Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 123

Because after all, this is hope, a very few hope that is extremely dark.

Immediately after Shiba finished answering, Shiba's body suddenly appeared in the center of the balance, and then it was like a revolving lantern, and Shiba's actions slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Every time he kills a person, the crime will be divided into two parts, one part will drift to him, and the other part will appear on the client's body. In this way, Siba's total guilt seems to be reduced. .

And not only that, when Sheba killed many people, the scales that symbolized good began to slowly accumulate power.

Slowly, Natsume seemed to understand why he beat a few people in the Enemy Hakka family and suffered so little sin.

First of all, because it only serves as an executioner and tool, most of the sins are borne by the client.

Secondly, because most of the people in the Hunter World are sinful people, or that most of the people they kill are sinful people.After all, most of the people who asked to beat the enemy Hakka family were members of the gang, and the enemies of the gang were still people from the dark forces.

Therefore, for a long period of time, the blood contaminated in the hands of beating the enemy's Hakka family belonged to sinful people.

After all, in the Hunter World, the high-ranking ones will threaten others, and more than 90% are evil people!

And eliminating evil is to promote good, so after they kill these people, they will naturally add a touch of good to their bodies.

Therefore, in this case, when the judgment technique and the evil detection technique face several people, according to the judgment of the magic, the few people cannot be regarded as extremely sinful, and even the good and evil in their hearts are almost equal. Ordinary people.

In fact, this reason is easy to understand.

Just like if the world where everyone is sitting at this time is the world of the wanted order (Assassin Alliance), those assassins who kill people according to the destiny loom will also show their goodness when detected by this spell.(This refers to the original assassins who strictly followed the loom's orders.)

After all, for some people, killing him can save more people.

And those who have such thoughts in their hearts will receive the goodness of salvation.

Of course, the beating of the enemy and the Hakka family is only for money, as a tool, they will not get the powerful sins, nor will they get the great good deeds brought by the elimination of evil.

But even as a tool, it will be contaminated with evil and good, so after various calculations, the good is slightly greater than the evil in them.

After clarifying everything, Xia Mei's expression couldn't help but become a little embarrassed, but only a moment later, under the sign of Xia Mei, several people passed the judgment.

At this time Natsume can be said to be really sitting on wax.

After all, he had originally planned to come here with the idea of ​​eliminating evil.

But he suddenly discovered that the person he identified as the big boss was not as bad as he thought.

In this case, they are innocent according to the rules in the reincarnation space.

But if he is not guilty, Natsume is somewhat unacceptable. After all, it is not just the wicked who killed the enemy.

In the trial just now, there were also many good people and even good people.

Relying on the judgment of the reincarnation space, they should be acquitted, but if according to the laws of the real world, they should all be shot.

"How about redemption?" Looking at Natsume, who was in deep thought at this time, the black cat beside him hesitated and said.

"Atonement for the merits?" Natsume was startled, then looked at the black cat and said.

"On top of the application of mind, there is a power called restriction. We can let them use the power of restriction to use their power for good deeds. For example, let them only kill evil people in the future, and cannot accept killing good people. Mission, in normal life, do something good every day." The black cat couldn't help but drag his chin and said.

After hearing the black cat's words, Natsume couldn't help feeling his eyes light up.

Then Natsume thought about taking out his sword, but in an instant, the Withered Slaughter Mountain, which was more than three thousand meters high, instantly turned into two thousand meters, and was on a platform of two thousand meters. , But was neatly cut into quarters.

But after experiencing this kind of combat power, even the few people who beat the enemy and the guest could not help but become rushed, and only slowly stood firmly on the smooth platform after being ashamed.

"Her words, you should be clear. If the reasons follow her, then under our gaze, set constraints in your own heart, or choose to fight with me?"

In an instant, because of Xia Mei's words, several people in the Enemy Hakka family could not help but hesitate.

Surrendering like this is not the style of beating the enemy and the guest, but at the same time, they also know that the strength of Xia Mei who only destroyed the Dry Mountain in an instant has reached the point where they can't look up.

If you fight with him, you will definitely end in defeat.

"How about, did you make your own choice?"

Looking at the few people who fell silent at this time, Natsume couldn't help but continue to speak.

"Although we are a killer organization, we can barely count as a hunter. Therefore, if you can, we hope that after you knock us all down, we will follow your wishes and plant constraints in our hearts."

Chapter 182 The Battle and the End

As the beating enemy Hakka family, the most powerful killer organization among the dark forces.

The family of beating enemies has its own pride.

That's why Jen Nuo said this at this time.

And in the words of Xia Ming, facing the people standing in front of him who still want to maintain their pride at this time, he couldn't help but glance at the black cat who was eager to try at this time, so he nodded and said: "I respect your choice. , But at the same time, I also hope that you can understand that if you can, I hope you will not let down our trust. There are many powers to dispel thoughts, even in your home."

"But our words also remember your taste, and also have the ability to detect whether you obey our words, so if a good person is assassinated because of my reasons, I will destroy you even at the end of the world, and then Slowly make up for the mistakes you made."

Xia Ming's words made the people in front of him startled at this time, but Jen Nuo nodded and said: "As it should be, but we will not lose faith in beating the enemy."

"I hope so." Natsume couldn't help sighing, and then Kato Megumi slowly stepped back aside, leaving room for the beating enemy and the black cat.

"So offended! Dragon head drama!" A dragon-shaped Nian appeared from Jen Nuo's hand and violently attacked the place where the black cat was.

At the same time, the Illusion fan also shot a few needles in an instant, preparing to block the black cat's retreat. Xiba had jumped high, and the thought was condensed in his hands, ready to attack the black cat from the air.

But Maha's words stopped in place, seeming to observe the black cat's flaws.

To be honest, mindfulness is a very strange and powerful force.

If this kind of power satisfies the launch conditions, then strength or something seems to have little effect.

(So ​​far, as long as the power of mind is activated, unless you touch it or if there is a flaw to be broken, the other seems to be the power of the elimination of thoughts.)

Therefore, even if the strength of the black cat is far stronger than a few others, at this time, he still dare not underestimate the enemy.

After all, the black cat didn't want to try it on his own, if he was stabbed by an Irfan's round needle, would he be manipulated?

However, just as the black cat reached out to catch Ilmi’s steel needle, and jumped up to avoid the first round of the dragon’s head drama, he condensed his thoughts in the palm of his hand and prepared to have a head-on with Sheba. time.

The steel needle in her hand burst suddenly!

In an instant, a burst of smoke, toxins and even gunpowder and other weapons all showed their power.

"Although I look fat, it is definitely not a hindrance!" Mi Ji couldn't help laughing.

Although Mi Ji's strength seems a little weak compared to the other brothers, his hands-on ability can be said to be very strong as a technical house.

So long before he started, he quietly put a few of his special round head pins on Ilmi's body.

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