Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 106

"In other words, killing outside of the situation where there is no clear rivalry and someone wants to kill you is not allowed."

After hearing what Natsume said, both the examiner and the candidates looked at Natsume in disbelief.

After a few seconds of silence, more than three hundred people instantly became excited.


"who do you think You Are!?"

"Don't think we are afraid of you! Something killed us all!"

Hearing the verbal abuse from everyone at this time, Natsume's expression remained unchanged, but he raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then took out the knife on his waist.

When Natsumi raised the sword, the faces of everyone couldn't help becoming afraid in an instant.

They know that even with the joint efforts of all of them, they may not be his opponents.

People who can cut a hundred miles with one sword, or those who have exceeded the scope of human beings, are not for them to offend!

"If you have to ask a reason, I can tell you." Looking at the people who became quiet at this time, Natsume couldn't help smiling and raised Toyako in his hand.

"Because I am strong enough, what I say is the rule." After the sword fell, it didn't shake the world as before.

But it was enough to arouse the fear in everyone's hearts, because they found that somehow, the clothes on their shoulders had cracks, and the hair on their heads had been cut off!

Even Hisoso and Ilmi are no exception!

"Do you have any doubts?" Natsume couldn't help but ask, looking at the people who no longer spoke at this time but looked at him with fear.

"Yo ha ha, of course we will abide by the rules set by the strong, but what if someone else violates this rule and wants to hurt me?"

Looking at Natsume at this time, Hisoso couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth and stood up.

"I will judge you, if your hands are really contaminated with other people's blood. If the judgment fails, I think everyone will understand the consequences."

"As for whether my judgment is fair or not, I don't want to explain it to you. You only need to know that I am strong enough to achieve what I said."

Natsume, holding a sword with his chest straight, smiled and looked at everyone.

"The judgment of the strong is naturally fair. I am happy to play this assessment game with you." After hearing what Natsumi said, Hisoso couldn't help but smile and play with the cards in his hand.

People who can tolerate any mistakes and help others unselfishly are called Virgins.

People who always forgive and forgive mistakes on behalf of others, but are hysterical when things come to themselves are called virgin bitches.

At the boundary between the two, Natsume calls it kindness.

But at the same time, if someone possesses good qualities such as kindness, they also possess incomparably powerful power.

Such people are generally called heroes!

At this time, Natsume wants to be such a hero!

"Well, well done. In this way, although there is no major change, at least things that disgust me during this exam shouldn't happen." Gabai sitting on the cat teacher and playing games. Ri couldn't help but praised Natsume with a thumbs up.

"Although Xiaojia, what you said makes me very happy, but if you can, when you praise me, can you remove your other hand from the mouse and watch me praise?" Natsume couldn't help but stared at Jia. Baili said.

"Oh? Why are you so greedy?" Gabriel couldn't help but said with an unhappy expression after hearing what Natsumi said.

Seeing Gabriel who was unhappy at this time, Natsume jumped directly onto Mr. Cat's body, and slashed her forehead with a blow knife.

"What I'm talking about is basic etiquette! Also, Xiaojia's reliance on this is just an exam, to give the examiner a face."

"Natsume dare to order me? Be careful I bite you!" Facing the voice of Xia Mei, Gabriel couldn't help but squinted at Natsume and said contemptuously.

Seeing Gabriel with an expression of "I love someone, I'm going to play a game anyway" at this time, Natsume sighed helplessly, and stopped paying attention to her.

The Shimeile Wetland is also known as the Fraudster's Basin, which is a very dangerous place for ordinary people.

But for Natsume and the others, there was no danger in this place.

So Natsume and the others came to the camp for the second exam in peace.

And during this journey, because of Natsumi's warning, neither Hisoso nor anyone else killed anyone.

Because of the dangers of the Miile Wetland, aware of the degree of danger here, after hesitating for a while, Kato finally chose to make a move, using magic directly to trap some people who would inevitably die in this place.

It is worth mentioning that after Natsume and the others descended into this world, their formative abilities were maintained in addition to their basic physical fitness.

All kinds of supernatural and mysterious powers have all turned into minds, traits of mind.

Just like Kato Megumi’s mind can be generally called a secret magician, there are restrictions when casting spells, or you must merge your mind into the shape of a staff before you can use mind as a pivot. .

Of course, mana is turned into thought, not all restrictions.There are also enhancements. For example, Tansheng Gu Senxia, ​​after a little activity, found that when he uses his own mind, he will greatly strengthen his physical fitness.

But even so, there are still some casualties on the road, after all, most people still have the attribute of death.

For these people, Gabriel basically ignored them.

Well, unless the goodness in their hearts and the whiteness of their souls occupy more than 80%, but obviously, in the entire examination room, there are fewer than ten people with such souls.

And these ten people all have access to the Shimiile Wetland.

Chapter 163 Hisoso and the Second Examination

There were roughly 160 people who successfully reached the second exam. At this time, everyone was waiting in front of the door enthusiastically for the news that Satz had passed the exam.

"I thought you were going to kill you desperately."

Looking at Hisoso who walked into the examination room with a smile at this time, Natsume couldn't help but speak.

"How come? I respect the words of the strongest." Hisoso smiled and looked at Natsume and said.

At this time, in his mind, he had slowly analyzed the character of Natsumi.

"As long as I don't do anything indiscriminately, you will definitely not attack me, right?" Hisoso smiled and looked at Natsume and said.

"Who knows, but thinking about it, actually killing you doesn't seem to do me much good." Natsume squinted at Hisoso and said.

After all, Hisoso can basically be regarded as a mainline character. As long as he does not kill him in the first place, then the power of the world will protect him one after another. In that case, even with the power of Natsume and the others, he wants to kill him. If you kill him, there is only about 80% chance.

"Don't worry, as long as it's under your eyelids, no matter how upset I am, I will restrain myself. After all, I don't want to die like some fools in vain~~" Hisuo blinked his eyes and looked. Said Natsume.

"I hope so."

Facing Hisoso's words, Natsume nodded irresponsibly and then turned and left.

Not long afterward, it was noon.

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