Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 122

"Um... if you are a child, let's go back first, after all, we also represent the so-called justice."

Seeing Curt holding the fan and confetti at this time, the black cat couldn't help but smile, and then her figure appeared behind Curt in an instant, and then controlled the intensity, knocked it out with a blow knife, and then black When the cat appeared again, he had already put Curt aside.

At this time, after seeing Kurt being knocked out without any resistance, Ilmi's expression beside Kurt could not help becoming gloomy.

At that moment, he felt as if his time had been frozen.

The whole time was stretched very long, or he had never imagined that just now, the time after the black cat shot would be so long!

Obviously she is not targeting herself!

Obviously he was only slightly affected.

But even so, he also felt that if the black cat had just shot, he would die!

At that moment, Yi Erfan suddenly realized that the power he had always been proud of seemed not worth mentioning!

"Although you can see the sins in your body, in order to appear fair and reasonable, let's judge you before you are judged." Looking at the few people who have gathered thoughts in their bodies at this time, they are ready to fight back. , The black cat could not help but said.

This is an excuse, an excuse for her to make up her mind to kill.

This excuse was given to Black Cat by Gabriel.

In this world, sometimes only killing can solve things, but as the main favorers, a large part of them are people of good character. Even under the subconscious action of the reincarnation space, they are instinctive about killing things. resist.

Therefore, the spell of detecting evil came into being. The function of this spell is very simple, allowing the caster to see the good and evil of the person in front of him clearly.

And show it through the balance.

When the day is flat, it means that the people in front of you are equal in good and evil, roughly the level of ordinary people.

But when one of them keeps tilting, it can already show whether the person in front of you is good or evil.

Eliminating evil means promoting good. Under the subconscious guidance of the words printed on the ornaments of each residence in Cloud City, after discovering the wicked, even if they show some aversion to killing, they will quickly Killer in pain.

After all, they know that in many cases, many people are harmed by some people's momentary weakness!

In an instant, under the power of the black cat, a balance slowly floated out of the heads of everyone in the Beating Enemy family.

One side of the balance is pure white, and the other is pure black.

And behind the balance, an eye emerged. The expression of this eye was extremely indifferent, as if it were a god above, ignoring the world.

Then the balance began to tilt up slowly.

However, what Natsume and Black Cat expected was that the balance was not tilted in the direction of evil as they wanted.

It is stored in the center, and even in the remaining six people, the balance of some people is constantly tilting in the direction of good!

"Black cat...I think you put the wrong spell." Looking at the balance on the head of everyone in the Enemy Ke family at this time, Natsume couldn't help but look at the black cat in a strange way.

"How could it be! How could I have misplaced it!" After hearing Natsumi's words, the black cat couldn't help flushing.

However, the situation at this time is too unbelievable. After all, is it a good person to beat the Enemy Hakka family who kills people like hemp?

This joke is not funny at all!

"But the killer family who can kill anyone just because of money are basically good people. This is too nonsense." After hearing the black cat's words, Natsume couldn't help but vomit.

After all, although in anime, beating the enemy and the few people are very pleasing characters, but in real life, according to the law, everyone will be shot at least hundreds of times!

"...How about I try it?" After hearing what Natsumi said, the black cat also felt that the result of his spell was too ridiculous, so he hesitated and said.

But just before the black cat used the spell again, Kato Kee had already shot.

The balance and eyes are still the same, but the angle of inclination has not changed at all, it is in the direction of good.

For a moment, Natsume began to wonder whether this was a protection for them by the rules of the world.

But after thinking about it for a while, Natsume shook his head. After all, although the rules of the world had an ignorant consciousness, he could never do such a smart thing.

Therefore it is absolutely impossible to do such a smart thing.

"Nah... Natsume, we can try other spells. I remember that there is a judgment spell that can fully show a person's sin and good deeds, but it will consume a lot of time and require their cooperation." He hesitated for a while and then spoke.

After hearing Kato's words, Natsume couldn't help turning around and looking at the few people who were waiting for him to beat the enemy.

"Um.. I want you to use a spell together. It is very important for you. If the judgment is passed, I will turn around and leave, but if the judgment fails, I will shoot directly. At the same time, if you are unwilling to cooperate. , I will also shoot directly."

"How? Can you tell me your choice?"

Natsume couldn't help but speak as he looked at the few people who looked a little at each other because of his words.

Although surprised and Natsumi's choice, if he can survive, of course it would be better.

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, Siba stood up and said, "I am willing to cooperate with you to release the spell."

As a father, son and even husband, Seba has the means and responsibility to put everything on his shoulders.

If what Natsume said is true, then if someone in their family passes the judgment, they can survive.

If what he said is false, then at the expense of himself, others will be able to understand its hypocrisy, and the carrier hatred will use its full strength to make a living!

Beat the enemy family, never fear death, but if it can continue and survive, who would really want to die!?

There are many things to be busy during the Chinese New Year, so the update may be unstable, but the author will try to stably update.

Chapter 181—Choice and Acceptance

Judgment skills do not require cooperation when facing ordinary people.

Only when facing the characters in the plot, the consent of the person being casted needs to be obtained, and it is precisely because of this restriction.

So the judgment made by this spell will never go wrong!

"Then, it's about to start." Looking at Sheba who was standing in front of her at this time, Kato Kee said without sadness or joy, looking at him blankly.

Then a huge shadow like a court slowly descended on everyone's side.

Then an image of a huge judge slowly emerged behind Sheba.

"Are you willing to put your sins and good deeds on this scale symbolizing justice to judge your sins?"

The voice is not loud, but it is full of majesty. It seems that at this moment, the world is responding to this voice.

Turning around, looking at the tall phantom in front of him at this time, Xiba nodded calmly and said, "I do!"

It’s not that Sheba believes that he is innocent. In fact, most people in the beating the enemy and the Hakka family know that if they are convicted by human law, then everyone in the family will be extremely guilty. , But even so, Sheba still stood here calmly, calmly cooperating with Kato Megumi's spell.

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