Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 120

But the scene reflected in his eyes at this time still made him feel a little trembling.

At this time, San Mao, a powerful hunting dog trained by the beating enemy and the Hakka family, was crawling under the feet of the intruder.At this time it seemed to be shaking and begging for mercy.

Wutong vowed that if Sanmao were defeated or beheaded, he would not have such a shock, but at this time, it was trembling and begging for mercy!

This is simply incredible!

"Although you are very loyal as a hunting dog, as a human being, I am still a bit unaccustomed to seeing a beast like you that uses humans as food." Looking at the cat crawling in my own or in my arms. Under the majesty of the teacher, Natsume frowned and said.

After all, from a human point of view, no matter what the reason, the phenomenon of animal cannibalism is hard to forgive.

Although it only eats those arrogant people who don't know the heights of the sky and want to step on the reputation of beating the enemy and the Hakka family.

"Teacher Kitty, how do you think about it?" Looking at Sanmao who was sobbing constantly at this time, Natsume couldn't help but asked Mr. Kitty in his arms.

"I don’t have the slightest opinion. You must know that there are monsters that eat people among monsters. In my life, both people who eat human beings and people who eat animals have seen countless times, standing in their respective races. From the standpoint, there is nothing wrong, but from the standpoint of the opponent’s race, there is something that cannot be forgiven."

Chapter 178 Awareness

Indeed, there is no real right and wrong in the world.

But as a human being, Natsume needs to consider issues from a human standpoint.

and so...

A soft sword fell.

A flash of cold light flashed, and San Mao was already beheaded.

Because San Mao's opportunity to play was almost exhausted, and Xiaojie and Qi Ya had also left at this time, so Xia Meijian was not blocked at all.

If Natsume wanted to kill Sanmao before Xiaojie, although he could definitely kill it with his power in the end, it would take a lot of time.It is impossible to be such an understatement.

"I will not try to exterminate all races that harm humans like a racist, but when I was born, I also need to stand on my own stand to do something. Although I will not deliberately eliminate these creatures, I will encounter such things If you do, you will also stretch out your hand to do something within your power."

Natsume said as he walked forward.

When passing by Sanmao's head, looking at its wide-open eyes, Xia Mu couldn't help sighing, and then slowly closed its eyes with strength.

"In the next life, if you can, I hope you can find a gentle and kind master."

It doesn’t matter how many times you take away the lives of your beings, you won’t get used to it...

Just as Natsume sighed, at this time in the hall of the Beaten Hakka clan, all the members of the Beaten Hakka clan who could come at this time had already gathered here because of the emergency assembly.

"It seems that our family has met an opponent this time." Xiba Beating the enemy could not help sighing. Although he thinks he can beat Sanmao with a shot, he definitely can't do such an understatement!

"I didn't expect that such a powerful person would appear in this world. This time I don't know if our family can come forward and defeat it." Even Jen Nuo couldn't help sighing.

"Is the great-grandfather's words also okay? Although I admit that he made a strong impression on me during the Hunter exam. But he won't let everyone be like this." Looking at the expressions of his father and grandfather, Yi Er couldn't help but feel a little confused. Said puzzledly.

"Perhaps, but you have to know that your great-grandfather is not as strong as before, and time has left some marks on him after all." After hearing what Ilmi said, Sheba couldn't help but sigh.

"Fortunately, my brother has already left. Even if we all died in the battle, the beating of the enemy and the Hakka family will not fall. I don't know how powerful my brother will become under the influence of hatred." Curt couldn't help smiling.

In the Beating Enemy Family, Qi Ya can be said to be the central existence, no matter who it is, no matter how emotional it is, but there is no doubt that Qi Ya is the next owner and hope of their family.

And at this time, when the family is facing a crisis of extinction, Qi Ya can be outside. This news is simply wonderful!

"Perhaps we have another way, right?" Looking at the few people who were so low at this time, Ilmi couldn't help but touch his chin and said to them.

After all, there is still one person in the Beat Enemy Hakka family. Although the pure strength is worse, its ability can be said to be one of the most powerful abilities in the world.

"Although Aluga's words are powerful, they are also very restrictive. If you want to pull out such a strong person, or even if it is not a restriction, none of us can afford that price." After hearing what Ilmi said, Sheba couldn't help but speak.

After all, Shiba, as the father, can be said to have a say in the affairs of Aluka.

"Anyway, our family can't show such an expression before the fight." Just when they had something to say, a thin old man couldn't help but appeared in front of them.

But it was at this time that the strongest man to beat the enemy, Maha Beat the enemy, Qi Ya's great-grandfather, the only person who fought with him was President Nitro who survived.

"The great-grandfather is very reasonable. Although it is a killer, what we are good at is not assassination, but head-on confrontation. If we don't fight, our family will have no meaning." Il fans also played with it. Said with the needle in his hand.

Seeing the appearance of the few people at this time, Xiba couldn't help showing a slight smile, and then whispered: "Indeed, we are beating the enemy."

"Now, let us meet this opponent. If we are not even afraid to fight, it is not bad to beat the enemy to the end today!"

Jen Nuo touched his chin and said with a smile.

As killers, especially those who dare to expose their residences, they have already foreseen today, or they know that as long as they are not strong enough, they will inevitably perish with their own family’s numerous crimes. .

But at the same time, they also use this opportunity to exercise and even oppress their own potential.

Because of such a sharp sword hanging over his head, people born in this family, under the oppression and training of this consciousness, even at a young age have powerful strength.

Just like Qi Ya, he has the strength above the commander of the ant army division in a short time after mastering Nian.

Another example is Curt, although his strength is at the bottom of the brigade, he has joined the phantom brigade after all!

It can be said that in terms of strength, in the Hunter World, beating the enemy and the Hakka family, the five sons are like dragons!

And just after Natsume stepped over Sanmao's corpse, he finally activated his circle.

After all, although they believe that beating an enemy guest will not run away, or if there is a teacher cat, even if they want to escape, they will not have a chance.

But when Natsume does things, he doesn't like to make simple things troublesome.

So when he decided to put the beating enemy family on the opposite side, Natsume decided to make a quick battle.

So he started his own circle in an instant.

If the ability to circle is based on the attributes in space, it is activated based on perception.

Only Natsume's perception and activation of Madoka, even if the king and Catwoman who are about to evolve again will not match Natsume!

Therefore, in an instant, Xia Mingyuan was already enveloped in the whole Withered Slaughter Mountain.

But at this moment, after perceiving the circle, the momentum of beating the enemy and the guest who had already made consciousness can not help but stop.

But it was just a meal.

After all, there was not much negative energy and killing intent in Xia Ming's mind, so they were not greatly affected.

At this time, for those who have already achieved death awareness, this kind of oppression is not enough to make them fear!

ps: Happy New Year's Eve to all the book friends, and I will give you an early greeting in advance.

ps: Cough cough, actually the author is only ten years old this year (manually subtract n), is there anyone who is willing to feed the adorable author?

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