I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 447

Hearing the knock on the door, the mother and daughter were taken aback.

The next second, the two looked at each other and acted together.

a Mauloli resolutely hid to the side of the closet, while Shiliang came to the door somewhat guarded and looked at the cat's eye tentatively.

At this look, she couldn't help being taken aback.

Standing at the door, it was Ryazan!

It seems that Ryazan's condition is not very good, he looks sick.

Shiliang asked subconsciously, "Brother Ryazan?"

"Well, it's me." In the cat's eyes, Ryazan nodded weakly: "I was bullied, and I want to come to you for the night."

Hearing this, A Mao Lori, who was hiding by the side, frowned slightly, winked at Shiliang, and asked her to send Ryazan away.

But Shiliang opened the door directly.

a Mao Lori almost didn't stare out her eyes.

While Shiliang opened the door for Ding Fu, she hurriedly knocked on the closet door and hid herself directly.

After the door opened, Ryazan walked into the room a few steps, and he fluttered directly on the bed, making a comfortable sound.

He turned his head and was about to say something to Shiliang, but he couldn't help but be taken aback.

Shi Liang Zhenchun was still not wearing any clothes at this time, just changed the bath towel that was draped on her body to be wrapped around her body.

This picture is almost like a couple in the open room, one of whom has just taken a shower and changed to the other to wash...

Ryazan couldn't laugh or cry: "If you don't wear any clothes, just open the door to a big man for me?"

Shiliang smiled awkwardly and scratched his hair: "I don't think Ryazan is not in good condition, am I a little worried?"

Ryazan grinned: "You should wear something, it doesn't look good."

Shiliang Zhenchun, like Xiaolan, exercises regularly and has a very good body line.

Usually, she always wears boys' style clothes, so she can't see it.

Now, a pair of legs that are not wrapped in a bath towel are so pretty.

Although Ryazan has just been bullied by Belmode and Xiao Ai, there is still a feeling that there is no place to put his eyes.

"Oh." Shiliang nodded, and went to the closet to get clothes

However, after two steps, she stopped again.

In the closet... I have my own mother.

Just thinking about letting Ryazan come in, I just forgot my mother.

I remembered now, it was a bit late...

Seeing Shi Liang Zhenchun suddenly stopped, Ryazan was a little strange: "What's wrong?"

Shiliang turned around and chuckled dryly: "Ah, that, I think I'm fine now. I just took a shower and I was a little hot on my body, so I don't want to wear clothes for the time being..."

Ryazan: "?"

He glanced at Shi Liang Zhenchun a little puzzled.

Then, he opened a real eye and looked to the closet.

At this look, he almost didn't say anything in joy.

A certain fake loli was hiding in the closet, looking out nervously through the crack of the door.

Knowing what was going on, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

While Shi Liang Zhenchun's gaze, he nodded: "Okay, don't wear it without wearing it, it's not bad, you look very attractive in female sex right now, you score very high in my heart."

Hearing this, Shi Liang Zhenchun couldn't help but flushed.

If this was changed to someone else, she would have already kicked it.

But, speaking from Ryazan, I don’t know how, it gave her a general feeling of being recognized, not only not disgusted, but also very heart-warming...

In the closet, Marie Akai's heart was vomiting blood.

My daughter, only wrapped in a bath towel, is in the same room with a man. What the hell is this?

The most important thing is that the daughter can’t wear clothes to protect herself

This plot, if it just sounds, I'm sorry for this setting if it doesn't change color!

When she was struggling, she saw that Ryazan, this guy, actually took off his shoes and slowly got into her bed!

When she thinks about where she sleeps every day, and being put to sleep by a man, she feels very strange.

Ryazan squirmed his body and found himself a comfortable posture, and said lazily: "Shiliang, I will sleep for a while. If you want to do anything, please do it yourself."

After speaking, he just closed his eyes and fell asleep!

Moreover, even when he was asleep, he was facing the closet.

In the closet, Marie Akai's heart to scold his mother was all over.

Not to mention there are two big girls in this room, even if there is really only one Shiliang, you can't play like this!

Shiliang stood by the bed, also stunned for a few seconds.

Because it was summer, she had already set the air conditioner to a lower level. It was fine when she just took a shower. Now it has been a while after the shower, and she couldn't help but feel cold.

She deliberately goes to the closet to get some clothes, but in case she opens the clothes by herself

When he was in the closet, Ryazan suddenly opened his eyes and saw someone hiding in the closet. It was a bit difficult to explain...

The girl pondered for a while, and finally got into the quilt.




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