I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 455

Hearing Ryazan's words, Conan gasped.

People can't, at least they shouldn't!

Xiao Lan looked at the two strangely, not knowing what dumb riddle they were playing.

Conan looked at Ryazan in grief and anger for a few seconds, then ran to Ryazan quickly: "Brother Ryazan, give me two bags!"

"How can this be done! Conan, you are still young, so you can't let you do these tasks!" Ryazan raised his brows, righteously speaking.

Conan's forehead came out with a gritted smile: "Children should exercise more. Our teacher said, I haven't exercised enough recently, so I should pay more attention to it in weekdays!"

In order to prevent Ryazan from having any more sāo words, he directly stretched out his hand and grabbed two bags down.

Seeing Conan's appearance, Ryazan hesitated for a moment: "Well,

Since it is for your health, then I have to give you two


"Well, thank you brother Ryazan!" Conan raised a small face, full of


Xiaolan: "..."

It is obviously a very warm picture, but why does it feel that these two people can tear it up at any time?

After a while, the three of them came downstairs to the Maori detective office

Ryazan gave the bag to Xiao 3.

"Take it, the other ij is dropped." He said.

Xiao Lan smiled and nodded.

"Brother Ryazan, really takes care of others."

Hearing this, Ryazan was slightly taken aback.

Then, shook his head funny: "No way, life is forced."

At home, one is a female researcher who doesn't eat fireworks, and the other is a super female star who stretches out her hands and eats to open her mouth. If he doesn't learn the skills of taking care of people, how can he live in the future?

He waved to Xiaolan: "Go to bed early, I should go home to sleep too

Feeling gone."

After speaking, he turned around and walked slowly away.

Seeing Ryazan’s back, Xiaolan suddenly felt a sense of tension in her heart.


For a moment, she suddenly thought of Shinichi saying goodbye to her in a tropical park.

Ryazan at this time is just like the new one at that time.As if this time, I would never meet again.

Before the change, she might feel that this was just her own illusion.

But... after Shinichi’s disappearance, she was really scared of this intuition.

"Brother Ryazan!" she subconsciously said.

Ryazan stopped, turned around and looked at her strangely.

He put his hand in his pocket and tilted his head: "What's the matter?"

Looking at Ryazan, Xiaolan opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to speak.

What should I say?

When it was changed to a tropical park, she could also tell Xinyi not to leave

But... to put it here, it's a bit inappropriate.

What does it mean to tell Ryazan not to leave at home?Invite him to live in your own home?

Not to mention whether your hunch is true or false, if you say this truthfully, it will probably scare the other person directly.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan was a little bit dumbfounded.

She pursed her lips: "Brother Ryazan, be careful."

"Oh, don't worry, I haven't been robbed by anyone when I grow up." Ryazan smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Looking at the conversation between the two, Conan stood aside, a little confused.

Then, he suddenly remembered something, and put the bag in his hand on the ground: "Sister Xiaolan, I'll be back soon!"

Having said that, he hurriedly chased in the direction of Ryazan.

Xiao Lan originally wanted to stop, but with the bag in her hand, she finally had to let Conan go.

Conan sprinted upside down, sprinted all the way, ran half a street, and finally caught up with Ryazan.

"Brother Ryazan, wait for me!"

He gasped, stopped next to Ryazan, bent over to support his knees.

Ryazan glanced at him and stopped.

After taking a few breaths, Conan straightened up with a complicated expression: "Brother Ryazan, did you do the previous satellite crash?

Ryazan smiled slightly: "Why do you say that?"

Conan lowered his voice: "The doctor has a friend working at nazu,

He told me that the satellite crashed because a very powerful hacker hacked into the satellite's system... According to the doctor's friend, the level of this hacker far exceeds the world's top level, and many people even speculate that it is an alien technology."

"I think about it, it seems that there is only super ai, Noah's Ark!"

"At the beginning, at the press conference of Stem, Noah's Ark's request sounded nothing special, but afterwards, I thought about it carefully. His request was simply for you! You and Noah's Ark... should Did you know each other?"

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