for food in front of the table


Seeing Ryazan's actions, Chengshi's eyes flashed a helpless smile


As the son of a pianist, he knew the piano well.Ryazan’s posture and movement habits, you can see that he is a layman

However, the moment Ryazan put his hand on the keyboard, the smile in Chengshi's eyes suddenly disappeared.

He found that the temperament of Ryazan seemed to have changed.

Under Chengshi's gaze, Ryazan was quite xiong and coughed like a human.

Then, with his hands on the keys, he moved quickly.

What he played was the third movement of "Moonlight".

If the first movement sounds like a small boat floating quietly on the lake under the moonlight, then the third movement is like a small boat with a diesel engine...

As Ryazan quickly turned his hands, the music of Chapter 3 continued to sound.

A few minutes later, Ryazan left the keyboard with both hands at the same time, turning his head to look


"How about it, not bad, right?"

Chengshi nodded subconsciously: "Very powerful, very standard."

Knowing Ryazan for so long, this is the second time he is deeply surprised.

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