I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 450

It doesn't exist.

As he thought about it, he snorted, "Don't move, go!

As he said, he stretched his foot and kicked Bourbon's calf.

Not to mention, after putting down the usual shelf, the whole person is relaxed

A lot.

Gin watched this scene from the sidelines, suddenly feeling a bit delicate.This guy with rye whiskey... finally started to infect Mescal

Chapter 38 Max

Are you sick?

He was silent for a few seconds, and silently took out a cigarette.

The next day, Suzuki Communications Group, a subsidiary of the Suzuki Consortium, released the first generation of smart phones.

Previously, people's mobile phones were designed with the button cāo as the main, and the back cover could be opened to replace the battery and tf card.

The Suzuki consortium suddenly came up with a new design that is almost completely touch-controlled and the phone cannot be opened, which directly refreshed the awareness of users worldwide

And this is not the most amazing.

The most frenzied... is that at the press conference, Suzuki Jiroki announced on the spot that the chief designer of this mobile phone is the Metropolitan Police Department.

As soon as this was said, people from other countries were okay, and all Japanese audiences almost fell their chins on the ground!

As the protagonist at the center of the storm, Ryazan did not come to the press conference.

In short, he has a pigeon.

In the bar of Dahei Building, he sat on the side of the table.On the other side, sitting a few familiar faces.Reminder: If the browser reading mode does not display the chapter content, click Refresh, find the settings menu at the bottom, enter the settings menu and click Exit Free Reading Mode to read freely at high speed. All browser free reading modes will affect the explicit exit as far as possible Mode, the reading experience is better. Welcome, if you think this site is rich in content, please help publicize Welcome, if you think this site is rich in content, please help publicize

Chapter 389, as long as the old man speaks...

In the bar of Dahei Building, Ryazan sat at a table.

Opposite him, three people sat.

Lupin III, Daisuke Nigen, and Goemon Ishikawa.

As the three watched, Ryazan smiled and raised his hand: "Brother Cohen, come to Shirley!"

At the bar, Cohen did not hesitate to follow suit.

Lupin III also pouted his lips and turned his head and said, "Brother, bring me a glass of Landy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ryazan said cheerfully: "By the way, give this guy a glass of ice water!"

Lupin III looked over with wide eyes.

After a while, Cohen brought wine to Ryazan.

Dimension Daisuke and Goemon each gave a glass of sparkling wine.

Looking at the ice water in front of him, Lupin III gritted his teeth: "You guys are really obedient?!"

"That is required."

Ryazan nodded, took a sip of the red wine in his glass, and then said: "I am looking for you this time to get you something for me.

Hearing this, the corner of Lupin III's eyes twitched: "Asshole, you pitted me so badly last time, do you still want me to help?"

"Do you know how many rewards I have raised on the dark web? Many previous brothers turned their heads and chased after me!"

"Not to mention the fbi side. Two or three groups of people are staring at me every day. If I really do something, it's fine. The problem is that I didn't do anything! It's all your kid pretending to be my name. !"

When it comes to this, Lupin III hates him.

On weekdays, it was he who changed his face to be someone else, buckling a bowl of shit on the head of others, but he was pecked by the geese all day long.

His dignified Lupin III was actually planted in Yi Rong's hands!

Ryazan turned a deaf ear to Lupin III's complaints and directly stretched out his finger.

"Ten million."


Lupin III's pupils shrank slightly, but he gritted his teeth and said: "It's not about money..."

"Fifteen million."

Lupin III swallowed.

It's five million dollars... he hasn't seen it before, but when he has so much money in his hand, it is too little.

However, thinking of what happened to him these days, he forcibly contained his hope.

I will never cooperate with this guy, absolutely!

As soon as he was about to make a statement, Ryazan stretched out two fingers: "20 million"

Lupin opened his mouth, before he had time to speak, he was suddenly pressed against the table by a hand extending from the side.

He just rushed to his throat because he wanted to talk, but he was interrupted and almost choked to death.

In the tragic cough of Lupin III, Dimensional Daisuke pressed one hand on him and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, what do you want us to do?"

"Hey, Dimension, you fellow!" Lupin III couldn't help but groan.

Dimensional Daisuke shrugged: "Don't have trouble with money, I've been short of money recently."

"Anyway, this time, we are entrusted to do things, and we are not going to act together. We will not judge whether we will be pitted at that time.,,

Lupin III looked aggrieved and turned his head to look to the other side: "Nah, Goemon, you have something to say, are you willing to accept this guy's commission?"

Goemon ignored him, but looked straight at Ryazan.

"Last time, your sword was broken, our match failed to come to a conclusion

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