I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 454

As for the intelligence agencies of various countries...I'm sorry, I don't like it very much.

Therefore, the rewards of the big turntable are not very important in Ryazan's eyes.

There is no yu, no demand, a buddhist youth, it is him.

Therefore, this job of the Metropolitan Police Department may stop at any time

Ryazan smiled slightly.

The time to get along with these colleagues is not short.

At the beginning, he only regarded these people as the background board of Conan World, NPCs for errands.

But with the contact, he slowly discovered that these people are actually quite interesting.

Although the ability to solve cases is a little weak, whether it is action, sense of justice, or various comprehensive qualities, they are actually very good.

At least, much better than the Japanese policeman who traveled through the world before him.

Seeing Ryazan's appearance, Shiratori showed a somewhat puzzled expression.

I don't know why... He suddenly felt that the man in front of him had a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

It's like leaving?

When this thought came up, Bird shook his head funny.

How could it be possible... This guy is the youngest search manager in history. He has a promising future. It is very likely that he will sit in the position of the Superintendent of Police in the future. How could he be away?

Even though he said that, he couldn't help but spring up in his heart

A trace of anxiety.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that Ryazan turned around and walked towards Mumu.

As soon as he reached Mumu's desk, Ryazan stopped.

Mumu looked at him suspiciously.

As everyone watched, Ryazan suddenly pinched his waist with his right hand and turned his upper body upside down, looking at the police behind him.

He put his left hand to his mouth: "Everyone! Let's have a roast rou tonight! I'll treat you!"

Searched the office of a lesson and was quiet for a second.

Then, bào let out a loud cheering.

From the roast rou shop, the sky was completely dark.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Ryazan did not drive off, and walked back slowly in the dark.

When passing by Gomachi Station, he stopped.

Not far away, Xiaolan and Conan walked side by side, both of them carrying large bags and small wraps in their hands, obviously they had just finished shopping and were going to go home.

Seeing Ryazan, Xiaolan was taken aback, then smiled: "Brother Ryazan!"

Ryazan hurried over: "How can a girl carry so many things? Come on, bring me!"

As he said, he reached out and took all the bags in Xiaolan's hand.

Conan stood on the side with a complicated expression.

Compared with someone who can smash concrete pillars with bare hands, he is the side who really needs care, right?!

This cop!

No... this guy is not a serious policeman at all, it should be said that he is a member of the crumb organization!

It doesn't seem right... Organization members are doing bad things... So, should they be members of the Jian organization?

Damn, how can I say it, and praise him!

Conan almost fell to the ground with the bag in his hand...

Chapter 39 Conan’s Confusion

After being taken away by Ryazan, Xiaolan was a little embarrassed and wanted to come back, but after all, creatures like angels can't deal with dogs. Ryazan fooled him into finding North after a few words.

"Thank you Ryazan." Xiaolan said politely.

Ryazan hummed a smile: "It is a gentleman's mission to protect ladies.

Seeing Ryazan being serious, Xiao Lan couldn't help but smile


At this moment, she noticed Conan next to her and walked over

"Conan, Ryazan helped me take the bag, let me take it for you

She stretched out Chuan's hand and took the bag in Conan's hand.

Conan showed a cute smile: "Well, thank Sister Xiaolan!"

Seeing this scene, Ryazan smacked his lips.

Dare to toss around on your own, and finally get cheap Conan this kid.

He walked to Xiaolan and asked for the bag in her hand, both soft and hard.

Seeing Ryazan carrying several bags in her hand, Xiaolan cried and laughed a little

No: "Brother Ryazan, it is inconvenient to carry so many bags by one person... or give me some."

"It's all right, don't worry about me." Ryazan said to Xiaolan.Then, turning his head, smiled and looked at Conan.

"Conan, I feel like I have been thinking of a lot of things recently, such as the identity of certain people... the identity of certain people.

"If you are too tired and can't control yourself, it seems like you're about to speak out..."


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