I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 446

The first time, it was when Ryazan rescued him from the fire.He really didn't expect that Ryazan really knew the piano.

This part of "Moonlight" performance can be used thoroughly


Seeing that it was real, Ryazan smiled crookedly.

It's been a long time since I extracted advanced music skills from the big turntable, but I found a chance to install a wave.

After Baba's beauty for a while, he looked at Chengshi: "So, is there something happy happening?"

Hearing this, Cheng Shi raised his mouth slightly and nodded: "Yes.

He looked at the piano next to him: "According to Ryazan's instructions, the organization has dealt a severe blow to all the jiāo Yidu in Tokyo."

“In the past, both manpower and execution were limited, but now it’s different. After you don’t have to deal with rum, there will be a large surplus of resources in all aspects. I think as long as the organization exists, Tokyo will not have this The jiāo is easy."

"I think that in Tokyo from now on, there should be no more people like my father who have lost their lives because they stepped on this road."

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the piano keys, smiling

With a trace of sorrow.

"Ryazan said that there is relaxation and relief in my playing. I think that maybe it is completely correct."

"Whether it is as a father's child or as Ryazan's Ding Ju, my mission has probably been completed."

He turned his head and looked at Ryazan with a smile.

"The organization now belongs to Ryazan, and what Ryazan wanted to do has been achieved."

"So, I think..."

"No, you don't want to."

It was interrupted by Ryazan before the voice was heard.

In Chengshi's somewhat unexpected gaze, Ryazan scratched his hair:

"Who said that your mission was completed...? I have a lot to do here."

He stretched out his hand and shook his fingers one by one: "Look, first of all I have to straighten out the chaotic situation in the organization, so that the organization can truly become something I can control. This matter is not enough for gin, after all, gin. Now that he is getting older, you can't bear to let him have so much heart by himself, right?"

"Then, when the organization is really controlled by me, I will definitely become the thorn in the eyes of the major forces. Assassinations and the like will definitely be indispensable. If I don't find a few experts to protect, I am afraid that the door will not dare to go.

"Ten thousand steps back, even if you don't have these troubles, I can't let you run away."

"For example, playing Three Kingdoms, even if your subordinates are already fierce and can't be used at all, but will you give up collecting? It's impossible, okay, especially for super hunks like Guan Erye and Hbu. It is absolutely impossible to let go!"

"Anyway, you are already a member of my Chaldeans. Unless I break you down to exchange for gold cubes, you won't be able to go if you want to, do you understand?"

After listening to Ryazan, Chengshi was taken aback for a while.

Then, I couldn't help but smile and said, "Ryazan, people like you are generally called black-hearted bosses."

"Huh, the world of capitalists is so ugly." Ryazan

He hummed, and then he made a silly face.

Cheng Shi closed his eyes and smiled helplessly.

"Okay, I see... From now on, I would like to ask for your advice, Ryazan."

"Well, give me a ding for a lifetime.,, Ryazan raised his arm and nodded satisfied.

He was about to say something more when footsteps suddenly heard outside the door.

Chianti and Cohen, who were training at the base before, walked over.

Seeing Ryazan, both of them were a little surprised, and then hurriedly signaled.

Although the two didn't know what happened to Ryazan's status, they both knew that Rum was played to death by Ryazan... This was far scarier than any status change.

After a few greetings with the two, Ryazan left the museum base

I wanted to take a break here, but since there are so many people around, he won't stay much.

Standing on the streets of Tokyo, he was a little tangled.

The family wouldn't dare to go back for a while, where can I find a place to stay?

After thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Reaching out for a car, he got into the car.

Busy propaganda

Chapter 387 Thank you for your hospitality

Rice Flower Hotel, a room.

Shiliang Zhenchun put on a bath towel and walked slowly from the bathroom.She wiped her hair while looking towards the bed.

There, the girl with silver curly hair is staring at the notes seriously

This screen.

"Mom?" Shiliang said.

The girl turned her head and glanced at her.

Seeing Shi Liang naked and only wearing a bath towel on his upper body, the girl showed helpless eyes.

"Hurry up and wipe clean and put on a piece of clothing."

"Yes, it's 12316;"

Shiliang chuckled, approached the girl and looked at the notebook

Hearing this perfunctory answer, Mololi couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Obviously one is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young girl, and the other is just eight or nine-year-old a Mao Lori. The mother and daughter between the two are commensurate, but there is no sense of contradiction.

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

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