I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 453

On the other hand, I feel once again that I have followed the right person.

He pretended to cough: "It's really scary, what are you going to do?"

a2 said solemnly: "Pisk, we have known each other for so long, I know that people don't talk secretly."

"You have Japanese connections and energy in your hand, and I have... all the firepower and equipment that the organization manages in West Asia!"

"It's better, you and I cooperate to trick the gin and the gang, and I will lead someone to get rid of them, when the time comes...organize this rou, you and I can get the money!"

Listening to Landy's words, Pisk did not change his expression at all.

He said lightly: "Who else joins in this matter except you?"

a ^ grinned: "God knows and earth knows, you know and I know."

He was holding the phone in his hand, his eyes flickering.

If Pisk rejects himself, he can only attack Pisk first just in case!

After a few seconds, Pisk's voice rang in the receiver.

"When you know a, just do as you say."

"My old man, I've seen the gin wine a long time ago!"

"A stubborn man who dares to show off his power in front of us... And that Mescal, a yellow-mouthed kid! Don't worry, as long as the old man speaks, they will surely let the two of them deliver to you!

Hearing Pisk's words, Landy's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, I found the right person!

"Then, it's a deal!"

"A word is settled!"

On both sides of the phone, two elderly people raised their mouths at the same time.temperature

Member of Chapter 39

In the next few days, all forces fell into silence.

Although Rum's death caused a little disturbance in the organization, because the gin took the position in time and used his thunderous wrist, there was no internal waves.

On Ryazan’s side, after hiring Lupin and his team, they also resumed Japan.

Often live.

When he returned to the Metropolitan Police Department on the first day, it directly caused the sāo movement.

Inside the Metropolitan Police Department, it has basically been determined that Ryazan was fighting with Jack... No, he died in a fight with the gangster.

Although there has been no official notification, the news of Ryazan’s sacrifice is basically known to everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Many hard-core old policemen burst into tears.

And the female policemen in various departments, let alone cry, they all cried like something.

It is said that even some senior officials are already considering giving Ryazan a memorial service...

Therefore, seeing Ryazan come back, everyone looked like a shock to my mother for a whole year.

After a good confirmation, everyone was sure that it was humans and not ghosts.

Searching a lesson suddenly filled with cheerful air.

As the news spread, not only the search, but also police from other departments rushed over.

For example, the second class of search, the general class of jiāo, the forensic class... and other police officers from the criminal department all rushed over, and the working hours became a celebration party.

It wasn't until Baima Police Chief and others arrived that the scene was under control.

Seeing Ryazan, Baima and others were relieved.

These days, the pressure they bear is not small.

Regardless of the pressure from the people, or the pressure from the Suzuki family, they are one of the top two.

Now finally a big rock fell to the ground.

As everyone watched, Ryazan casually explained why he disappeared for a few days.

After the battle in Nishitama City, he passed out on the side of the road and was picked up by an unlicensed female doctor to the clinic and rescued.

As a price, he had to give the female doctor a mouse for the trial, until he reached level 10 and unlocked the achievement before being released by the female doctor.

After listening to Ryazan's words, many people showed worried expressions and suggested that Ryazan should be sent to Lutai Police Hospital to have his head checked.

Then she was punished with iron fist by the female police around her.

After a lively for a while, the Baima Police Officer motioned for a while, and the leaders of various departments hurriedly stood up and blasted his men back.

Ryazan also took the people who searched the lesson and slammed the office of the lesson.Looking through the recent case records, Ryazan couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

In these days when he was absent, no accident, all the cases in the search of a lesson were solved by Conan.

When will these police officers have a snack?

He turned his head to look at the few policemen standing next to him, and sighed: "You are like this, how can I safely give you the search lesson?,,

Hearing this, Takagi scratched his head, showing a shy smile: "Didn't you come back..."

Compared with Takagi, A bird is still a little bit ashamed, he showed a somewhat ashamed expression: "I'm very sorry, manager, I will work harder in the future to learn your crime-solving skills!"

Ryazan shook his head funny and put down the folder in his hand.

After the death of Rum and the boss, there were a lot of things in the organization. Don't look at the mess that can be given to Gin now. It's really busy. Even if Gin is alone with a silver hair, it is impossible to get busy.

When the time comes, he will have to help the gin wine because of his feelings and reasons.The Metropolitan Police Department...may not be the same as before

He looked at the people in the office.

At the beginning, the main reason why he forged his identity and became a policeman was actually to smash the plot and brush the big turntable.

By the way, mixing some intelligence and the like can be regarded as a contribution to the organization.

Now that the boss and Rum are dead, the person who can threaten him in the world is the little du that organized in West Asia.

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