Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 107

Food hunters Menchi and Bukhara announced the rules of the examination. Bukhara's request is simple, just roast the whole pig.

For him, the limitation of this game is because the ingredients are relatively strong mad-nosed porcupines, so there is not much demand for the taste, so Natsume and the people passed the level very casually.

After all, there are no animals that can pose a threat to them in the Shimiile Wetland.

Soon, because there was no requirement for taste, more than 70 candidates passed after the first half of the second exam.

Because of its strength, the wild-nosed porcupine species attracted more than half of the unqualified candidates.

"The second half of the second exam..."

"What I want to eat is..."


After Men Qi announced her assessment goal, everyone in the room except Natsume and others were almost confused.

After all, sushi is only food in the island country, and the people present can be involved with the island country. Besides Natsume, only Hanzo is left, but Hanzo only knows what sushi is.

But to be honest, if Hanzo's character is seen by ninjas in other worlds, he must be cut to death. After all, he is too embarrassing.

For example, the Hattori in Gintama World...he seems even more embarrassed...

To put it another way, let’s say Naruto World...Hanzo should be finished with Naruto on collecting intelligence...

Cough cough cough, in another world, there seems to be a ninja in the world of One Piece, the one named Raizang.

However, Raizou's face and Hanzo's face appeared in Natsume's mind at the same time. After a while, Natsume extended a thumb to Hanzo.

"Be sure to be a qualified ninja!"

Hanzo: o((⊙﹏⊙))o, (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

"Speaking of which, for this assessment, Kuroneko, Kato will have an advantage, right?" Natsume said with a smile while looking at several people.

"Yes, but what you need for sushi is sea fish. There seems to be no ocean here, right?" After hearing Natsume's words, Kato Kee tilted his head and said in confusion.

"If you want to go to the ocean, it's easy to get there, but maybe there are other ingredients in the forest suitable for sushi." The black cat also dragged his chin.

Among the team, only Kuromao and Kato Megumi are the only ones who cook more delicious dishes. Tanshengya’s words are generally average, and Natsume’s words are barely better, but they are not delicious. Saiki Kusuo’s cooking skills are his Basically, you can give up. Gabriel can also give up directly.

Of course, this is just generally speaking, the way of making sushi is relatively simple after all.If Natsume and the others want to learn with their current abilities, it is estimated that they can learn in just a few attempts, so the few people are not very panicked.

"Ahahahahaha, surrender at the feet of my Queen of the Night Demon, as long as you choose to surrender, I can take you to pass this assessment very easily!" When everyone was about to go out to find ingredients, the black cat suddenly remembered Something said loudly to several people.

"Eh? Black cat, you..." Looking at the black cat with a queen-like appearance at this time, Natsume couldn't help touching the black cat's head strangely.

"I don't have a fever..."

"Quite Natsume, what are you thinking! I have a killer weapon for cooking!" The black cat suddenly took out a bag of rice from his space ring and said to several people.

"This is a one-hectare field, and only one ear of dreamy rice can be harvested. Eating one grain can feel like coming to the Pure Land of Bliss. I found this thing in the space and I was very interested, so I bought a lot! "The black cat said with a grin.

In fact, the root cause is roughly because Natsume no longer bothers the black cat when eating tablecloths.

This made the black cat who had been serving as the team chef a little irritable, and she didn't know where the irritability came from.

But this does not prevent her from choosing to use more delicious ingredients and dishes to conquer Natsume and their stomachs. She said that she will use her own cooking skills to let them know that the space and machine-made meals are inferior to her own craftsmanship. Far away!

"Eh heh, if I say it like this, I seem to have prepared some ingredients that I can use." After hearing the black cat's words, Kato Megumi also suddenly remembered something, and took it out of her space ring. The ingredients are puffer whales.

The puffer whale was originally a large cetacean. Later, due to the impact of the living environment, the body was pressured to be as large as a pufferfish, but the deliciousness was concentrated by the original taste of the whale. The food sold in the space has been detoxified and removed. The perfect ingredients that retain the taste.

In the space, the price of life and food is not high, or not high for the patrons.

After all, although they have all kinds of magical effects, for the patrons, their various functions are not important. All the patrons need is their deliciousness.

Of course, not all ingredients are like this. There are also super expensive ingredients in the reincarnation space, but generally speaking, except for those with related abilities, basically no one will exchange them.

The ingredients exchanged by Black Cat and Kato Megumi are all ingredients with a value in the middle and low grades of the space.

Chapter 164 Judgment x Arrival

With the combination of ingredients such as bliss rice and puffer whale, Natsume feels that even if his craft is bad, he should be able to pass this test.

After all, most of his team are resistant to eating spider eggs.

Although Gabriel is strong and reliable, it has nothing to do with insects. Although it is not as good as Vinnett who tears down the house because of cockroaches, it can also disappear without seeing those things.

Needless to say, Qi Mu Nanxiong, his power can be said to be very comprehensive and powerful, but he also has something he fears, that is, insects. Every time I see an insect, Qi Mu Nanxiong is basically panicked.

Black cat, Kato Megumi, and Tanshengtani showed disgust when they heard the term spider.

Therefore, as the captain, Natsume, after all kinds of thoughts, chose to pass this test once and not get any spider eggs.

"Xiaojia, you have to be careful, don't make the sushi too ugly, otherwise you will have to fish the spider eggs." Gabriel Natsume couldn't help but smile while looking at the decadent face who wanted to kill.

"No! I would rather fail the mission than do this kind of thing!" After hearing Xia Ming's words, Gabriel couldn't help but firmly said.

After hearing what Gabriel said, Qi Mu Nanxiong on the side also nodded firmly.

"So let's learn about Black Cat and Kato!!" After hearing Gabriel's words, Natsume couldn't help but say a little helplessly.

The sauces for making sushi are made with black cat and Kato. Strictly speaking, Natsume and the others can just simply knead the sushi.

Soon Natsume was the first to bring the sushi he made to Men Qi.

Because Natsume feels that the sushi made by Kato and Black Cat is foul level and delicious, if Monki eats it, the standard may be raised, so after discussing it, the order is decided, and Natsume is a group of novices who are not good at cooking. Let's get on stage first.

"Huh? I finally met someone who knows how to make sushi." At this time, Men Qi passed the various exotic foods in front of him and was suffocated. After seeing the sushi in Natsume's plate, he couldn't help but calmed down. Angrily, he picked up his chopsticks and tasted it.

For an instant, Men Qi felt as if she had been hit by an electric shock.

How can it be so delicious?

Obviously the technique of making sushi is very rough, but what is this unrivaled delicacy?

Because of the satisfaction that this kind of deliciousness brought, Men Qi felt that her thoughts had increased by a large amount, and her mood instantly became better.

"No. 406, qualified!"

Because of Men Qi's words, everyone looked at Natsume in an instant.

"is that a lie!"

"Not only is strong, but cooking is also delicious, this kind of person..."

In an instant, everyone started talking, and kept looking at Natsume and the others.

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