I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 448




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Marie Akai: "..."

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was like the actor in ntr's work, seeing her girlfriend sleeping on the same bed with other men...

She wanted to jump out and chase away Ryazan, a heartless unexpected visitor.

But first, the identity of this guy is still unclear, and he can't expose his existence casually.

Second, even if she comes out, she may not be able to beat this guy

In this way, Marie Akai literally stayed in the closet for several hours, watching her daughter and Ryazan lying on the same bed through the crack of the door.

Ryazan was under no pressure and fell asleep after a while.

Shiliang originally wanted to get warm, but fell asleep not long after lying down.

Only Marie Akai was left alone, watching quietly.

A few hours later, Ryazan woke up.

With the end of sleep, I was destroyed by Belmode and Xiao Ai before

Chapter 387 Thank you

His body has completely recovered.

He stretched in satisfaction and got out of bed.

Shocked by his actions, Shiliang also woke up and sat up tenaciously

Under her gaze, Ryazan walked slowly to the door and looked over.

Seeing Shiliang's appearance, Ryazan was slightly taken aback, showing a slightly surprised expression.

He thought that Shiliang was a complete tablet, but he didn't expect it to be...

And, let alone, it has a special flavor.

Before Shiliang could react, he smiled and gave a thumbs up

"Thanks for the hospitality."

Then he glanced in the direction of the closet.

, Then, say something to a fake loli who was saved by me but is not grateful. The organization has stopped chasing you. When we meet again next time, I don’t need to hide it so cautiously..."

After speaking, he grinned and pushed the door to leave the room.

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Chapter 388 Mescal Virus

Seeing the direction Ryazan left, Shiliang scratched his hair.

She is a bit unclear. What Ryazan said just now, thank you for the hospitality.

What meaning.

I didn't invite him to dinner either...?

However, shortly afterwards, she looked down quickly as if thinking of something suddenly.

Sure enough, because I slept before, the bath towel wrapped around my body was gone, and my healthy upper body was just exposed in the air.

The girl's face turned red, and she subconsciously lifted the quilt with her hand.In the closet, A Mao Loli pushed the door.

She gently jumped out of the closet and looked at the closed door with a twisted expression.

"This guy, did you find me in the first place?!"

Shiliang sat on the bed and nodded: "I heard what Big Brother Ryazan said when he left, it should be like this."

"Also, he seems to know that mother, you have become younger...

Akai Mari couldn't help but glance at her daughter.

Can't I hear these?!

Repeat with you!

After rolling an eye in her heart, she sighed.

"This man is far beyond my expectation... Maybe, in his eyes, there is nothing that can be called a secret in this world.,,

After thinking about it, she said to Shiliang: "Shiliang, I agree with you now. To treat Ryazan this person, you should not be hostile or tempted. It is best to be friendly with him.

Hearing this, Shiliang smiled: "Mom, do you finally know that Big Brother Ryazan is a good person?"

"No." Marie Akai shook her head: "I just feel that... we can't afford him."

Police Department, Ministry of Public Security.

Bourbon sat in the office, his face extremely heavy.

These days, heavy news is like no money, one after another


He always felt that even if he did three or four jobs at the same time, he could do well.

But now, this thought has already flown beyond the clouds.

Don't talk about two or four Ding Zuo, it would be nice to be able to do this right now!

The Metropolitan Police Department's convoy was lifted up by an armed helicopter in the Tokyo circle

Chapter 38 Max

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