I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 452

What's this...just a few minutes?

The two have finished fighting?

Moreover, the invincible Goemon actually lost?

What a special thing!

And what's the joke?!

The two blinked, waiting for someone and said that it was a joke, but no one said.

Although I can't believe it, the facts must be accepted.

With the two teammates' "defection" one after another, Lupin III had no choice but to admit his bad luck.

The three of them listened to Ryazan's commission together, and then received a deposit of 7 million yuan and embarked on the journey.

Tokyo, /vRyogo Group Headquarters.

Pisk sat in the office on the top floor of the building, quietly watching the lights of the distant city.

As the saying goes, you are a thief if you are old and not dead. Although Pisk has lost someone in an assassination mission before, in fact, he is essentially a very shrewd character.

The rum base was zhà, and the gin was on top. On the surface, it seemed normal.

But... he guessed the way almost instantly.

If nothing else, Mescal, already has the power!Thinking of this, his breathing couldn't help but heavier.

Since his life was saved by Mescal, he has stood firmly on this side.

It's not for the so-called repayment.

Having been in the organization for so many years, my conscience or something has already been fed to dogs.

What really keeps him loyal is his optimism about Mescal

From the beginning of the assassination, he realized that this seemingly ordinary young man actually had a lot of energy hidden!

He is very old and does not like gambling.

But he knew very well that he couldn’t get organized to this point.

Don't bet.

Since he wants to bet, he will not do the stupid thing of betting on both sides of the river... and the facts have also proved that he is right!

Looking at the brightly lit street below, Pisk was satisfied


At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the unknown number on the screen, he frowned slightly.

There are only a handful of people who know his number. Who would call it?

After pondering for a few seconds, he answered the phone.

"Pisk, long time no see."

On the phone, a voice rang.

Hearing this voice, Pisk's pupils shrank slightly.


a 2 is also an old qualification in the organization.

Thirty years ago, Landi and Rum fought for status and lost to Rum. Since then, they have gone to western Asia to cultivate power for the organization.

For so many years, Alandy has been working silently in West Asia, and has almost never participated in the operation of the organization.

Had it not been for this call, he might even suspect that this man was dead...

After pondering for a few seconds, he slowly said: "Why do you call me suddenly?"

On the phone, Brandy chuckled, "Why I am looking for you, you should be very clear."

"Rum is dead. You, a veteran, didn't get any benefits. Instead, it was gin. A mere killer took over."

"This matter, if there is no ghost in it, do you believe it?"

Hearing this, Pisk chuckled in his heart.

Of course he didn't believe it.

Because of how many ghosts there are, he knows too well...

Seeing that Pisk was silent, Landy became a little more confident.

He lowered his voice: "Pisk, the situation is now obvious. The emerging forces with Gin and Mescal as the core have secretly killed Rum."

"And that adult, if nothing happens, he may have been controlled by them, and that's why such a weird promotion order appeared."

"In addition, I don't know if you heard that, just after Gin took office, it sent a large number of people to rationally organize internal personnel around the world!"

"The British Stout, the Canadian Acquavit, and the German Riesling... the death of these three people is unknown a! Just because Gin said they were undercover agents, they were killed!"

"Think about it, how could it be so coincidental in the organization that suddenly the stomach has so many undercover?"

"There is no doubt that these people are all anti-gin forces, so he has eliminated them!"

Pisk held the phone in one hand, opened his laptop in the other, and glanced at the collection of information that Ryazan had sent him.

On the list of guards, he really found those three people.

6 (UK MI6), csis (Canada Security Intelligence Agency), bnd (German Federal Intelligence Agency)...

He grinned silently.

Although I know there are many undercover agents in the organization, I didn't expect that there are so many in the code name members...

This document, a Lan Di naturally does not have it.

Pisk couldn't help feeling a little proud.

On the one hand, it is superiority in intelligence.

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