I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 451

Fruit ,,

"Now, you have a match with me. You won. I don't need any money. I will give you a run for nothing."

Hearing this, Ryazan scratched his hair.

"If you just talk about swordsmanship, we are actually about the same strength. It's all the same. There is no need to toss."

Goemon shook his head: "As a swordsman, seeing the strong, if you can't distinguish between high and low, it's really not beautiful."

Ryazan couldn't help but tsk.

It is not easy to win Goemon.

Even if he opens the eyes of truth, there is no guarantee that he will win Goemon.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something.

In Goemon's gaze, Ryazan grinned.

"No way, since you want to have a break with me, I will fulfill your wish."

"However, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. I will show my secret moves this time. When the time comes, if I get a second, don't let your confidence hit."

Hearing this, Goemon was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed.

"Of course! As a swordsman, it is glory to fall under the strong hands


The two hit it off and took the elevator to the top of the building.

Before going upstairs, Ryazan left Lupin III and Dimension Daisuke in the bar on the grounds of "master showdown, be careful of accidental injury".

Going up to the top floor, Goemon walked directly to the open space on the top side of the building, and pulled out the iron sword.

Ryazan also took out the sword that Goemon gave him from behind.The two looked at each other quietly, like heroes fighting the top of the Forbidden City.

Goemon took a deep breath, held the hilt in both hands, slowly squatted down, and raised the sword to his head.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that Ryazan took out a kunai from his pocket.

Goemon had some doubts.

Why... At this time, you will come up with karma?

Which river is this singing?

This idea only exists for less than a subtlety.

In an instant, he was completely focused on the coming

The jiāo front.

No matter what weapon Ryazan uses, he just needs to be himself!

Even if Ryazan pulls out a handful of Gatling, he will complete the competition meticulously!

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and at the same time they moved towards each other

After two steps, Ryazan suddenly threw out Kunai and flew straight to the gate of Wuyouwei.

Faced with the flying kunai, Goemon didn't see the slightest fluctuation in his eyes, but his head was slightly tilted and he avoided.

This kunai is just a blindfold, no threat, and the real scary thing is the sword in Ryazan's hand!

As a senior swordsman, he will never be fooled!

Kuunai, passing the air around his ears, flew behind him.

And the distance between him and Ryazan is very close at hand!

Goemon's fingers violently exerted force, and he squeezed the hilt of the sword that he had half-held tightly.

However, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Ryazan in front of him suddenly disappeared!

In the next moment, with a sharp pain behind his back, his whole person, directly out of control, slammed on the ground!

Ryazan held the sword in one hand, and his teleportation kunai in the other.

He slowly turned around and looked at Goemon who was on the ground, unable to move for a while.

"Don't worry, I didn't use a blade, I knocked it with a handle, nothing will happen


Goemon slowly turned his head in disbelief and looked at him."Just... what happened?"

In Goemon's gaze, Ryazan grinned.

"This trick... This trick is called Flying Thunder God II."

"Don't talk about you, even if someone opened a kaleidoscope back then, it would fall under this trick."

In the bar, Lupin the Third and Dimension Daisuke sat together, drinking and chatting.

"In p, Dimension, do you think Goemon will lose to that guy?


Dimension Daisuke thought for a while: "It's hard to say, I don't think Goemon will lose, but Ryazan is not a fuel-efficient lamp either..."

"It's estimated that this battle between the two of them will take a long time."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the bar was suddenly opened.

The two, as well as Cohen, subconsciously looked towards the door.I saw Ryazan and Goemon walking into the store.

In the surprised gaze of the two teammates, Goemon slowly opened his mouth.

"I accept Ryazan's commission."

Lupin III: "!"

Dimensional Daisuke: "!,,

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