Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 121

Chapter 179 Megumi Kato: Come on, how many people have forgotten me

As Madoka started, Natsume, after determining their location, brought the black cat to them at the fastest speed.

For them, this time is just like walking out of the house and coming to an empty square.

There are a total of ten people in the Beating Enemy and Hakka family. At this time, there are seven people here. Among the five children of Shiba, only Qiya and Aluka did not come. Those who were present were grandfather Maha and grandfather Zhennuo. , Father Sheba, mother Jiqiu, eldest brother Yiermi, second brother Miji, fifth brother Kot.

At this time the seven were standing side by side on the square outside the door, looking solemnly at Natsume and the black cat beside him.

"Your Excellency Natsume, I don't know how we offended your Excellency, to do this kind of thing." According to Ilmi's description of Natsume, Jeno knows that Natsume is not a person who pursues fame and fortune, let alone crusade against his family because of the so-called fame .

Therefore, it is difficult for Jeno to understand why Natsume and this unknown powerhouse come to trouble his family.

"I just want to be nosy." Natsume couldn't help smiling when he heard Jeno's words.

"Nosy?" After hearing what Xia Ming said, Jen Nuo couldn't help but asked a little strangely.

" can treat us as boring people with a sense of justice," Natsume replied with a smile.

"A sense of justice? That said, there are indeed such people in this world." After hearing what Xia Mei said, Jen Nuo couldn't help being silent for a long time before speaking.

They have heard the word justice countless times, and there are countless people who represent justice who came to crusade against their family.

But their words are all ignorant people who want to step on themselves in the name of justice.

But the young man in front of him said the word justice. For some reason, Jen Nuo believed that what he said was true.

That's why he has a lot of emotion.

Because in this world, people who came to crusade themselves just because of simple justice, and people with such a powerful strength, I am afraid that there are only these people in front of them.

"Natsume, leave the battle to me this time." Looking at the seven people standing in front of him at this time, the black cat said to Natsume after hesitating.

"Eh? Black cat?" Natsume asked with some confusion after hearing what the black cat said.

After hearing Natsumi's words, the black cat blushed, and then hesitated and said, "In fact, there was a time when I wanted to do something."

Yes, the black cat knows that everyone is working hard for a lot of things at this time, so he feels like he is traveling at this time, and he always feels a little embarrassed in his heart.

After all, Natsume's maintenance of them sometimes makes them feel a little embarrassed.

"That's the same. This time, let me play with Wugeng classmates. If Natsume needs a break, right?" When Natsume hesitated, he couldn't help but think of another familiar voice beside him.

In an instant, Natsumi's body stiffened.


If I remember correctly, this voice should be Kato's voice.

But according to the group, I should be in the same group as the black cat, and Kato...


Gabriel was in a group with Danshenggu, Qi Mu Nanxiong was in a group, and he was in a group with Black Cat...

"Um... Kato, if you bring this medal with you, we should be able to find you at any time. Why haven't we realized that you are by my side these days?"

Looking at Kato Megumi who was standing behind him at this time, the expressions of Natsume and Black Cat could not help becoming very embarrassed.

After all, this kind of thing is simply too helpless, and Natsume can be said to be shameless to see Kato at this time.

Forgotten her for so long...

"The medal also needs to be recharged. Because it is the first time to recharge, it took a long time." After hearing Natsume's words, Kato couldn't help but say calmly.

"Charging...? Xiaojia never said it..." Natsume couldn't help but said helplessly.

"Well, classmate Kuroko told me about this, so Xiaojia shouldn't know what Xiaojia said." After hearing what Natsume said, Kato couldn't help but replied plainly.

"So... Kato, have you been with us the past few days?" After hearing Kato Megumi's words, Natsume felt that he was a little bad, so he asked tremblingly.

"Yes, because the group did not consider my business, so I thought about it, this kind of thing should follow the captain by default, so I will follow you all the time." Kato Kee couldn't help but continue to calm down and seemed to be for An Xiame and The black cat's heart also showed a slight smile.

After watching Kato Megumi's smile at this time, the corners of Natsume's mouth began to twitch slightly.

"Kato... next time you encounter this situation, you can just attack me. It really makes people feel guilty." Natsume couldn't help but said helplessly.

"Teammates can't attack each other, so Natsume, your statement can't be established." After hearing Natsume's words, Kato Kee couldn't help but smile.


What about understanding?

If I speak with you, will I feel guilty unconsciously?

Sure enough, Baidu Baike is a lie!

Feeling the guilt that was slowly rising in her heart, Natsume couldn't help but vomit in her heart.

Even if Kato Megumi is concerned about one thing, this thing is a matter of his own sense of existence.

"Ahem, ah, Kato, let's talk about this later, let's solve the immediate matter first." Natsume coughed lightly and then pointed to several members of the Beating Enemy family who were waiting to fight him. .

In fact, everyone in the Beat Enemy Hakka family had many words in their hearts that mmp wanted to say to Natsume.

After all, they are a world-famous killer family anyway. Can you give some face and make us look a little heroic?

Before killing us, you still tried to talk about things, even though you are very powerful!But this is too pretentious!

Looking at Natsume, who was scratching his head and dared not look at him at this time, and the black cat who unnaturally put his head aside, Kato Kee couldn't help showing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, but it quickly disappeared.

After a while, the black cat finally sorted out his emotions and stood up.

Then he launched his own talent and became the Queen of the Night Demon!

For an instant, the few people who beat the Enemy Ke family suddenly felt a powerful dark force that was very repressive.

I thought it was just an ordinary little girl...

I didn't expect it, but I looked away...

At this time, such a sentence could not help appearing in the hearts of several people.

Chapter 180: Accidents and Choices

If Natsumi's mind appears to be moderate and peaceful, then the black cat's mind expresses extreme darkness.

Although this darkness has been tamed by people, it seems that there is no force more oppressive than it in terms of the oppressive power and deterrent power!

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